1964-11-04 r I { Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town or Queensbury . held :at . Queensb~ Public School Wednesday, Nov. 4, 1964 at 7:30 P.M. Presiding: Chairman. George Kushner Present: Cushing. Dean, Glass. Kirkpatrick, Norton Guests: Robertson, Hughes, Tis1nger 1. Minutes of last meeting were approved. 2. Tis1nger discussed a proposed developmeI1t Woodlawn Park off West Mountain Lane #13-6~. He has a Syracuse Dev- eloper interested in building 1+8 homes in the $l5.000 to &18.000 range. Will have usual restrictions and probably stricter. Lot is faû'ly flat. Cushing moved and Kirk- patrick seconded that we give preliminary approval. ' Carried. We asked for contours, lot and street s1zes. names of street & development and copy of restrictions· for final approval. 3. Hughes presented final for Brookv1ew 'Ac~~s tn-61+. Glass moved, Dean seconded that we give .final approval. Carried. 4. Next meet1ngþ Qucensbury School, Wed. Nov. ll, 1964. AdjoUl"ned J. Arthur Norton Secretary - j