5999 BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF QUEENSBURY No. 5999 WARREN COUNTY, NEW YORK PERMISSION is hereby granted to Gary $ervilio (San Souci) OWNER of property located at Cleverdale Road Street,Road or Ave. in the Town of Queensbury,To Construct or place a Sewage System for Restaurant at the above location in accordance to application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the Town of Queensbury Building and Zoning Ordinance. (D 1. OWNER'S Address is Star Route Glens Falls, N. Y. N• O 2. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Name Scott McLaughlin 3. CONTRACTOR or BUILDER'S Address R. D. #1 Lake George, N. Y. 4. ARCHITECT'S Name N Fi I 5. ARCHITECT'S Address :C1 O W 6. TYPE of Construction—(Please indicate by X) ( 1 Wood Frame ( 1 Masonry ( )Steel ( 1 7. PLANS and Specifications U] 1000 gallon concrete tank, dist. box, 200 ft. tile field No. and #3 stone per application submitted 4 cD 8. Proposed Use Sewage System for Restaurant $ 5. 00 PERMIT FEE PAID —THIS PERMIT EXPIRES Nov. 1 19 79 (If a longer period is required an application for an extension must be made to the Building and Zoning inspector of the town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) fD Dated at the Town of Queensbury this 30th Day of July 19 79 to ri- 0 SIGNED BY /'� • / '�' for the Town of Queensbury 0 Build and Zoning Inspector rf rt TO T ?UR I "ft 4 <-‘eZ fe.r_ lent • 13 A.M. MINPPIIA ?"-t. V.-,11 , <4ecaeLle--1 .- 64r y 5te24-- 1,1 /i.e A .0, Bey/92_, ‘r) „ . e7A P.PA(IT (11.1/4)FP? VP'S OR NO TOPOCIPAPHY , 1'I I t•If% VNrLVST,OPF OTffFP TT RP rtiN , L04 , or rrr: r P70ri,4T (4.4 TrPr 'AIR : PLY PI!rtki Ir IP'AL , OITTR 5„94,, S'gric-?/ ti I frz. —5) a 1714 cA('‘- - - C ( )Wel 4E-3<5>411-e _ . P "1-1:1!' 7'1"r C`r"Tr'"' nr rtdM .75,PP A P P ROW/ t'tt(IF° DISPOSAL C It/ TIPS WILL P1mAPF 0WCOPOP.No! 7/2-7/77 3eft 1,1c 1-a it 5 11 t CdY)Tr / i flu. e.v.c...c.)(z.os 1•4 -rwE. WA t.4 C.-00 m TY c(s..1214.'s lov.ic.c_o comyt..iioQ is,sc%19-ptii,-Ttoi.l. -rPk‘s 1-or IP• V340 4140 WANT PFSCe..113E.0 As. A80‘17- 45 Fe- ,T , Ceti: A l...4—cc.ak "P•c.00 057c.) 1-3Aso X. Q.). sZ. C4oc..KEA AND cit.. .s>, pcscv•Alsec, --"Crkk 5 Lo'V I' . WC, CA omo-c- 'Po A PI' REcogPF..c, , Sq8STAtaTIA1rE. -Thi I S APS) TA Ke "Tt•ItS rAEAPS -rti I.P.F• o of• VV, Pol-E.P AR.E.A. _ __..... _ .. _ R00.5e . _ 301.1A-rAIP.0 4. i • /' e , • • i /I 'S. 45.53' OCI''"C•t L„ .1. '25'83./, 30••_ F(2-kt4'4' (k• C-At.'a\.14t.t5, .)+Z.,, 0 ir?r o• • . \ , 4 L. . --____..... ---.* 14.• . In V: 0 oi e/CZ i)I .p A '',', • .. :„ -1 k\c. 34' .3...t.•E • LeF. V- -.. 4, i 69/8 ' 0 I6) • o 't %-1 In , r- ele - •cfr , t si-• Y vc-• ' , < U . re) . t3i..):), . 13 Pt • r,ij • PQ z • La , e i.r.s. /1, 202. l'7 a v . ' 1-11 / A1•8G- 14, ..4 a i•es U i 33.5-5 i . 1 ! . . Lic.TTI ..1,)abc t3coas-r• . .. . , ... • , . . 1 1 i . _ • I3-Z- 2, ___ k _ _ ''`• , •-•.* 77,„ ,,,`" „.. %