1965-02-03 ¡ :r ¡ ;, r l. Nee tL.'1.g 0'£ the Plani11ng Baud ot the Town of QueeR.bury he» at QUé.-bury Pt.bl1c Schøol Weðneeð.,-. Feb. 3. 196~ at ,. 30 P. M. Pres1ð1n¡ a Present: Absent: Guests: 1. 2. 3. It. ~. 6. Cha.1rroant GeorgeJ. Kushner Dean, Kirkpatrick. Sinnott Cushing. G1aøs T1singer. Wheeler. Slover. Van'Dusen. Tom Shea of the Post-Star. M1nutes at last meet1na WM approved. Received letter of 1tes'.pAt1œ from J'aclc Glasa. Secret&r1 1nstruoted to send a letter at appreciation to Jack 01488. Kuehner reported·..,t a ao.11 study will be Mde of the fown of QueensbU17 bJ' tbe WaneD. CøuntJ' SoU Cor1.....t1on Diatr1ot. The7 ~ 11lœ to have a meeUDI w1th u Thursdq, "eb. 18 at 8.00 at the Warren Cøonty'OeDter. T181naer preSflDteð WoodJAM1 Pal'k.IU-6If.. We .... tor lot sl::J. street end aeve10pDent n... befœe .... oftJ4 11ve t apprOYal. Wbeeler......n.ct· Co11tae GNeD. I1.-6S wi. S1o'Nr. hi. ~~an4w1~-=~ =-=~ 100' x: 100' lots 08Q. 'be .._s,!Wd 1d.t.11 . oa . . ...... Plant. WheelU .d:eð tor a letter to be "t to',~ to this eftect. Wheeler a1d bøWIu would be in ':16.000 - $20.000 price r&Q&e. . Next -Uac. Que8Q8'bury Sohool. Wed. Huob 3. 1965. Ad3oamec1 J. ArtbUr lIorton Sec1'etU7