1965-04-21 , He(3t:l.;lg of ¡;he Planning :30aI:d of>, the Town c,r Queens1Ju:r~r held at Queensbnr:r Publ1c School WednesdÐYl' Apr1:l 21.. 196, at 7.30 P. M. Presiding r Kushner Present. CUshing, Dean, Kirkpatrick" Laakso, Sinnott Absen t: None Guests: Robertson 1. M1nutés of last meeting wra appraYed. 2. WeJ.comed }-!r. Ol1ver Laakso of 2 Buena Vista Avenue. President of Kamyr, Ino.as our new member to replaoe Jack Glass. J. Discussed Town Oftice. Building Site. Kushner 8tdd .we haVe 3 choices: a) - Duok the issue. ¡, b)- Unofficial Rec~ridation or c)- Reconu:nenð strongly. Was decided to give strong recommendation 1t we could agree. Reviewed Sorrentino~~s recommendation for tile Bay Road site, a.nd -the reasons tor his decis1on. Robertson'tiaS asked for an opinion as to what the TO\ffi Board wanted from the building. He felt the fOllowing were some of their thoughts: a) - Centraliæ t10n of officials so thé public could be better served . b)- Provide a place for the court and 3UGtlces c)~ Provides place tor official meetings and small group meet1ngs . d)- Provide a better pubJJ.o itnage. ·:ßr:.- . Laakso .tel t the Town Ofr1oe Bu11ë11ng would a ttrac t offioes and cOInIQera1al development. ).1r.;,:!tushner feels that the Bay Road site is nearer the n.orthern limit of development while Aviation Road site 1s near the center of the present development. He felt geographic canter is not as important as the popula t10n center. '- '- ~ollO~U.. t~~ .¥i'~ to~si"te:Fæf.'ereQCe·- CUS~i. ~Bay .~~:; Ðean .,. .Bi1Y Road JJ'U"~trick ~ ~y Ro$'f;:. ({us1neJ' .~ AVi.&tl.QA Road; la.sa·,-.: ~~þaiiied;;~o;t~ - Bay Road ~ Sinmt ... Say rid. : :~". ~ ;-: ~~ ',: :1.,~ ~~: ~-~ _ _~~__4' '~'l '-':.'f~.:~:':· DizcU:3S~6. reasrus for choice tó bé-¡:f...Vell To1lÞ 9c3X'd. Norton prcssn·t~d Tising~~.~~fiJ~~co~11e.wn Park:S\)~,t~gA.¡ t/13-64·. Dean made a Do'tion to give 12.1'lal app:;?o~a~) cnsl1!ff~ ~seccnded, :q~j.~º:f .' .. No:rto..'1. I'se.d copies of sev;aJ;¡:l' lett~r3 ree'aived__trD;l . }lIre. Webster. £.) _ á let'tGI' o:er~r1ng town' 5 ta tiQna..""Y to al~·:'t. depPJ.!"t-· ~tt9n~".., ~. . ·b)_.a..-l&~t~ ..to.~~cæ.Wa¡lac;a~o~.\ß'¡~~~.·Jall.$ of~er1ng to . -'~.'.."..".'.'. ..·.~....~_·....~".'~.--.:~é..:.~. .~.fl€{-'q_.-r:~.ç;..: ~.i·.·ll Park-Coles WOOds rór'p"ã"rIru'š~ -" .-\ ...........~. .~:. ;.....0:..... ~.T . . ..... ,.-c*, ;··ë.CO. c'. . .,. c)." 'a ·.le~}:J~p~~ì~Al£2qc~~~~J..·pf:::ç~a Glens :Falls Plan- ning Böaxã of1"è¡:02ng 1:ö è'lean,mId'~·bèauti.fy the -to"m ow-nod MCllUIIJent ~.fran~. oLJ;aelnSt7.rance C.ompan:¡ Bu11d- . .' ,~ , ¥lg. ã)- Lettars' reg"ãÎ'dllig- tlie .s-ta~ùs" of"~tat3r servic& on West- làn~ Bectiogg~~:f! ~:~.~i_~..ger I S Davelopment and Hughes"- ¡JrOOkvJ.G1~ Acres. ...., . . . 6. ·Next:¡·~êt~~3~ QtiêeríSbùrÿ'SéhcOr~""Weatlé~åy ikiY ,.. 1965. /..-:''''.. AdjotiL~.t;q.i.:,. . ~ '.~~. ·...~..n thm.· 7> Norton. , ..... aec*ë1;ary ., (+. ,J "' ..~ .