1965-05-19 ri'~¡ :s t:l.ng Presiding: Present: Guesta:: 1. 2. 30 4" ,. 60 7", 8.. 90 100 ! of 'tl'.';:: i(:.:;lUD.E2 Boa:;:'.::! of t11e 9:C1iID of' ~;.nGens~~:x[·)· hold at QTIeensbury Public Schaol Wcdnesd~!.Y1f May 19, 1965 at ,/:30 p" H. Chairman, Georlt6 J. KUSfu""lCr CUshing. Dean~ Kirkpatrick, Laakso, Sinnott Tryon M1nutGS of !as t meeting were approved 8 Kushner read from lette:r trom Mr. H~rnas.t Vice Pre!~1dent of the New York State F!3àeration or Official Plann:tng Organizations inviting ~lS to join at a cost of $25..000 Dean made a motion that we join and appropriate $25.00. seconded by Cushing, ca:rried. Received Resolution by the Town Board to change Forest Lane in Morgan's Land O'P1ne3 #ll-~ to Forest Road. Received 2esoltuions by the Town Board authorizing Public. hee.r:l.ng and. a PE!l'mi t fo:r' mobile h!)mes (.) Kushner will check on tl'.e location elt ß Transcient TJ:,ailer Court. located on Aviation Road", D1sct!.5s00 l'lestland Sect:Lon Il"}! f¡~16-Q+. Have copy ():f' letter from Codner tel l1w.1-1'lix approving s·treet layout" Ellsworth will fill hollow on O\/c:.1 ¡\Ve to Codner9 requi:.remen ts. Received Twicwood #12-0t. Cushing fik~e a motion to give preliminary approval, Kirkpatrick~ seconded, carrle.dø Lafltso reVie\ieð 1118 pIal1s for an adjacent developnK~nt and Nortcm 'Hill discu.ss aCC'3SS accross Laæ!so' s for ~~!:i.cwood with Jol~~ Vmli)Usên. D:1.£cus$cd Reid.. Rolling Ridge Estates Section #3tJ 115-65. SipJlctt l~~e ß motion to give preliminary approvalf Laakso seconded:! carried. We ';iould like 1)1&"1. of entire holdings & 1nfo:t'ma·tj~on on playgroUi.ld conside1'at:tonse . NOI'ton brought up the proposed county rebuilding 01' Bay Ro&d and possibility of our suggesting a rede3ign to savo as m&ny trees as possibleo Laakso sug~ested we recommend a boulc;vaî:'c1 (divided h.1gh;.¡ay) road.. He off'ered to take us up in his plane at 11-:00 P..T'1. May 20 'to sea this from the air. \ve 'w-lll then give our s"Ugge5 tio!ls to the Town Board. Revieweè the slides fro..n Candeub9 11'1eissigs Adley Associates of the maps we saw at our last 701 Neating" Next meeting. Queensbur;f School. t~ednesðay 21 June 2~ 1965", Adjou.rneã J" Arthur Norton Secretary