1965-06-02 ,- ~~ l -,", Neeting of' tÌ.le l [? h Presiding: Present: Guests: 1. 2. 30 !t. '8 6. 70 Pla..rming Board 01' the Towa of Queensbu.ry held at Queensbury Public School Wednesday. June 2. 1965 at 7:30 PQ Mo Chairman. George J. Kushner Cushings Deans Kirkpatrick" Laakso~ Sinnott Van Dusan. W'ebster. Mcllvane of "the Post-St8r Minutes of last meeting were approved~ Recaived letters on 'W'ater and streGts for \I/estland Section #9. #l6-6lt. Dean. made a motion to give fineJ approval. Cushing seconded" carriedo Mrs. Arberger a.ppeare·d 1'e: developlllE!nt #11;..64. Nor''t-;on made a motion to give preliminary approval subject tc entire development le~out and project name; ~{SO seconded. carried. Lester appeared; re= 111.s subdivision off l<lest Mounta5n. Road #8-61+. Tabled for review by Dean &.'1.d Kirkpatridtg Adjourned until after 701 Program. reconvenede Discussed Bay Road pl'oposa1 for redesigno Nortc~n an{ Laakso repol..ted on progress. We feel the concept of a divided highway should be proposed as being in line ~,7i tt, our preliminary planning It Try to get the concept a_pp:rcvetì by the county. Perh(tps gert 2 lanes now a:.1.d pUblic s<::nt... iment may encourage the complete jobs Laakso will be:. seeing Webs tel' tomorrow and 1dll talk f.urther wi. th h:Lmo Next meetings Queensbury School~ l4ednesday~ June l6~ 1965.. Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary "