1965-06-02 (2) . Meeting 1jB o.f tl'lQ 701 pro&;ram . Towne! 'QU9cmS~ Planning BQard . , Que~nsb-ì.1!7 Públ~c Schools ... Wednesdq..JtmEf 2. 196, at8:00'P. M. " Pres1ð1n¡' Cha.1rman, George J. Kushn6J;" Pr<3sentf: Ctlsh1ng. Dean; Kirkpatrick. LaakSO~1 Sinnott ~ ,.. Guests: . Sorrentino. Tryon, IIekler. Webster, McIlvaine .:')1: the Post Star. 1. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved: . 2. . Sarron.tine presented so1l study prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Agricul turo Soil Conservation Service through the Warren County Soil Conservation D:lstr1ct. The Secretary is to write a letter of thanks for this study. . 3. We are now ready ·to study the tr~nds ot the Future PXi:>blems with aU%'. prèsent condit;1ons. Set-up Stande.rds for future development. and defino the objectives of our tcnm. If.. Sorrentino prsnoo.teð overlays of important items oove:,:-cd on the previous maps. ,. A drawing otthe Roads of our :Region "showed possible addi t- '1åulroads to s~e our town better. . a. A collector roaél be tween .Wes·'\¡ Mountain Road and t'lEJ eàge o£ the city. following Var;.~Dusen Road.. Potte:~ ¡,Road and tJ.r1ng to Røunð Lake Road. . . b. Ii connection b~twGen Qualçer Road and Route tP+ acrr)zs ,T~~·"i)f ~1ngsbut7 tying into a proposed road frorr Town of t:Fert Eðward. c. ,. connectiòn fròm :£í'arm to Market Road ·to West Mou,ltain Road. 6. D1scWased the¡) problem at Àv1at1on. Qualter. and Route :) in tersec t1on. 7. Discusséda Rot';gh Land Useøverlay. 8., Presented'sugg(;,stad rof.¡,d standards. '" 11: . .. 9. 10. Discussed . the:pogci1J~.1:U;y· Qi' setting a~;j~àe on. our #Jf'f'iciall'oa.d.ma.p thcp:;~o1fased ;rç¡að.s. This would allo'{rl : US, ,:to usa ';¡\ll' subdivis:;ton regula 'Gions ' ·tow&rd gett1ng>thGS6 .road.s. This.wÒu1d Clbligate the to\:1Il .. tob~irig the rignt of '.'faY-within 3 t;o 5 :;rears but would set it &side wh11e still 'Vacant.lan(1. The roaD should be eng:1.neered so the' owner would k~1oW' where J"";.<9 is at. ". , ',: l'Jextroo~t:l.ng~ Que~~Slr:;1";fSohQÐ1~ 14eclnesday ~.J),~e 16 &;."t 8roo P.~1. " J. Arthm: No:rtm1 Secretary ,'. i. "Y" , "., 4 . ,'. .' .. '_.~ . .~~ ~ ~. c' .. .. .~,. < ~ '." .~ , . . . . . . . .' .. .. . ~ . '"