1965-06-16 --... l, \:~ Meeting of tKe Planning Board ot held at Queensbury PUbl1cSchool Wednesday, June 16. 196, at 7:30 P. M. I ,J '''-r the Town of Queensbury Presiding I Chairman. George J. Kushner Pr8sentl Cushing, Dean. Kirkpatrick, SiIUlott. Absent: Laakso Guests: Robertson. McIlvane ot the Post-Star 1. Minutes of last meeting were approved. 2. Lester appeared for his development #8-6lt. He said he had approached Bronk as to connecting their roads and he wouldn't talk on it. Kirkpatrick made a motion to give preliminary approval, Dean seoonded! carried. 3. Kushner had received Laakso Orchard Park Development #5-61t Norton and Cushing are to. visit tho site. .... Next meeting. Queensbury School. Wednesday.. July 7.. 1965. Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary