1965-06-16 (2) ! Prësid1ng: Present: Absent: Guests. 1. 2. 3'; It-. s. 6. 7. Meet+ng #6 of the 701 Program Town of Queens'bury Plann1ng Board Queensbury Public Schools. Wednesday, . June 16, 196, ·at 8:00P. M. Cha1rman, George J. Kuahner Cush1ng~ Dean. Kirkpatrick. Sinnott Laakso . Sorrentino, Itekler.' Webster, Robert$on , Mcnvaine ot the Post star. Minutes or the previous møet1ng were approved. Sorrentino presented a concept plan or land use~ He suggests service roads along the Northway. Using streams as greén"t!&reas. Using S;reen aDeM as buffers between res1- dent1aland comm.e:rc1al or industrial areaslp Sugcesting hold- ing some areas as a land reserve -,·'perhaps by restr1ctin¡ to m1nimwn of S acre plots so that other areas w1J.l be de'feloped first. . Sorrentino presented a suggested urban area at intersection or Bay. Hav11anð and BJ..1nd Rock Roads. This rd.ght 1n91uðe school, shopp1n¡. apa.r~t.s. 2 to 3 story buildings as wen as the town offices âr1d college. We felt he shoU1a study this further. Dean mac1e a Ø1ot1ori to accept the proposal road concept pre- sented at our last maet1ng. Cushing. secondeð, carried. D1scu8sed the Bay Road mall proposal. The ToWn Board has asked Webster to 'present t1)1s to the County Highway Depart- ment. Hè understands they are developing 2 proposals with mana to bW presenteð to the County Boarð o£ Supervisors this rt-1day . Concern was expressed overprovid1ng for low cost hous1n¡ in our town. Neat meeting, Queensb'tWY School. Wednesday, July 7. at 8:00P.M, J. Arthur Norton Secretary