1965-07-07 Heet1n¡ of the PlanD1ng Board of the Town of Queensbury held at Queens'bUr;y Publ1c SChool Wednesday. J1113" 7. 1965 at 7130 P. M. Ptteø1d1b.¡ I Present. Absent. Guests. Cba1rman.t Qeor¡e J. Kushner Cush1:na. Dean. Kùkpatr1ck. S1nn.ott Laakso Robertson. McI1vane of the P08t-8tar 1. M1nutes ot . last meeting were approved. 2. Harm presented 16-6, Ra1nbow Ridge. Be 18 pl.",,1.n¡ to develOp &:::_11 to supplytb1s project. We felt the ¡aneral le\Yout wassatisf'actory. He w1U develop th1s further . 3. Van Dusen presented Arbergers Development 11lt-6It. w. will st'udy this. 4. Cus~ matle a mot1on to live final approval to Tw1c Wood #12-61f:J Kirkpatrick seconded. carr1ed. , . Adjourned tor 701 Pt'O¡r&m and reconv1ened. 6. Sinnott maðe a motion to give final approval to wtere Development 18-611-. Cush1n¡ seconded. carrled. 7. Discussed Laakso' s 01'cbard Park #5-9+. Tabled tor d1s- cussion with Laakso. 8. Next meeting, Queensbury' School. WednesdQ' Au¡ut &¡.. 1965. Adjoumêd J. .utbur Bortan Secret&17