1965-07-07 (2) Meeting #10 of the 701 Program Town of Queensbury PJ.ann.1n¡ Board Queensbury Public Schools WGðnesday. July 7 . 196, at 8 aOO P. M. \ Pres1ð1n¡1 Present' Absentt Guests: Cba1rman. Qeorge J. Kushner Cusb1ng. Dean. IC1rkpatr1ck. S1nnott Laakso Sorrent1no. Bolan4 Zaadee of CandER1b. Fle1ss1ea AdleY' Assoc1at1cn. Hek1AÞr. Webster. Robertson. McIlvaine of the Post Star. - 1. Minutes of the prev10us meet1ng were approved. 2. Sor.rent1no discussed a react meet1ng 111 th Mr. Webstezt, Mr. Kes tner and State h1¡hway personnel. a) . The State plana to rebu:Uð route 19 into a it- lane d1v14eð b1¡!1vay w1 th intersection improvements. b) 0 The Route It By-pasa may not slt1rt the urban areas 0: South Glens Palls, Port Eélwarð & Hudson Fans. e). The State feels the need of a more 1raportant road trom the Northway'to Vermont then Quaker Roa4 or Route llt9. This m1¡ht mean improvement of Route llt9 or l"e~oat1on of tb1a road. 3. Rev1eweð the Commun1ty Facil1t1es Report. a)o School tacil1teslposslb1e future 1ocat1on of an elementary school for Queenabury' School d1str1Ct. Sorrent1no suggestea u poss1b111t1es the use at the present site, _ and Blind Rock Roat area. Westem Park Area. We discussed the Western Park locat1c:ln as an area lacking community tac1l:Lt1es. an aNa with a conoentrat1on of population. and the use of the school a8 a community center.- This m1ght live the people of tb1a area a greater civic pr1de or a ieeUna of being segregated from the rest at the commun1tyo b) . Recreation Fac1l1 ties I Discussed the possible use of the Ci ty watershed and reservoir area tor recreat1on. Possi- bility of a public beach for town res1ðents use v1th locat- ions ·em Glen Lake. or Big _ area of the BudSOIl River when and if the river is cleaned up. Feel1nc tor regional use parks 1n w] kin¡ or b11œ distance. ~~,~ , -2- July l4. 1965 c). L1brar1esI D1scuaseð possibil1ty at locat1ng a branch 1n the town near Queensbury' School. «1). Fire Protect1on - D1ac118sed problem o~ boundaries of Town Volunteer Co.'s and poss1bil1ty of a joint caum1ttee"of ;these Companies. Possible site for Central Queensbury 'µe \';ô. would be the Aviation Boad site for Town O1'f1ce Bu1JA1n¡. e). Pol1ce Protection - We should have a permanent statt. t). Highway Maintenance - Problem of new site tor town h1ghwayo g). Refuse D1sposal - Possib1l1ty of town collecting refuse. h). Water Supply - Problem of area not :In a water ã1str1ct buy1r:lg tram Glens Falls or Hudson Falls - who duns and maintains the mains and now add new users. Town look1ng into possible wen supply from Hudson River to npply West Glens Falls and BroadacresAreas and land between. 1). Rev1ewed Sewers. Public Ut1lities. Public Bu1ld1ngs. and Came- tar1es. ',,': ... 4. D1scussed providing tor low cost housing and hous1ng for the aced 1n the town" 5. D1ecussed the Bay Road Rebu1ld1n&. The state 18 reclassU~11D& , state roads as to usefulness and problem of 2 state roads parallel- in¡ looat1on and useo Shou1A:1 be ðcne 1n 1-1/2 years. Quaker Road may not become a state road because at th1s. 6. Next meet1n¡. Queensbu:ry School. Wednesday. A'OgUSt 4, 1965 at 8.00 P.M. ¡" Art.b.ur Nortca Secretary "