Meeting 01' the Planning Board of' the Town.\ of Queensbury
held at
Queensbury Public School
Wednesday, August 8. 1965 at 7:30 P. M.
Acting Chairman._ Norton
Cushing. Deans Laakso. S1nnott
Kirkpatrick. Kushner
Codner. Webster. McIlvane of the Post-Stair.
Ellingsworth and Prime f.or Ie~ue ot Women Voters.
1. Minutes ot last lIléet1ng were .approved.
2. Eastwood presented #7-6; Bl1ndRock Road Estates.
PJ,"DPOS1ng 1800 sq. t,t.· exca.Miv8 of garage. Su¡:gesting
a turnaround or a tee to the property lines. We expressed
apref'erence tor the tee. Cushing and Sinnott will visit
the site"
3. Merrill tor Griffin Ia1mber Co. presented #8-6;. Ames Place
off Grant Avenue Extentiono Town has accepted Ames Place
but is not developed.. All the adjacent owners but one are
agreeable to have this relocated so that lots can be lo-
cated on both sides at the street" We e~ressed our agree-
ment as long as no legal or Health Department ob jec tions.
Dean will via! t the' site.
It-. VanDusen presented Illt-61+ Arbergers RlveXOV1ew" Dean made
a motion to give final approval. Cushing seconded. The
height of the existing building from the water was quest-
ioned. As only one lot on the water is not sold we felt
we could do notM.ng" Carried.
,. Davidson of Rist-Frost Associates p:r,-esented Laakso #5--6»+
Old Orchard. Discussed right-of-way to Country Club Road"
The existing Gage R-O-W is 8' wide" Town can take land to
make this 50' but is responsible for damage. Horton made a
motion to give final approval. S1nnott seconded. Carried.
6. Bob Dean anno1mced he 1s being transferred. We e:xt)ressed
our regret at his leaving.
7. Adjourned for 701 Program and reconviened.
as Chairman.
8. Kushner read letter from Planners Collaborative the State
Planners for the Lake Champlain-Lake George requesting in--
formation on our board. The secretary will get this infor-
ma t1ono
.I August lls 1965
9. Received letter for Reids #,-65 giving names for two
streets. Felt that Westview Lane was similar to other
streets and he should pick another name and get us the
7 copies tor final approval. It was felt he should present
an overall development plan with his next Section.
10. Received Warren County Resolution to develop an area along
the west of the North-South Runway ot the airport tor
private hangers.
ll. Received map of County proposed highway improvement of
Parklap-Wes tmount Road.
12. The Secretary was authorlæd to obtain a tile, cabinet tor
the Boards use to be located in the school library.
13. Next meeting. Queensbury School. Wednesday. September l. 196;
Ad j ou:rned
J. Arthur Norton