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'I'OWD. ;;)"1.' Q,Ueen¡31:n3.1:y· :Pla:.m.Ü.ng Boa::d
Q.uecnsbu;r::r Pul>lic Schools
¡rodnesday, Augu.at 269 1965 ~,t 7: 00 P. Mo
1"ret'J1dj.ng: Cha:trman, 'George J. KU8hr~er
Present: Cushing, Kirkpatrick, Sinnot
Absent: Dean, Laê~kso.
Gueøts& Non~
1.. Q.uestiçned the ty.~,e of I~o:mmef."cial de."elopment in the pro:poßeh~.
Ba.y, Hs;vila:nd, 'B1.ind Rock ROB.d urban area.. How ca.n 'lie control
this to get the r:ighi~ kind c:; commarchJ.l. Will the ImrUrar!CŒ;
Company ownershj.p of th:la a.r,~a: ·take care of thls for ua~
2. Recrea.tion m,Ð:Y be our beet indt'Ü'Stry as we do not haiTe natural
reßources to attrnct hea.vy indu.atrial developJj'!.ant~
3. We feel we should set, priori ties as· :rar as capital :J.nvest.ment
b~r, tb.ð town in the; ve,rioua p:::oposals shown òn' the concept 1¡2a.P,
to give the townboarð, all id.i:~a 'of ou.r thin,king.. :Eg: We shou.ld.
cH>naide:r- 'buj"ing tlle la,nei for lnd.ustrial de\relcpraellt l"a;t1:H~x tha.r;
tJ....y to dredge the s-wamp at tb.e end of 1')u.nhams :Ba.y for a marine
4,.. ]'es1 we shou.ld encourage the development by the town of a.
roa.d paralleling the Northwa.~r b~tween Aviation R.oad & appoai ti&
Hound Pond Roa.d 'With purcha~H} of-I.and. for light induat:ry f?h<nm..
This should' help a.lao on the denrølopme:;'lt of the connection of
our proposed Nortb South road between West ~ountain Road and
the Nort,hway.
5. We feel the atate rebuilding or pa.raJ.laling of the Farm to
~furket Road will take care of t~e proposed connaotion to West
:M:ountai 1'1 Roa.d.
5.. We felt the Regiona.lReoreaticm Park ë:"i.T.ea could have a law
capi tal improvement ra.ting Qf¡ this will tend. to be done· by
private investment with zoning encouragement.
? . We felt tl1e development or industrY aOl.1th or tc1le a1rport - W1.J..1.
be aone by J)!'1vate 1nta:rests with proper mn.i.n.{~ Ðì.1ð pkml:lng
eneQUI' agemen t
8.. We :felt warehousing t:n1d truck terminal d.evelopment might be
encouraged along the Northway~
We felt that the interchange area.a are 11koly to become very
intensely deyeloped with dense traffio within a fey¡ years.
Discussed residential areas north and south of Aviation ~oad
between Route 9 and ),¡orthWS3_ Felt we shoùld 1í:eepthoee with'
the area south may-be·',.p being a less reetricted residential area.
Eg; Garden apartments.
Like the idea of a community center anc1 park in the Western' Park
Area. Suggest the possibility o~ a swimming pool here. Wondèred
about public swimming', .': aret¡.;·on :the.'river but feel the river'
needs to be cleaned up and this wiJl not be done soon enou¡:h. "Felt ...-
that the next location for a town. etrimmin6 pool v.ould be the ATia- ..~
tien Road area with eventual development in the Mstern a.rea of town.
~ue.tioned the showing ot water araa above the Corinth lnterchangeo
Felt we should exp~qre. tQ,8 use of the City Water Shed areas for
recreation to out down need for Capital Investment by the tOW!1~
Felt the shopping area at the AviatioDand ~e. Horth-South Road
should be moved east to the e.ximtingdevelopment at ATiation and
Dixon Road. This would l1Qt be likely to move and the two would be
too olose foreaoh to develop properly.
Fel t tha.t the marina a1 ty area should be d~EiL oped by the proper
authorities such a8 ConsðrYatien Department and Water Resources
qµestianed how far we should go toward fo~cing certain deTélopments
in different areas than proposed by O1mers. Eg. Rogers proposed
apartJnents at Cronlnrmd J¡¡Ieado1l1brook Roade.
Suggested that we might take a p~rt in the mobile home hearings
a8 no one appears in appoai t ion to ma.zJy of theee.
Feel we should hold a public meeting when the concept - . pla.n 1s
finalized to explain to the public. We should invite representatives
ot the various groups in the town.. Eg; Glen kke Assoc. and Grangeso
Next meeting, Q,ueensbury School, Wedneeda.Y,September 1, 1965 at
8:00 P.M.
J. Arthui:Hórto:n ""