1965-09-22 ( ~ ~., \.- Meeting of the Planning Board ot the TowrY of Queensbury held at Queensbury Public S,chool Wednesday:! September 22, 196, at 7s30 P. l.f. Presiding: Present: Absent: Guests: 2. 3. It. 5. 60 7. 8. 9. Chairman, George J. Kuslmer Kirkpatrick. Sinnott, Norton Cushing. Laakso ¡fane 1. Minutes of last meeting were approved. Discussed #8-65 Relocation of Ames Place. S1nnott made a motion to give final approval subject to legal approval. Kirkpatrick seconded, carl·ied. ' Discusseè #10-65 Franklyn Menor (See I tam #8). Discussed #9-65 Rogers Apartment Project. Sinnott re- ported he and (''ush1ng had found no flow in the stream at th:Ls time. Cushing will talk to Health Department. We feel th~. area is too small tor parking, play and health tor this number or people. , Reviewed a revision to G~ggs #l-63 showing larger lots in one area. Sinnott made a motion to give rinal approva1.. Kirkpatrick \ seconded, carried. Discussed the problem of new streets being put in off a, thorough1'are with no stop. signs. Kushner win inquire about the school stop 11gh ts and sidewalks ror QUÐensbury schools. Chase and Van 3i ttert appeared for Franklyn Manor #10-650 They do not want to move entrance location. They plan to leave access each way along the large street but do not want to put any curve in the street. Kushner will check wi thCodner as to entrance location. After they ..left we discussed this further and feel we should get what \<Ie feel is necessary or else not give approval. Next meeting, Queensbury School. Weclnesday, October 6. 196,. Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Secretary