engineer's letterC)\CfA-7-b-L-U
VARRETF E=neers, PLLC Civil&Environmental hwheerlr
Transmitted via email
November 17, 2020
John O'Brien
Code Enforcement Officer
Town of Queensbury
740 Bay Road NOV 18 2020
Queensbury,NY 12804
Re: Pre-Cast Concrete Piers l '.1.___ i`' _ .y
UCPA Respite Care Facility
160 Aviation Road, Queensbury
Dear John,
At the request of Bob Liebig of Utopia Enterprises and Tom Albrecht of Hilltop Construction we have
reviewed the substitution of the specified deck and ramp foundation piers for the UCPA Respite Care
project at 160 Aviation Road. From our review of the design plans by Studio Seven Architects calls for
the use of either helical piers or 12"0 concrete piers with 24"0 footings to support the proposed deck and
ramp. Based on this requirement, it is my belief that the use of the Utopia Enterprises pre-cast concrete
piers should be considered equivalent and appropriate when placed upon either well compacted or
undisturbed native soil. The Utopia pre-cast piers consists of a 12"0 pier with a 24"x24"x8" footing. It
has been reported to this office that the concrete used in the piers/footing is 5,000 psi concrete and the
piers/footings are reinforced with (4) V shaped#4 bars that run vertically down the piers and then fan out
radially into the footings.
If you have any questions, or would like paper copies of the electronically transmitted documents, do not
hesitate to contact us at 518-792-2907 or via email at bliolines
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Robert U. Holmes 11, P.E.
Project Manager
Encl:soU N0.0820z6
Ecopy(ies)w/encl: Bob Liebig
Tom Ulbrecht
F.V)ataFilel202OProjlPossPijsL?0111716OAi,iatioiiRdlWoi-IcDocsl2O1117Lti-to QbylSrce FilesU 60 A Wation Rd Deck.doc
12 East Washington Street 518-792-2907
Glens Falls, NY 12801