1965-12-01 ., ,. 'í 't_', -G' \: !-1eetix:.g of t.:Hé Plarmi:ng BQa.p<3 of the 'lown of QU'ðe1'1sbu.ï::'}'· Mlð. ..8.% QuØè11.~~'~~J.j.ê'S¢hoøl " Wèd:nesd.y,DèQe~r.l, 1965 at 7:30 P..M. Presiding: Geørge KUS1)n.er Cushing, Pemb"o$ki, Kirkpatrick, Laakso, Norton, Sinnott. Present: Guests: McIlvaine .~ 1. Minut.es of last. meflt;ing were approved. '+ I 2. The Secret.E'U:Y read/'8.1et.t.er from Mr. Candeub st.ating t.hat Mr .Sorrent1no'Ms resigned from the firm of Candeu.b,Flelsslg,·Adley and Assoc. 3 . ~8kso presént.d a i~evisl()!1 t.o #5-640.1d Orchard. We felt. this was. s.t.isfaC't9ry. He will bwing in a final at next. meeting. ' 4.. Griffin brougñt.in*11-65 Edgewood park. We d.1scuss- ed the c:onnectioni t.()():Ld.' OrçMrd Develo~t; i'.~ Lot. sizes.. DiBcusas~.tl1e aðvanQge for fl~.~~t.... ion of a, connectiQ9~d VB. t.he added trafflcin Bdge- wood Park. Sugges~fu·ture right-of-way.. Kushner report.ed Q~' ·~..t.alkwit.h Nt". Bert Martin of t.he Queensbury Cent:.ral.'4,.re icompany on tbeirplans. They hope, to enlarget.~prEu,ent. s.1t.e. Kushner ,suggest.ed t.he Aviat.ion Roaði~lt.e.of the Town Holl. Mart.in seem- e<1t.obe recept.ivet.0tbe possibili t.Y .of . ~ .rea swap with aay-Ridg$. r 5. 6.. Eastwood oþ,.aredfc.)r#7-65 Blind Roêk aoað Estates. HeMS a profilt! O~~11e road which hegl,ve to Codner. He Will get us a COPY'ªnd we will pole the '.board. 7. Next. meeting, Ou_n.bury School, Wednesday, January 5t 1961. -, Adjourned J. Arthur Norton Sécret.ary