1965-12-01 (2)
Mei"S~:.11";\g ~:¡:13 of the 701 Program
To'wn of (J"J.eensbu.ry Planning Board
QueensbU1"Y. J?ublj.c Schools
Wednesday, Deoember 1,. 1965 at. 8:45 P. M..
Presiding:: Gèorqe X<ttshner
Present:: Cushing, ~oskl, Kirkpatrick, Laakso
Norton, . Sinnot.t
Guest.s : $orrentino¡ Z'I.U'lde, · Heklar , McIlvaine of the
post 81:$r.
1 . Minut.es of the previous m$eting were app:roved. I
2.. 50('1"'en1:1no t.o:!d US,h~.had r$$igned at\d taken a pos-
ition W8sb.i:ngt0l1, .I)_C. A. motion was~e by Laakso,
seconded b1,Kirkpa.trlcKa.nd unanimously paSSed that
tne secre't;:ary writ.ea .letter of appr~lation to
Mr.. Sorrentino forb-is.. wçtkwi tb us and send copies
to MJ:"" Candeub,Mr.. Webs,t.er a.nd Mr.. Hekler..
ZundEl disctl8sedthcfê()ncéptplan explainingtbéit this
is the ultimate pla~t:0 ·bewørJt;.ing for... The concept
plan is for 20-50y:e~]."s ~ndWill baveto be ,revised
as new eventstakepl~cesucb asa lergej,ndustry mov-·
1ng in. Zoning wo\l;J.dbevalidforabout 5 years.. He
felt. we have too 1t1ll~'h.ofthe, towns area 8 lotted to in-
dust.ry ana commerc±~l accoraing to the t.rends.
4 . ZunC1e . preserttéà thei1Ef.fid use 'map, concept plan ,we saw
:J.a~t time..a.nd a ,ne\f'concept. plan. Discussed our com-
ments of NovexnÞer. .1,6,1965. meeting.. Hé ·,.£elt our major
growtb 'Nisbéenfrotnt.ñeGlens Falls,HUdsön Falls area
$nd,t.hat itwills1..,'W<downnow. He.~ctsa growth
froml2,OOOto 22,OØO/1n2QYef1rsf' un1es",<major indus-
try comes in.Decet1tr~11zati()n of tbe.~nsbury School
should 'be studiéðit1J:elat;i.on to the t)epartment of Ed-
ucat.ions.Mast.er Plal1 sot-Þey would be eligible for
state aid.
5.. J..uary meet.1ng/'Wf:!..'W'illbé:presenteðtraffic, land
use, and communi ty';a~ilitiesmap.February meeting
we should have ~ningtextand t.hen map later.
6.. WeS'þould, ha.vetheconceptplan, t.raffic,land use
811d cOmmercial facilit.ies maps to present at one time
at a public meeting.
7. ~.xtmeeting, Queen_bury Scboolð Weðnesday, January 5,
J. Arthur Norton