12-21-2009Version 1 REGULAR TOWN BOARD MEETING December 21, 2009 7:00 P.M. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE LED BY COUNCILMAN TIM BREWER 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 i.. 5.0 6.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.1 Public Hearing- Fire Protection Service Agreement Between the Town of Queensbury and the Bay Ridge Volunteer Fire Company, Inc. for 2010-2012 PRIVILEGE OF THE FLOOR (LIMIT- 4 MINUTES) RESOLUTIONS 3.1 Resolution Authorizing Application for Funds from New York State Office of Children & Family Services 3.2 Resolution Authorizing Acceptance of Parcel of Land Located Along Ridge Road in the Town of Queensbury from Jackson and Barbara Lawrence 3.3 Resolution Authorizing Certain Employees to Carry Over Unused Vacation Time 3.4 Resolution Authorizing Barton & Loguidice, P.C., to Provide Additional Engineering Services Related to the Main Street Infrastructure and Redevelopment Plan 3.5 Resolution Accepting Dedication of Baybridge Drive Extension 3.6 Resolution Authorizing Use of Occupancy Funds Toward Reimbursement of Town Recreation Projects 3.7 Resolution Authorizing Transfer of $1,154,825 From Landfill Capital Reserve Fund #63 to General Fund Capital Reserve Fund #64 3.8 Resolution Setting Public Hearing on 2010-2012 Fire Protection Service Agreement Between Town of Queensbury and South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Co., Inc. 3.9 Resolution Setting Public Hearing on South Queensbury Volunteer Fire Company, Inc.'s Proposal to Purchase a Truck and to Use Tax-Exempt Financing for Such Purchase 3.10 Resolution to Amend 2009 Budget 3.11 Amended and Restated Resolution Authorizing Issuance of up to $3,050,000 in Serial Bonds of the Town of Queensbury to Pay the Cost of Acquisition, Construction and Installation of Main Street Improvements and Authorizing Issuance of up to $3,050,000 in Bond Anticipation Notes of the Town of Queensbury for the Same Purpose 3.12 Resolution Approving Audit of Bills- Warrant of December 22"d, 2009 3.13 Resolution Resolving Matter of Queensbury Town Board v. Joseph and Deborah Riitano- PULLED CORRESPONDENCE TOWN BOARD DISCUSSIONS EXECUTIVE SESSION (IF NEEDED) *** Agenda Subject to Change Without Notice***