1967-07-05 ~. :~. .( ~i.~~'~rt:Li"lg o:ê th?- TO\1n ç¿'.1eensbl.'l>ry "hf:,ld at. Cu~~nsb~:v Town Office Building ~"¡edr.¡,esr.J.a.y. Ju,1.Jt 50, 1967 at. 7::30 P. M. Presiding: George Kushner Presen't ~ Cushj>n~1, Kirkpatrick. Nort.on Absent: Austin. Sinnott 1." ))i:Lnutes of last meeting were approve(1.. 2 ~ Kushner reported on }""'orest. Glen Estates #8.....66.. He reviewed this with Beswick and Beswick will send letter re- jecting this.. 3.. Reviewed Sleigtrt Evergreen Acres Sect.ion #2 #S-67 with Floyð Sleight and FarrIs (Neighbors).. We discussed problem of developmen'l.: entra.l1ce roads being offset from opposi t.e roads. EXpi"~ssed our desire t.o know more about tl1eapartme:n:tß\ ð.11d parking.. He will work \,dt.h Farr pro- perty and each E:m.pply half of the road right.-af-way.. 4\... Wood l;a.,¡,¡n I'ark Se1~1:;Lon 11 #4-67 was reviewed. Kirk- patrick made a h'l10tion. to 9-ve final approval subject to re- cepit of water and highway approvals# Demboski seconded,. carried.. 5. Discussed the towns rejection of the citiesappli- cation for an addit.icnl t.o the city dump. 'lfe are concerned aoo1J.t the lack of any ind:tcation of the t.own or city to coop- erate. Kushner will draft a proposal for us to consider presenting to t.he Town Board.. 6. Norton presented proposals made by Savale regarding Reardon and H;¡ll road relocation and d~~eding to the town. 'We felt thet. t.ht! town could accept Hall Road change unim- proved but felt. that SaV'ale should improve Reardon Road to the highways requir&~entsQ Norton will talk with Codner.. Next meeting, Queensbury Town Office Building, Wednesday, August 2, 1967.. Adjourned J. A:r"thur Norton Secretary