Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury
held at
Oueensbury Town Office Building
Wednesday. September 6, 1967 at 1:30 Po M.
Presiding: George Kushner
Present: Austin. Cushing, Demboski, Kirkpatrick
Absent: Norton. Sinnott
1. Minutes of last meeting were approved.
2. General discussion with Jerry Arledge - soil conser-
vation service on programs available and how to best
utilize them.
3. Discussed Sleight #5-67 Evergreen Acres Sect. #2.
Cushing objected to precedent of dead and "L" turn
around. Codner to be invited to discuss this.
Norton came in, at this time.
4. General discussion on ZoningQ"..1estions such as why
change for property south of Aviation Read from Light
Industrial to R-5.
50 Planning Boards Conference at Kutchers. October lS,1967.
To contact Kushner if we would like to go.
6. Austin reported that Ed Grant has established his
commercial airfield south of Pickle Hill Road.
7. Next meeting. Queensbury Town Office Building. Wed-
nesday, october 4. 1967.
Paul Eo Cushing
Secretary, Pro-Tern