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1987-11-19 SP rs SPECIAL TOWN BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 19, 1987 4:30 P.M. TOWN BOARD MEMBERS Frances Walter - Supervisor George Kurosaka- Councilman Stephen Borgos - Councilman Ronald Montesi - Councilman Betty Monahan - Councilman PRESS- WWSC Glens Falls Post Star SUPERVISOR WALTER - The purpose of the special meeting is to meet the confines of the state law in adopting the town budget which is due tomorrow. The changes from the preliminary budget are few...there is a new line added for outside organizations called (Community Funding) and the Town Board has provided $2000.00 to the Voluntary Action Center, and $800.00 for the Big Brothers and Sisters. The general insurance for the Town of Queensbury for all departments is down about $30,000.00 for next year and that is to the good. As far as hospital insurance it has increased and the increase more than offsets that $30,000.00 savings in the general the insurance costs for the Town of Queensbury are up next year, namely in the health insurance field. The other item we were waiting for was the results of how we fair in the last quarter or the overall in sales tax dollars generated in the Warren County and attributed to the Town of Queensbury...We are approximately $100,000.00 ahead of where we were last year and since our estimated revenues are up, we could apply $100,000.00 to fund balance in our mortgage tax which we also receive from Warren tax was well over what was budgeted last year and therefore we can take $150,000.00 of that surplus from that applying a fund balance to the appropriations in our general overall budget and our revenues, we will be raising by tax $529,048.00 on a Town wide bases...and that should compute to about fifty-four cents a thousand and again called to everyones attention that the tax rates are set by the County of Warren and not by the Town of Queensbury so that may change, other than that there really are no other changes from when we went through the hearing. We adjusted some lines but the total in the department never went up or down in any area. RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION ADOPTING 1988 BUDGET AND SALARY SCHEDULE RESOLUTION NO.354, Introduced by Mr. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption, seconded by Mrs. Betty Monahan. WHEREAS, the Town Board has met at the time and place specified in the notice of the Public Hearing on the Preliminary Budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon, and WHEREAS, Section 27 of Town Law provides for the setting of salaries of officers and employees of the Town, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that this Town Board does hereby adopt such Preliminary Budget, as amended, as the Town of Queensbury Annual Budget of 1988 and that such budget shall be entered in the minutes of the proceedings of the Town Board, and be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Board of Queensbury hereby adopts the 1988 salary schedule included in the 1988 Adopted Budget, be it further RESOLVED, that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify duplicate copies of said Annual Budget as adopted by the Town Board together with estimates if any adopted pursuant to Section 202A Subdivision 2 of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Town to be presented by her to the Board of Supervisors of the County Duly adopted by the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that it has been brought to her attention by the Planning Department that there have been many inquiries as to what has happened to some zoning in the Town of Queensbury and a lot of that is the result of the City of Glens Falls putting some of their water shed property on the market. Although we cannot answer that question asked the Board to consider passing a resolution regarding these inquiries. RESOLUTION TO PUBLICIZE PLANNING ACTIVITY RESOLUTION NO.355, Introduced by Mrs. Betty Monahan who moved for its adoption seconded by Mr. Stephen Borgos. WHEREAS, the Queensbury Town Board wishes to publicize the work in progress on Revision to its Zoning Map, Zoning Ordinances and Subdivision Regulations, and WHEREAS, the Town Board wishes to call attention to anticipated legal actions that could ultimately affect purchasers of land and developers within the Town of Queensbury, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT �. RESOLVED, that the following notice be advertised by the Town Clerk in the official newspaper and in addition, posted on the Town Clerk's public notice board and in the Building and Zoning and Planning Department Offices in the Town of Queensbury: PUBLIC NOTICE- The Public should take notice that a Townwide Master Plan Revision (utilizing the expertise of professionals and the input of a Special Citizens Advisory Committee) is currently in progress in the Town of Queensbury. — Major revisions in the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations as well as changes in Zoning Classifications (including the lessening of density in many areas) are expected to take place after a legal public hearing in February.1988. Published by Order of the Queensbury Town Board November 1987 Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter f Noes: None Absent: None COUNCILMAN KUROSAKA-Stated that he received a phone call from the Chronicle asking about the water shed property being sold...he told them that a public hearing was held on one acre and three acre and the conservation of the property... COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Said she thought it was premature to estimate what the zoning is going to be in any area of the town, because the method in which it is being done this time is very thorough and until the physical constraints on a lot of this land is judged and evaluated anything that we are saying now is very premature as far as density in any area of the town. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that this resolution when posted will let people know that the land they are holding now could be subjected to change and at least alert them. CCUNCILMAN BORGOS-We would like the public to know that we are well aware of the City's plans to sell this one for a minute indicates that the city doesn't have the right to sell the property, they do, but anyone thinking about buying that property should be aware that things might change...the zoning there may or may not stay the same. It won't be until sometime the end of February before people know,thats' what we are trying to communicate to will impact on the whole town. CCUNCILMAN MONTESI-Asked how the City can sell the land that was once water shed property and once environmentally sensitive without providing an Impact Statement as to a Negative "' - Declaration... SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that they would have to check on that...but as Steve said this would impact on that sale and because of the other inquiries, we just have to put people on notice that there are going to be changes made throughout this town from top to bottom. One other thing that has to do with the Planning Board Meeting this evening and an application that is on the agenda for the Planning Board—regarding Kelton Motors looking to put a truck stop at the Gurney Lane. I am concerned about that because it is the route of our major recreation 7� area in the Town particularly because of the kind of traffic that would be generated and the fact that so many times during the spring and the fall, the bicyclist using West Mountain Road which is where the location of the entry way for the truck stop would be located. I call this to the attention of the Board and I have written a letter on behalf of me and my letter is in opposition to it. Asked if the Town Board would like to let the Planning Board know of our position on it and that there a lot of concerns. COUNCILMAN BORGOS-Noted that quite a few years ago it was proposed as the site of a gasoline service station and after a lot of input it was turned down because it was determined that gasoline storage would be inappropriate there because it is very sandy and leads into Rush Pond and then into Glen Lake. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Another concern is the West Infirmary and the amount of traffic for the elderly people and the noise and fumes. SUPERVISOR WALTER-Noted that this was the only residence for ailing Queensbury residents. COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Also the traffic going in and out of the County Offices. CCUNCILMAN BORGOS-Stated that a resolution should be sent to the Planning Board. CCUNCILMAN MONAHAN-We have buses going to that swim area for the swim program, we have the people by private car, people biking there. Its very close to an old cemetery there, there is a million reasons why it shouldn't be there. SUPERVISOR WALTER Town Counsel if it were alright for the Town Board to let the Planning Board know because it is a town site. TOWN COUNSEL-Stated that because the town owns adjacent lands there is a very real concern as a property owner and it would be alright. RESOLUTION IN OPPOSITION TO PROPOSED SITE PLAN REVIEW 33-87 CARL E. KELTON SR. RESOLUTION NO, 35.6, Introduced by MR. Stephen Borgos who moved for its adoption seconded by Mr. Ronald Montesi: WHEREAS, the Town Board of the Town of Queensbury is aware that the Queensbury Town Planning Board will be reviewing on November 19th the Site Plan Review 33-87 of Mr. Carl E. Kelton Sr. regarding the construction of a building to be used for motor vehicle sales and service, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Town Board wishes to let it be known that they are in opposition to this proposal for the following reasons: 1. Concern for the traffic congestion on West Mountain Road and Gurney Lane that would arise from this proposal. 2. The location of the 138+-acres of Gurney Lane Recreation Area is in close proximity to this proposal, the board wishes to express their concern for the pedestrian traffic, bike traffic etc. going and coming from this major recreation site. 3. The concern for the residents of the Westmount Infirmary in regard to added traffic noise and fumes that would be evident from this proposal 4. The possible danger to a critical area of environmental concern, Rush Pond, which if damaged would affect the area of Glen Lake. 5. The Board wishes to make note that in the past a similar situation at this location was turned down by the Queensbury Planning Board for ecological reasons. Duly adopted by the following vote: Ayes: Mr. Kurosaka, Mr. Borgos, Mr. Montesi, Mrs. Monahan, Mrs. Walter Noes: None Absent: None SUPERVISOR WALTER-Stated that Highway Superintendent has asked her to inform the Town Board that he has posted no parking signs up in the most recent area where we have passed no parking legislation at the lake and as fast as he is putting the signs up, to the tune of about $5,000. work we have lost them. COUNCILMAN MONTESI-...there are people unhappy with signs in front of their house, there is a group of people who wanted those signs there and a group who feel offended that their )9 guests can't park in front of their houses so they are taking the signs away. COUNCILMAN BORGOS-I recommend that we communicate this problem to the Sheriffs' Department and the appropriate action be taken against anyone found removing said signs COUNCILMAN MONAHAN-Asked for a report as to where the signs were located? SUPERVISOR WALTER-Our next meeting will be a regularly scheduled meeting however the time is changed to 4:30 P.M. so as to allow the Board Member to attend the National Federation Seminar at ACC. ON MOTION THE MEETING WAS ADJOURNED DARLEEN DOUGHER TOWN CLERK, TOWN OF QUEENSBURY