Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury
held at
Que~n~b~ry Town Offic~ Buil~ipg
Wednesday, , 'Ðecember 6, 1967 at 7 = 30 P. M.
GeorÇJé Kushner
Austin, Kirkpatrick, Norton
Cushing, Demboski, Sinnott
,James Keller
1.. Zâyf'e 005# Variance Review~çiprop<)sa~,S with repre-
sentative of Zay,~ their rec¡Uèst for sign variance.
2. Surprenant #ö11 al'Ä<r,O(j2 - R~\riewed wi tb Karl Sur-
prenant a requestfo:ç-;¡;tgn '[ß.riance and clarificat-
ion of zone boundry. Tabled.
Demboskicame in att~is time.
-.. _' _ ".:...: _, _" ¡ k:/,.'·'-·
Hudsón#()09 Variance -, Reviewf39 with,representatives
of West Mountain Specialty. Tabled.
Sinnott. came' in ~t thist.ime,. Austin left at this_ time.
4.. 1<él1~r ,asked, to ha,ve,a planning Board ,l11ember attend
the Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.
S. Míriut.esof tþ.e la,stmeeting, were approved.
, ,
6. Di,~cussed aJc:>~nt Ine~;~in9"",~th the city, of Glens
Fëi+1s ,Planning Board pr0ba.pl;y.W~nesday.", December
13th'àt 8:00 to~8:30 after tÀeir regula:ç- meeting.
7. Reviewed Griffin #11-6S Edgewood park Section #1.
We have approvals Qf the~.èalth and Wa~.r Depart-
ments. Norton maqe;·~ motion to a~prov~, subject to
receipt of Higbway approval, Demboski seconded,
cflJtJ:' i ed .
, . . . .....
8. K~bner announced t'M.t. a meeting of the Inter-Muni-
cipa1 Planning B,card will be held at our offices
with our Board providing. ~he secretary'..
9. Boivin #001 - ~pêcia1. uei,e - Boat storage. Kirk-
pa'brick made amotion to reject on the ,basis of in-
sufficient data on the proposed building, Sinnott
se~Qnded~ carried.
10. Surprenant #002 and 014 - Variance and Special
use. Demboski made a motion to approve, Norton
seconded, carried. We feel the building is in the
C-3 Zone sana special use permit is needed.
11. Discussed the need of an ordinance regarding aban-
doned fj.lling stations.
Zayre #OOS Variance. Sinno~t made a motion to
approve the letters on the building, reject the
canopy signs, approve the in and out signs and
approve the double faced ground sign with the words
ZAYRE ~PT. STORE only and no other ," 'Wording or lines,
etc. on these posts or signs, Demboski seçonded,
13. COstello #006 Variance. Cottage on Glen Lake with
small lot., Sinnott made a motion to approve, Dem-
baski seconded, carried.
14. Hudson-West Mountain Specialty - #009 Variance.
Kvshner sustained from voting. Demboski made a
motion to table this so we could visit the site,
Kirkpatrick seconded, carried.
15. Slingerlands Development Corp. #013 Variance (our *2-67)
Glenwood apartments. Sinnott made a motion to reject
because this is not in an R-S Zone, does not con-
form to the Master Plan, there are R-5 Zones not de-
velopeðand the shape and size of the lot is not
conducive to a reasonable apartment development,
Kirkpatrick seconded, carried.
16. Forest park ~bile Home Court :tf015. Variance. Wants
to add stores and mobile 1'\óme salés office to þresent
court., Kirkpatrick made a motion to approve, Dernboski-
seconded, carried.
17. Norton asked' for approval to pay secretary for typing
minutes, ete. Approved.
18. This is Demboski's last meeting. Sinnott. made a mot-
ion and Kirkpatrick seconded to have the secretary
write a letter of appreciation, carried.
19. Discussed possibility of having developers give house nos.
on the new streets. Tabled for further discussion.
20. Next meeting, Queensbury Town Qffice Building, Wed-
nesday, January 3, 1968.
Adj ourned' J. Arthur Norton