1968-05-01 ..~ ",,/ 1:eeting of the Pl&..tI11ng Boa.rd of the '.town of ~ueenBbury held at ~ueen8bury Town ~tfice Buildl~ \',ednesday, ;Ja;y 1, 1968 at 7:30 P. ..lo Guest: George Kushner Oushing, Auatla, Á4roh, Kirkpatrick, Sinnott l~ort.D Oeunailman Lamboeki, Irying Daan, ~ewspaper Reporter Presiding: Present: Abllent: 1. ~nutes ot last meeting were approved. 2. Dayton Stemple, Jro appea.ed, re:change ot zone for U.S.a.l" tre. 0-3 to ~l. Report was received tr~ Sinnett and Horton reI visit t.o 8ite~ ~ti.n to change the 0-3 zone to inolude an area bounded by Ç.uaker Road on the .Korth, Bay Road on the I.aet, GlenwGod on the V_est and the RQ4 line paralle;L to the railroad along the south and west, inoluding the entire pro~ perty of U.S.C.l. to an ~-l zone was made by Sinnott, lIeconded b.Y Karch, carried. Cuehing abstained. 3. ReYiewed request trom the Town Board for rec~mmendati.ns reo sarding change er zene for Oleo Rogers to the sout.heast ot the Orenin and ~eadowbrook Roade interseotion to R- 50 ~tion to recommend that. this be d18approved as not being cOD.i.taut with the oompreheneiTe plan was made by .ri.uetln, seoonded, by Sinnett, oarried. 4ø ÃUshner announced a meeting to be held at the Glene Falls City Hall, ~ 11, 1968 at 8:00 wi~ the State Depart.eat of Traps- portation and all locnl governments. 5. Austin and ~rch were appointed to a new highway committee te work as 11ason with the Town Beard in planning ~d. reporting to the Planning Board .. proposed roada and highways in the Town. Thill committee would work .ñ evaluating present proposals, making new proposals and toward adopti.n of ~ Ottioial ~lgh.., map for the town. 6. R8Tiewed request ~or Tariance from Grossman tor a building on their property on ~uaker Road. They wish a Tari~nce of aide- yard di..8nsi.n. To be J'eturned with no coJDtf.¡en~.. f,J(J'Y't-~ v~ ,-... 41- ~n T-¡.-... '0 Disoussed Hou8ing ÂUthori'ty. This awaiting State Senate aoUien thie week. SUrYey will be made this Bummer. 8. liext meeting, q,ueensbury Town Office :Building, Wednesday, June 5, 1968. Adjourneð at 9:00 Po~o Paul Cushing Secretar,y-pro-Tem