1968-06-05 Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury held at Queensbury Town Office Building Wednesday II Juné 501963 at 7:30 P. M. ® Presiding: J. Arthur Norton Present: Austin, Karqh, Kirkpatrick, Cushing II KusÞner, Sinnott Absent: Guest: Jim Kelleru Irving Deanll Newspaper Reporter 1. Minutes of last meeting were approved. 2. Austin reported on transportation meeting.. May 17, 1968. Austin made a motion to hold off endorsing any route suggested by D.O.T. until they get copies of data prom- ised at this meeting for our studyu Kirkpatrick secondedll carried. 3. Austin reported on proposed straightening of a portion of Ridge Road suggested by Ray Keyes, District Engineer.. This would take off near entrance to Rolling Ridge and connect at Haviland Road and Ridge. Kirkpatrick made a motion to approve this proposed realignment and request the Town Board to do all they can to see that this is done, Austin seconded"" carried. 4. Discussed Bay Road being 4 lane and extent of this wid- ening. 5. Questioned status of sign ordinance. We understand that Harold Katzg Town Attorney, will call a meeting of the Town Boardg Planning Boardo and Zoning Board of Appeals to discuss this. 6. We ~gain discussed the adoption of the State Housing and Building Codes and urge the Town Board to adapt these in the interest of the Town. 7. Austin made a motion that in light of the work proposed at Quakery&viation and Route 9 intersectiong it is in t.he best int.eres·t of the town to relocate the Town High- way Departmento Kirkpatrick secondedo carried. 8. Keller presented variance *038 Ackley Tire Co~ (Fire¡ stone). They wish a variance on signg size aQd locat- ~On. A Ìnotion was made by Austin to disapprove the sign lopatrion as the sign would be within 3'-0" of the present right-of-way and ~he post would probably be within the new right-of-w'ilY. There seems to be plenty' -1- ,,..' -2- June 13, 1968 area ê"nd the sight lines are such that this can be re... locat.ed. There is no objec'tion to the change in size of sign. Seconded by Karch, carried. 9. Norton discussed proposal charged to Reatðon and Hall Roads. This will be reviewed wit.h Codner and brought up at t.he next. meet.ing. 10.. Next meeting, Queensbury Town Office Building, Wednesday July 3, 1968. J. Arthur Nort.on Secretary