1968-06-18 @ Meeting of the Planning Board· of the Town of Queensbury "- held at Queensbury Town Office BUilding Wednesday ,June 18# 1968 at 7: 30 P. 1\1. Presiding: Kushner Present: Austin, Cushing, K1rkpatrick~ Norton, Sinnott Absent: Karch Guest: Supervisor Solomon 1. Minutes of last meeting were approved. 2. Kelley appeared for #1-68 Ellsworth Westland Sect. 11. Cushing made a motion to give final approval subject to receipt of highway approval, Austin seconded carried. 3. Solomon reviewed the proposal of the town to obtain water from the Hudson River. The following resolution was introduced by Kirkpatrick, seconded by Sinnott and car- ried: Resolved that the proposea water facilities on the Hudson River conform with our policies, guidelines, and programs. 4. Solomon reviewed progress on refuse disposal. 5. Norton and Kushner will review the proposed subdivision regulations. 6. We . decided to sta:t"t our meetings at 8:00 P.t.!. \-rith an executive session at 7; 30 P .li. 7. . Next meeting, QueensburyTown Office Bui¿,.ding, Wednesday, July 3, 1968. (C-hð.'1~c1 +0 J..dy /ò) fflÞ8) J. Arthur Norton Secretary