1968-09-04 Me:'Jt:Ln.g'" of th.í ·'l:T.\.:n1'1.ing }joard Qf the T~'Nn: Queen1!JbUI'Y ---./. " '-' held at ~ueenabury Town Office Building \.ednes day , SeptelO.ber 4, 1968 at '7:30 P. Ä. Presiding: tCuSht1er Pressnt:: Austin, Gushh1g, Little, lJørten, Sinnett Gues·t: Kirkpatrie1ì: Keller, Dem.bllBki Absent: LxecutiTe beesion -..."...-...---- --...... 1. Keller presented Gulf uil, ÁT1atien Road - Variance requeato They want a .1gn which is 8Tersixe. b'e see ne reaB.n t. grant this. \,i11 act en lat.Gr. 2. Keller presented Robert bldred, Cerinth Read - Variance request. ~ishes to haTe tropical fish and gift shop in basement of re8~ idencð. We see no rea.sen to grant this. Will act en later. 30 Keller presented Ge~&u:'£Ie ..iiller :from Long Ialand, ~ew York", Variance request.. \d:Jhes to build en undersize let in 5hore Celony, Aseemb1y Pein'~, Lake George.. This was a eubdiYieien filed prier to zoning ordinance enactment. "111 act on later. 40 Keller preøented Høwa1:d Johnsen Hestaurant, Aviation Road - Variance requeat.. \¡ji~Jh to build a banquet hall add! tion t. the preperty line. Feel this is a case of practical difficulty in the best use of the prQperty. \.111 a,ct en later. 5. Keller presented Hichékrd CO!1!bs, Hieks and Hidge Road - Variance requesto Wishes te Ude eld Dairy Building fer electrioal re- tail ~utlet a.nd truck storage in H-3 zone.. Tabled for action later.. 60 .iCeller presented 140rthwQY .À:!'loors, Q,ua.ker Road varianoe requesto Wish t. use 35,000 eqt~re foot lot in a Cc2 zone where min. lot .ize is 40,000 s~~are feet. Building will be 80 feet by 100 feet. Viarner aold lo~ and could not seil )'AOre as he has buildings that would have to be remov~do Tabled for later act1en. '70 Lembroskl announced a trip to l~orth C~r.lina sponsored by 1;;lagara Uehawk regarding stre~t lighting" lea'~es Thursday at 10:00 aoMo Returns Friday eTening. Kegµl;'bt. Meet! ng Guests: Keller, Lemboski, Florence ~cIIITaine, Reporter 1. dinutes of last meeting approved. '':;,'-~ f.."", --/ 20 Rioha.rd Combe, Attornsy \,.illiar;a Baaas and ..~tt.rney ...rike O'Connor appeared re: Combs request for variance. They feel this is a case of hardship as the present bui&din~ 58' x 58' wa.s built for commercia.l use a.nd it would not be practical to 1'1.1 ter or ren;ove building :t"or residential use. C.mbs will landsoape and fence and the trucks will be housed ineide the building. Ta.bled for discussion ]a tel~.. 3.. Rona.lÔ. Roemer appearej re: a prop¡¡:zad 8ubd! vision #3-68 at the eouthl!a.st oorner of R tdge Hoad a.nd Chestnut IUdge Road. He plaio8 lets of Rpprox:i11lately 200' x :¿50'. &innott and Cushing are QlSsigned to reTia·':v B,nd asr:ist J{(H')mer in filing this,. 4~ Rebert Ruggles and }¡o:rmlln Benack appeared regarding an ex- tenßii~n of Land- O-Pin'9s st.lbdi .,.is ion off \,.est .i:Lountain Roa.d if4-68.. ¡vox-ton and x:uE¡'1.ner will viai t et te. 50 Gulf OiJ~. Aviation Road, request for ysriance. ..lotion by Cuehlng, seoonded by Sinnett and carried .to disapprove as no practical difficulty or extreme hardship ~howno 6(> Robert Eldred, Corinth. Road, request for variance. :J:oti.n made by Sinnott, seconded by .Littlø, ce~rried to disa.pprove aBno practical diffinuJty or extreme hardship shown. 11 Getítrge nller, Shore Colony reque81; for yarianoe. 1!otion made by L±tt1e, seconded b¿1 Austin, car:ried to return with DO cemmea10 . 8. Howa.rd Johnson, Aviat:.en Road request for variance. ;;Jotien JP&de by Austin, reconÜed by Sinnott) carried, IJorton abstained. to return wlth no eomnent.. 9. Northway Floors, ~uakÐr Road request for Tariance. ~otion made by Sinnott, seconded by Austin, carried to table for dis- cussion in executiva fJt'itssion.. r 10. ReceivedSi/!)11 Conservéi~tion Service phamphlet. ---- 11. Kuehner announced a m(:eting of· the :ðand-of-River Ad-hoc comm- ittee September 13, IP68 to diseusE> waste .ater facilities. 12. Kuehner announced Lew York State Federation of Official Plan- ning Organizations pl£:,nning institu.te October 20",,22, 19d3. Áushner presented a bjll to the secr~jtary for our annua.l dues to this organization. 13. Howland ,':2..68 Ridge ~r:ollß. Iieport presented by Austin and Little. ~otion by CUEhing, seconded by ~innott. carried to ~ccept this report. -;;S- E:7;'~.Prut.i.E_~·€¡si CElL i"eQonvene.,g 5. Combs I' Hidge Hoad dj.6CUSsed. \ïe feel thi e will be the best use of this property a.nd bUilding. \till aot on later. 9. Nt1I"th1f.ray Fleors, Q.u.a1:el' Hon.d. diE(;U8sed. \,111 act or! later" 10" K?J1f;hneI' presen"¡¡ed a, re quc:si; for zone ohang'~ for J:wichQlas Cle:meri.t.s¡ .i:eaC'owbrook: lnti Itidge :t?oads from H-4 t.o C=l. 'l'ha T(ì."\'\1l! :i.:L:)ard a:B"h'ß for OtU' recormnend.a.t:i.on. \lil1 act on later. ß.<f:ß:ul§:.r ~ .J:~~~..D.LI§,(::~OI);!§....lli'.£ 14. Cerm1,s, Hi dge Hoad vs:rinnce request. ...lotion by Cushingf seoonœ d b~r ¡:,ÜlrlOtt, carried é1;o approve. 15. :NcjrthWii\\r :if) fJOrS variancie requGst.. ...:iotion by .Ll ttle, secondðd 'by" Sinnott ¡) ce.rried '/;0 appr'ove. 16.. Gl~møntß, lUdge and ;,[e~?'dowbrook Hoads request for zone ohange.. .:Aoti"n by Austin, sl'!(w!]ded 1)Y &innøtt, oarried to d1eappro'\i"e.. 170 Uext: m6~sti.ng, ~Cown Office Bu.ilding, tr,;dnesday, lòth, 1968 at 7:3(} t.o review sign ardinarlOe.. Adj cmrn.ed J' (; .n.rthur l~orton f;¡~cret,ary