1968-09-18 :~" :lr,gof }Jh':',n(!.ing30~rd of t.h18 1'fJ'Nl:'. of '~·ü..íðe;:1Hbu.T;Y held at 'i;!loensbury iI'own Offict} Building Viednesð&y~ September 18, 1968 at "'1:30 P.. JI... P:c6sidj:ng: :Norton P::.'êSeJlt ~ ..,tu:"tint .6:irkpatriok, l, i t tIe A1HD~nt~ Cu:sb.ing, J,(ushner, binIlott 1.. 11inutes of la.st m ~eting were approved. 2~ Reviewed proposed sign ordinanoe. Deoided tc add two oomments to the ~emo for the Town Boardo Itom 5) lightGd advertising signs should be turned eff when the business is not open" Item 6) this t3ign ol'dlnance should be checked aga.inst the zoning ordina.nce to avoid obßtruction at an inter<~ ßection of eigns which could create a hazzard. Little Xi ~Ã.de a m.oi:.lon to é1.pprOVe this revised ordinance and to rEìco:mnend i~o the Town Board tha.t it be adopted a:rter revIew by the To\~Qe ~tt~rney, secended by Âirkpatrick, carried.. 3. Next meeting, ~own Offioe Building, Wednesday, October 2nd, 1968 at 7:300 Adjourned J&> Arthur Iforton Seoretary