1969-01-08 ~ ~Jeeting of~the Planning Board of the Town of ~ueensbury held at Queensbury Town Office Building Wednesday, January 8,1969 Presiding: ~~ushner Present: Austin, Cushing, Kirkpatrick, Norton Absent: Little, Sinnott Guest: Keller Exegytive Session 7:~0 1. Keller presented Varianoe #73 Household Finance at Northway Plaza, want sign variance. ~ill act on later. 2. Keller presented Variance 1T74 Lr. Charles Hauser on Lake George¡ wishes to build additional house on existing lot. Lot to be divided in 2 parcels wi th buildings on each. \'.11J act on later. 3. Keller presenteQ Variance 1T75 GulY Oil on Aviation Road, wish to relocate sign due to btate highway taking, will act on later. 4. Keller presented Variance ¡r76, duslers, liorthway P1aza, want approval of non-conforming existing sign. ~ill act on Jater. 5. Keller presented Variance J77 Pickway Shoe Ltore, Zayer shopping plaza, want a new sign. 6. Vieaver appeared, re: 'll-tj9 'ì:,ueensbury Arms .hpartment development. ~il1 act on later. I Guests: negu1ar !Ieet ing 8: 30 Keller and ~cIllvaine, Reporter 1. :Æinutes of last meeting approved. 2. \',eaver ¡rl-69 Queensbury Arms.' Discussed at length. \,eaver said be submitted required data to Town Board for the change in Zone. ~e have not been presented with these. ~e asked for submission in compliance with bection 6.902. Cushing made a motion, seconded by ¡¡orton and carried to give tenåtive approval, subject to the receipt of the required data in final form.. -1- , ... --.-/ 3. Hoener appeared re ¡'f3-uE3 ,development àt lÜdg~ and. Chestn.ut Ridge Roads. Norton and'Cushing will meet at the site with Roenerto review this. 4. Variance /¡73 Household Finance, Northway P1a.za sign, Kirkpatrick :made a motion, seconded by Cushing, carried to approve.. This is similar to others in this cQmplex. 5. Variar1ce ';('74 Lr.. Hauser, Lake George, subài vide lot for two residences. Austin made a motiol1t seconded by l~orton, carried to return with no actÜm and the comment that this should be checked for possible conflict with existing sewage ordinances. 6. 'J'ariD,nce /;'75 Gulf Oil, Aviation Hoad. Cmshing made a motion, seconded by Kirkpatrick, carried to return as insufficient inforTIlatiOD was presented and to refer to our general policy sta.t(.~ment rega.rding sta.te highway taking land in this area. '1. Va:riance if76 :J:u.sler, .Northway Plaza, sign. l~orton ma.de a motion, sacondèd by Austin, and carried to approve. Kushner c01!h'1!ented th~it we are concerned about after-the-fact requests for variançes like this one. 8. Variance ~7? Pickway 8106, Zayer Shoþping Plaza, sign. Austin :made a motion, Cushing seconded, carried to disapprove as thl!.'; is non-conforming and not in keeping with tne standarãs this J30aI'd has used in the past GtS acceptable from the aesthetic standpoint. 9. Kushner presented a bill from the l~ew York Sta,te Jlederation of Official Planning Organizations for the con~ing years dues. Horton made a :motion, Cushing seconded, cnrried to PflY this.. 10. Kushl1er called attention to a meeting at the Hudson River Bend Þ..D Hoc CO:fámittee, Thursday, .January 16, at 7:30 P.j¡!.. in the Eouth Glens ]'al1e Village Hall. Austin u.rged Tnembers to a.ttend as Ji'1uch progress is being :made in intermu.n:icipal and indu~try cooperation on sewage problems. 11. It Ws,e noted that Vie lacked only Highway approved for WGodlawl1 :Park Section Ù3''t' ir5-68... Appr9'ra.l had been giving su.bject to l'ecei pt of the [f.'pprovals. 12. AUBtin made a D'lotici1'1, seconded by Kirkpatrick, and carried asking the Town Board to refrain from passing the propÅ’ ed requirement for subdividers to pave their streets pending study and enetctT:1ent of tb.e ent.ire revised subdivision ordinance Ð,ssubmi tt~~d by the P18.mÜngBoftrd in 1965. q -d"'"-,,- ... '~ --.../ 13. Austin made a motion, seconded by Norton and carried to re- commend that the zoning enforcement officer investigate a flashing sign at Colony Homes, Quaker Road, for possible non-conformance with the ordinance. 14. Kushner said he looked forward to a progressive 1969 for the town with hopes that we can move ahead with housing and build- ing codes and subdivision regulations. 15. Next meeting, February 5, 1969 at 7:30 P.~. Adjourned at 9:15 P.~. J. Arthur Norton becretary