1969-02-12 _.../ Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury held at Queensbury Town Office Building Wednesday, February 12, 1969 Presiding: Kushner Present: Austin, Cushing, Kirkpatrick, N"rt,.,n, Sinnott Absent: Kirkpatrick, Little Executive Session 7:30 1. Cushing reported on Dr. Hauser's proposed subdivisiön for Norton and Cushing. He suggested that they with- draw the application for subdivision as Dr. Hauser hps a building permit based on the Town Attorney's advise to move the existing bUilding to the new location. An application shall be made t" change this bUilding from a seasonal to ? year-round use with the building in- spect,.,r. The _ lot can be divided and the deeds recorded. Dr. Hauser can then build the house on the new, lot. 2. Cushing rep0rted 0n Variance #80 Cale Development Corp. Northway Plaza f0r Little and Cushing. The Architect will submit parking plans and building areas to show con- formance with off street parking requirements of the zoning ordinance. Suggestions were made to use malls and curbing to define major circulation patterns and the possibility of snow melting under the service ent- rance drive. It was ?lso suggested that the signs on the building roof along R0ute #9 be rem,.,ved. 3. Discussed revised plans for Section 1 of Quaker Vill?ge as developed by Zemanek with Austin and Kushner. Will act on later. 4. Attorney Tierney appeared for Dr. Hauser. Kushner, Cushing and Norton will meet with the Zoning Board of ,Appeals to discuss this pr"ject. Attorney Gord"n Hemmett, Jr. appeared f"r the Hedges, neighbors of Dr. Hauser. They are c"ncerned over fr"nt- ?ge on public street, foll"wing z,.,ning and subdivision ordinances, and the change of use "f the property fr,.,m seasonal to year round They feel this is a multiple dwelling development, are c"ncerned over sewage disp6sel and the impact of an additi"nal bUilding on the neighbor- 'ho0d. '..-/ '~ Reaular Meetinq 9:30 1. Minutes of last meeting approved. 2. Discussed Quaker Village Development with Zemanek. Nort0n made a motion, seconded by Sinnott and carried to approve Secti0n 1 of Quaker Village with the pr~vision that the temporary buildings are removed within a year. 3. Kushner reported on the change of zone request by Mosher for Austtn and Kushner. The area is b~unded by Western Ave, Luzerne Road, Holden Ave, and Né"thpn Ave. The area is about 50 - 50 residential and commercial with some of each use in go~d condition, some not so good. Mosher does not own entire area and wishes to work out of a used car business and open é" bpr. We will discuss this further at our next meeting and suggest that inter- ested part:l.es might appear at that time. 4. Norton presented subdivision pl~t submission procedures for review of the members. 5. Next meeting - March 5, 1969 ?t 7:30 Adj~urned 10:20 J. Arthur Nort~n Secretary