1969-03-05 Meeting ot the Planning Board ot the Town of Queensbur,. - held at Queensbur,. Town Otfice Building Wednesda,. March S. 1969 Presiding: Kushner Present: Austin, Cushing, Kirkpatrick, Horton Absent: Little. Sinnott Guestl Xeller Exeouti.e Se.sion 7J1ã 1. Mosher - request tOI' Zoning ohange from Town Boud. Austin reported tor Kuehner and Auatin with a reoommendatioD not to approve. Will aot on la'er. 2. Rorthv&JP1a.a Varianoe 180. Cusbing reported on .etins vith owner... Will aot on later. .3. DuM". Ba7 Boat C01IIpaDJ Speoial Pe1'll11 t 116. The1 plan to s.ll boat. .. vell aø etore them here. '!'his will· be Varianoe 182. Detereð tor regular meeting. 4. Keller p~esent.ð Harold Lebowit. Speoial Permit 18. T~ wish to sell propert,. to Mobil Oil Compan,. tor a gas atatlon OD tbe southwest corner ot Route #9 and the new Aviation Road. Detereð for regular meeting S. Keller presented Variance 191. Darlene FactorJ Store wisheø to use a non-conforming slgn. We teel there 1s no justitication for this. Will act on later. 6. Keller pre..nted Varlanoe .J90. Glena Falls Eleotric SupplJ wishes to locate 2 overslze signs on the parapet above the root. We se. no justification at this time. Will act on later. 7. Keller pre.ented Varianoe. ,189. Hau..r wishe. to use an irregular shaped lot. Will act OD later. 8. Xeller presented Varlanoe¥88. Parson'. Ford vi.hes to looate . sign S'tro. the new Right-ot';'wa,.. Will aot on lat.-. 9. Keller pre.ented Varianoe #87. Atlantio Retln~D8 Compan,., Aviation Road wisb.. to relooate a sign. Ho more non-contorming than at pre.ent, .0 vill approve later. 10. Keller presented Varianoe 186. Imperial Motel vishe. to looate .11D on top ot .xi.tlns canoP7 because ot atat. taklnß tor Rout. 9. Will r.~urn tor lack of into~tion .. to Vbat the 81gn 1a, later. -2- Executtve Sesslon 11. Keller presented Varlanoe !l8S. Imperla1 Restaurant, Route 9 wishea to re100ate algn beoause o~ state taking. Will approve later a8 will be no more non-oontorming than at present. 12. Keller preaented Varianoe 184. Pio-Waf Shoes wiehes to use non-oontorming sign. No ohange trom lailt ;¡a.queet 80 will not approve. Adjourned at 8:00 tor regular meeting. aeoonvened at 9120. aeviewed Speolal P.r.m1t 18, Lebowit.. We like the plantlng but 40 not lik. tbe revolving 8181'1. A varianoe.bould be obtained at a later date tor the 81gn. Will approve later with .tipulations. Revi."ed VarlaDoe 182, DuDha1u Bar Boat CèHDpa,.. W. are ooncerned about the trattio problem and what other product. suoh a. snow.obi1.a migbt b. sold her.. Will v1s1t the alte and cSl,ou.. at a Speoia1 ...tiD8 next We4D..4a,.. 13. 14. Adjourned at 913S tor Resulal' Meeting. J. Arthur Norton seoretarJ