1969-03-05 (2)
Meeting of the Planning Board ot the Town ot Queensbury
held at
Queen.bury ~own Ottice BuildIng
Wednesdq, Maroh S,,1969
Presid1ng: Kushner
Pre.ent: Austin, Cushlng, Kirkpatriok, Horton
Absent: Little, Sinnott
Guest' Keller
R.~ar NeetIn~ 8'02
Minute. ot last meeting approved.
No.herZoning ohange tor an are. otii.st Glens Fall. from. R-4 to
C-i. Albert Worth presented a petition vith12 na.es of area
propert1 owners opposing the 10oatioD ot . bar and srill in th1a
ar... Austin I'eporteð on a visit to the .ite _de. bJ Kushner and
Au.ttÞ a. tollows:
.-: 1) 'Viaited aHa ,Peb.,8tb ·(Kushner and, Au'tt!)..", M!t, w~th..
Hr. Ho.hel' , and re"iewed area. '
2) Noted tollowlnst
1) Oburoh witb1nreque.teð az-ea.
2),8e"e.lowners in J.-eque.ted are. not listed on request.
3) Mr. Moaher stated he wished to have the Zoning chanse
so . bar could be put in operation where Ma useC!
car ottiee 18. Hi. u.ed oar operation would bé moved
to the garage next door and he telt eventuålly he
would phase out that bu.i'nes8.
3)B.sed upon information received troa the assessor, Mr.
Mo.her's lot is apprQximate17 130.26 teet on Western Ave..
64.61 teet 012 LulSwne Roaa, 12S t.et aC1'08. the back
parallel to W..tern Avenue. 28.04 t..t acr088 the baok
par..llel to Dmzeme Road - a gros. are. or approximately
6()()O square teet.'
It 1s noteð tbis lot dO.. not meet the 0-3 Zoning require.
ment-. in te1'1D8 of (a), Min. area - 1$,000 ~qd.
(b) Min. width (or depth) depending on
, whioh wa,. the bu11àl11f3 would race.
(0) Front yard dimension (SO' min) baled
on present structure.
4.)'ftere.is some question it two busineas.. oould oecuP'1
the .... non-conforming lot. '.,.
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R$gular ~eeting ~ Page 2
5) Based on testimony from J'æ. Robillard, the looal
Councilman. the majority of the area residents in
his opinion do not want a bar established in the
6) The long terIn plans for that area which has several
sub-standard dwellings~ 1s for an upgradirig and the
establl~þJ.qent, of a bar would probab17 delay oreftect-
Ively stop any move in that direction. . .
7} One.of the commarcial establishments in area affected
has contacted this board and is ,opoosed to the request-
ed zoning change.
8) I mové to the full Planning Board thé dlss:pþrovalof
thel'EiqUeat as bel~gdetrlmental to the neighborhood
and not'ln conformancèwith the master plan.
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Motion made by Austin, seconded by Kirkpatrick, to disapprove.
C1ø~led. .. 4: \:vild.:toX".ta~.ed, that the,bq"J;p :~~:1~d ,~øer 't:1.1e
l'.e..t~l. ctlo.11s;~aÞed.. QO.' bUA!n~S8~~.... .b....7... '.t.'...~w:~.. J.RP.'. n. i~'ì stating
,tM.ttbe~~.81'e.> lø1iqt,lnaqµl t1e,,.. '''''µ~~~g£5P:AA.~IJ;bat
Variances r.a'h~I:~~øn<;Þ8.t\ge ot Zppea:,c'fPJ11ñ\ MJ ;tï~e ~erin
man¡ 01' thes~ cases as VariancÐs can i~H~~4, 1;'W.;t~citic.
de81r~ble uses, but rezoning opens a whole new bar! game.
" ',.J i ,,' :¡¿,; r)~)'~g 1'¡ j~ v" {..£
Variance #80 - Northwv,P1..sa.wishes '1;qo. aA4';>~pproM.mately
22,500 square teet of store space. Cushing reported on a
meeting with the owners. Cushing ~4ø ~¡kgqQ~OP"i t;i$,qo.pded by
Norton and carriedfJof'approY"Ð iwitb, ;t;1M "ø~'PD;t,~1øt:qp that there
be no 'new signa, f..cing Routa 9 end, ~~t ¡~,,~i.a1g;l.ng signs on
the rootaof ~.be buildi~gs be J;"emqved~, ,qeor8~ K'lJ1"osaka,Jr.,
spealtingt~,r 1t;1t"o~rssa1d that tþ.e, t.ep.a~t8 ,had· been ordered
to remove.th..\,ø.signs. .
Vat'lance:J¥82 .. Duij1umlSBay Boat Comp,Eµly~\Rput~ 9L wish to build
a boat storage ~,d sales building. Davies and Schoonover, residents
or the area p~ented a lett(¡}r. T~bl,edup.til, +~1;er~
Spec1alU$f),·Pe_1t #ð - U4iWold L'b~~t~ ~;~c3~ tovsell propel~t'1
toMobl10i.l¡Co:apany·at 1.öb~ eorn.ro.l'..Ro~teht<¡.¡y~ new Aviation
Road for a gasstat't1.øn. Attorney Bo~e,r~L.P,an~ ".t:..ated that this
parcel WB.S originally 90,000 square :Ç~et;~, .w1i:;h. :the state
taking will leave 40.000 squaro fect. They teel that a service
station 1s one.,o£ 'thefeMQes of 1;h~~ ~~..'rb& ,Health Dept.
has glveno.p¡,?roval,~ the, Department.q~;,~.~.ruipQ~~t1on has
lnàloatedtba~ thec.urb outs wl11 be approved.. 'They expect to
serveJllost:Ly,Roµ:þ$ 9.traff'lo. Tabled.
Variance #9~ - Darlene Faatol'Y Store wishes tc use non-conforming
sign. Kirkpatrick made a motion. secondGå b7 Austin and carried
to disapprove. as we teel there 18 no Ju~tltlcat~ºn ~4r this.
Regular Meeting - Page 3
7. Variance #90 - Glens Falls Electric Supply wishes to locate 2
oversize signs on the parapet above the roof. Norton maõe a
motion, seconded by Cushing and carried to disapprove as we
see no justitication tor this at present.
Variance #89 - Hauser wishes to use an irregular shaped lot.
this was returned with no action as thls appears to be a case
of practical difficulty_
Variance #88 - ParaonsFord wishes to locate a new sign 5' trom
the new right-Of-v..,. 'rile sign would have the wording "Cortinan.
Austin made a motion, seconded by Norton to return with no comment.
Variance #87 - Atlantic Refining Co. wishes to relooate a sign on
Aviation Road because of state taking. Norton made a motion,
.econded b7 Austin and carried to approve as conslstant with our
polioy regarding state taking.
Variance #86 - Imperlal Motel wishes to locate a sign on the
existing cànopy. Returned tor lack of intormation on the sign
to be used.
Variance J~5 . Imperial Restaurant wishes to relocate a sign
because of state taking. Kirkpatrick made a motion, seconded by
Cushing, and carried to approve as consistant with our policy
regarding state taking.
Variance ,¥84 - Pic-Way Shoes wishes to locate a sign on the
marquee. Cushing made a motion,seoonded by Norton, and carried
to disapprove as this i8 the same sign disapproved betore and is
not in keeping with the standards in the area!
Michael Carusone ot the Home Builders Association appeared with a
delegation ot about 8 members to request that they bave an
opportunity to comment on any proposed subdivision regulations.
Kushner will invite the~ to a Special meeting with our board to
discuss'this. Carusone indicated they would send a member to
each ot our regular meetings.
Lebowitz commented on his proposed use of his 1and prior to 'the
state taking.
Adjourned at 9:20 tor an Executive Session.
Reconvened at 9:3,
16. Variance #82 - Dunhams Bay Boat Com,8n¡ tabled until members
can visit the site. Will hold a Special meeting next Wednesday,
March 12 at 7:)0.
Regular Meeting - Page 4
11. Special Permit #8 - Lebowitz - Cushing made a motion. seconded
by Kirkpatrick and ca~ri8d to approve with the stipulation
that all plantings and grass areas as shown on the plot plan
be carried out and that the sign as propo$ed was not 'being
approved concurrently but should be a se~~~ate application.
18. Next meeting March 12, 1969 at 7:30.
Adjourned at 9:50.
J. Arthur Norton