2004-035 Tractor Supply Co TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040035 Application Number: A20040035 Tax Map No: 523400-302-006-0001-025-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: TRACTOR STTPPI,Y COMPANY For property located at: 751 GLEN St in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: NIGRO COMPANIES 20 CORPO_RTE WOODS Blvd Sign Total Value ALBANY, NY 12211 Contractor or Builders Name/Address Electrical Inspection Agency SARATOGA SIGN PRO'S 1NC. NY 12804-0000 Plans&Specifications BP 2004-035 100 sq. ft. wall sign Sign Copy: Tractor Supply Co. /TSC $200.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To ueensb ; T rs ay, February 05, 2004 SIGNED BYr ✓ for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building& ode Efforcement t-itt No. W UL/U1 'U1 NN U4:fib 19: 1UWN OF WEENSBURY FAQ{:518 '(45 4437 PAGE 2 OF Q UEENSBURY. Fee Paid: C-i��=� s TOWN 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY '12804 Approved By: (518) 761-8256 Permit 0: SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION RECEIVED ECEIv ED THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS REQUIRED: F t a U 2 Z004 I. De tailed drawing or photo of sign. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 2. Plot plan of location of sign. BUILDING AND CODE 3. Written consent of the owner of the building or land. OWNER OF PROPERTY (6AApC(h11e,5 ADDRESS 60 0;o rk)oV_AfR UJ,00ds OVA Ny 1 I b I I T(L.(E� NAME OF APPLICANT �SG({'Cx¢0�ra �1u�Pros (hG ADDRESS &rAncl_Av° nLM, �cy-gf4e4 5wn A{ JZY(Fto TEL(5cr) S84-1I ( i BUSINESS NAME IF DIFFERENT: TYPE AND LOCATION Check What Applies: Existing Permanent Projecting Sign Temporary Nan-conformingg Existing �T Free-Standing Wall ✓ New _ Location: Tax Map Number Address Proposed Setbacks from Property Line (front) (side) _ If sign is to be illuminated, please check appropriate box: Internal ( ), External (vl. Incadescent ( ). Neon ( ). Other ( ) Size of Sign: Width 5rJ12_i1 ft. Length /0/ � " ft. Total Square Footage: Sign Copy: r-a aar St)0akf c, i rsc Color and Material To Be Used. c6ia �f�� ��( (,cS17 � wl (h�(!Nl tt1 tl�'1 S �n � �'�,(�.� Signature: b(q cK','red G6Py �r le Oney 4plicantlowner, contractor or agent. I HEREBY AUTHORIZE APPLICANT TO PLACE A SIGN ON MY PROPERTY OR BUILDING. Signature of Property Owner: (s". (,{,&c ORIGINAL-Office Copy COPY-Applicant i 1 r F se StIF YC2 i 8V 100 SQ.FT Black alurrinurn box TM=-- ,. �co 5 � t i I =-� Flax face SUMY RECEIVED Flex face' a � Tapcons Jlas 0 2004 T-B fluorescent rBUI D NN OFG UEENSBURY AND CODE ;n r I �. Back aluminum box _- - T=8 fluorescent [6T Icmps] Ballast tllu;Tnira,,)ied BOX Si n Bud man to be Black, Face to be Flex Face F IIUUr-dricted with 1-8 Fluorescent 1857 South Shelby Street, Indianapolis,IN 46203 V:(317) 784-6120 F:(:317) 764-6142 i ,,,—11 PAGE 03 utf;-14-003 �7:36 FROM-NICRO COMWES 618-436-Bd28 T-821 P-001/001 F-►91 Todd Curley From: David Doan<DavldOean®ueadv.net> To: <t0urt0YQnIgr0cos,aom> Sent: Tuesday,December 1 B;2003 4:12 AM Attach_ Graphic4.lpS Subject: tsc quasnbu y,ny latter dnvid dcun 3 t7-78a•612o tex:317-784-61 d2 0-moil davidd Aa%MMdv.oSt 1857 Shelby S1. Ind i annpoiia.IN 46203 To wham it Mft Caftem: This istis+r authorbaas united Sign rE Aoming,Inc.or it's spent,tv appiv and a h Wn the sign permit. sea to install _�,52�`!}Il agnalgo lgilGj. 02139ir!sk:i1& sign I01 PlaAsa enter a)go loeallon Dowd address: GlL�iMi lid N@I!2 lIrR 44A ODYI�/1 MM d 47s�l�OE�Ri/ �lir}1��I1'P. -- Z�,e'�ir8'� 12/16103 f o� tio�� La 10, E�GOO