application SEPTIC DISPOSAL PERM f ��Ilse Only Dart_ Received, Tax Map ID TAXNAPIo Permit No. v_ � Permit Fe a a=770MW NsrattarraN App s; APP,ucANT -e :J t,-J // PHONV E--MAIL ADDRESS ZQ 7(1 �__O ,LLD/ S. INS;PAtLEA/Bt1)tlJFA: PHONE/E--Marc ADDRESS. ��Vi �' � INNER d,O X 2-2 CY PHONE/E--MA& 1 f— -7l� Address Merl 1,�4'1<f l ief_e)/ 00NTACT PERSON F4R�IIILDINQ�r d.°ODES COMPLIANGE:�T'L�O rC1,� L�/��� PHOt11EJ RSr®1:NCL INFORMAP/OfU Year Built #of bedrooms X Gallons per bedroom =Total Daily Flow 1980 or older Iry Garbage grinder installed _Y _i11 1981-1981 Spa or Hot Tub installed 1 —Y —N �992-Present PARCELINFQRB(rQTtON Topography Flat roping Steep slope % o �` Soil Nature Sand Loam Cla r Groundwater At what depth? 1 jim Q Bedrock/impervious Material At what depth? 71,7511 Domestic Water Supply Munlclpal Well(if well,water suppl fMnTari ► s 13 #A Percolation Test Rate: %--J per minute per inch{test to be mpl4ed-b licensed engineering 1 architact) PROPOSED sI smw FOR NEW CONSTRUCnam Tank Size gallons(minimum size 1,000 gallons,add 250 gallons to size for each garbage grinder or spa or hot tub) System Type Absorption field with#2 stone Total length fL-.Each trench y x Seepage Pit wdh#3 stone Now many: -size Alternative System Bed or other type? Holding Tank System Total required capacity? Tank size #of tanks Wafts., 1)Alarm system&associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency;2)We will no longer allow systems to be covered until such time as an As-Built plan is received&approved. The Installed system must match the septic system layout on file—no exceptions. DECLARAFrON: Any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material representation or failure to retake a material fact or circumstance know by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. 1 have read the regulations and agree t0 abide y these and all rey mants of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Print Name: /i-p Date: signature: Date: 1 Town of Oueensbury Building&Codes Septic Disposal PenTd Jply 2014 r