1969-04-02 (2)
Meeting of the Planning Board of the Town of Queensbury
held at
Queensbury Town Office Building
Wednesday, April 2, 1969
-'ustiÐ, Cus))ing. Kldcpatr1ck,. Little, Sinnott
, .
Keller and McIlvaine, Reporter
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ReQular MeetinG 8.gQ,
1 0 MM~'.,of:; l,§;f.: meeting aþproved.
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2. \tIlîï'1101cf'meêîiì\g April 16, 1969 at 8100 with the Home
Builders Association to discuss the Building Code.
3. Variance No. 94 - Goodyear Sign. Route 9, Woodbury
property. Austin made a motion, seconded by Kirkpatrick
and carried to approve the sign attached to the building
but to disapprove a free standing sign which would over-
hang the right-of-way.
4. Variance Noo 92 - Twin Cinema - John Gardner. Route 9.
signs. Cushing made a motion, seconded by Sinnott and
carried to approve with respect to size but with the
provision that this be set back 35 feet west of the right-
5. Variançe Noo 95 - Mark Monroe Auto Sales, Quaker Road. sign.
Little made a motion, seconded by Austin and carried to
approve this sign with th~ provision that this be lighted
only during business hours. The post is set in concrete.
The sign would be 25' from Quaker Road and would extend
toward the building~
6. Jack Carey of Northern Distributing Company, Corinth Road
approved regarding signs to advertise his warehouse business.
He would like in place of a large sign 50 feet from the
right-of-way a smaller 2 faced sign 25 to 30 feet back on
an island panter. Kushner stated that this application
must be submitted to the Zoning Board.
7. A subdivision No. 2-69 for John Behrens, John Durante and
Lee Riffe was presented. There will be 15 lot. on Dark Bay,
Lake George. Little and Sinnott were assigned to investigate~
Page 2
8. Roberi Press, Architect and Charles Scudder, engineer
appeared for Trieb - Beckerman Associates and the
,Meadowbf9o~JJnd CrQi1in Road~ at ~he Tom R~9.'1~" s~tet
No. S';;a69~ 'This is zoned R'"~.this wouldh'ave 4~
units and wøuld be build inst~~s with 128 ~nit&
in the first stage. Parking('wb\t1d be provided for
200 c,rs."
g ,) 1: ")'1 '} 1:
9 . Next " ..et1A9. Apr1l16.. 1969 at.8:00.
Patti' E. ···Còibt~
Sec:reta~i ..~ro-Tem.
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