1969-09-09 (3) MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY held at QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDING Wednesday! September 9, 1969 Presiding 0000" " " " Ö ',' Ö " 0 ö "George Kushner Present.ooo"o0~nn"""""n,Austin, Kirkpat.rick. Little, Norton Absent" ¢ ".,,, ü " '. "00" " " "" ö .,Cushing, Sinnott 8uests,,, " 0 0" '" -, <> "'" ö (, "0 , Phillips, Keller ******************************************************************~~***** Re~ular Sessier 8:40 Po M~ L Minutes aRToved ( August 6, 1969L 20 Jim Minnick and Co A Parsons appeared regarding Large Sea Ie Coml~1- ercial Development" Asked for advise on procedure.. Seven and one- half (71-) acres will include present Parsons, Firestone Building~ Proposed warehousing fa~ilities and proposed offi~e buildingo Dis- cussed site problems and arrangement for Warehousing building" Ad- vised that variances would be needed for set-back and use and Planning Board approval of large scale coi1merr:ial development" 3" Variances a~ted on were as follows:- ff125 - Martindale - Hillcrest Avenue - Side yard set ba~k to locate gal'age" Action.. Return with no comment" #126 .. Daggett - Luzerne Road & Richardson Street - Wish to ~hange non-conforming restaurant use to Warehouse us€~ Action - Disapproval as no suffir.ient reason shown for granting thisoMotion made by Norton, Seconded by Little and carried to Disapprove" #127 - Solar Development = Weeks Road 8. Route 1 - Wish sj.gn on Route 9 to advertise Roberts Gardens Development" Ai;tion.. Approve for one (1) year subje~tb review at that trmë~ Motion made by Little. sef;onded by Kirkpatrick and ~;arried to approve... 4" Sub-d1vj,sion # 6-69 Evergreen Acres - Section #3 - Sleight ~ Located on Dixon Road to City Watershedo Action - Preliminary a~Qroval granted subject to 50Ð Right-Of-Way 1n the SouthWest eorner of the development to the Watershed property, Motion made by Little. se'Cond- ed by Norton and carried, 5" Sub-division # 7~69 Mountainview .. Sleight - Located on Sherman Aveo Off West Mountain Roado At.tion.. Return to sub-division for tkhanges to rç:omply with adjae::ant süb-aivision and ac~ess for bal1:':k portlon of propertyo Motion made by Austin, seconded by Kirkpatrick and ~arriedo P~stin will discuss with developero 60 Austin expressed disappointment in the a~ceptance of the gas station at the corner of Ridge and Quaker Roads by the Zoning Board of Appeals He suggested -:¡;,he repeal of Se¡çtion 5" 505-~ of the Zoning Ordinan~e to prevent gas stations 1n Indu~trial Zones" 7u Next meeting will be October 1, 1969 at 8:00 P" Mo Adjourned at 10:00 Po Mn J -, Arthur Norton SeGretary