1969-10-01 (2) MEETIi~G OF THE \F~r;NING BOAHD OF THE TOWN held at QUEENSBURY Ta~ OFFICE BUILDING ~ or QUEENSBUHY Wednesday. October 1. 1969 Presidingoo~oo.....o.oooo.o...George Kushner Present.oe.o....o.o.."...o...oAustin, Kirkpatrick, Little. Norton. Sinnott Absentooo........ooo.o..ooo...Cushing Guestsoo.....oo',o...o..oo.o..oPhillips, Keller. Katz. Town Attorney **~~*********************************************************************** 1. Discussed Quaker Village #5-69. We feel, and Katz concurred that this is in fact. a large scale commercial development. It doesn't matter who owns any portion IS long as it is in fact under one control. It was our interpretation that no building permits tDuld be issued on the basis of preliminary approval but only on final approval. If buildings not shown are to be added to approved plan. then revised plans must be submitted for review and approval. Secretary instructed to write to Zemanac regarding this development" 20 Variances discussed as follows and to be acted on later: #128 - Howard White - Gas tanks. Can see no reason to approve. #129 - Sun 011 Company. Corinth Road; expansion of existing gas station by addition of one bay. This is within 50% rule so no variance needed. #130 - Parsons Warehouse and large scale commercial development. Will discuss after regular meeting. #131 - Rudy - Green Stamp store. Route 9. Cannot get parking with side yard setback. #132 - White Advertising - Sign near Northway at City Dumpo Oversizeo No reason for this shown. f #133 - Martindale - change store to apartments. As shown these are under the 600 Sqo Ft, required. #134 - First National Bank. Queensbury Branch. Set-back problem. Will be no closer than present building. Adjourned at 9:10 for regular meeting. Re-convened at 9:30. ---,,' Page 2 ~MINUTES ~ PL~ING BOARD MEETING - October 1. 1969 - continued ff 3. Variance #130 Parsons & Large Scale Commercial Development #8-69 - Feel , there are other areas properly zoned and better suited to warehousing use. This is not compatable with arœand may~reate traffic problem. Fai the, 50' set back should be held and retain or plant trees in this area as buffer to recreation areas adjacent. Adjourned at 10:00 p.m. -' J. Arthur Norton. Secretary.