1969-12-10 . MEETING OF THE PLANNING BOARD OF THE T~¡ OF QUEENS BURY HELD AT QUEENSBURY Tm-m OFFICE BUILDING WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1011 1969 Presiding.. ..... ~"Co"" "J" Arthur Norton P:t:'csent.. " .. .. .." .. .. .. .. ""Austin, Little, Sinnott A'b8,?nt".... ..'0 Go.. 0....0. .Kirkpatri,ck"Kushner G·:;,~',::H:s. e .. .. 0 .. " .'. 0 .. " .. ..~)olomon *..{.:......; ....:....!;..::.}~~':..); .~:1~~ ·:·.';'.·'·-l:~":~·'.;"1~1:*4~:ri::**¿':'¡''''!~*''''';'';:-J:*i.*...,:;...t*.!:*4~..'..;-:t~':~'(*****..~:* -1m*~\:**.',~'t')\:"'¡;'k7.;·¡':***'¡,'&l:*,¡t:**...1:* " . EXECUTIVE S~S,ION, 11:00 ,a..m~ Z~manak presented his plan with most of the required in~ormation on Quaker Village #5c,69.. tie gave ou!' ideas and he felt the bui.lding ·cannot be moved for reasonable and proper dev~lopment of 'his land.. . \>Je discuGsed the traffic pattern toward~liminat:1D8 road t,o the south of the preS,eut and ne\'¡ building but he felt this t10uld not be practieal to allow delivery to Quaker Electric and us~· ,of the new' buil,dil1g.. Landsca.pillg \'laS discussed arid he :agre'$d: to plantirag' trees between tbe' brook and th(~ road along the southõ . ' , . . , Zemanek qU~B~ioned our authority to review Bcale ;~c'Qunercial development unless there will check thi3 with the Town Attorney" , and approvð or disapprove a large is a zoning change rêquired 0 We . ,~ . Adjourned.. J ò Arthur Norton, SecretarY '