2007-046N ~/ ~ W ~ ~~ ~ o ~~ ~~ ~~ o U W N ~ O ~' O b W~ ~ .~ z ~ a~~ ~ ~ .n ~ O ~ a ° A .~ O N .~ o U O O N V ~' ~ o ~ o 0 0 Q ;~ N ~ a V w V -~ O ~ ~ z ~T ~ v • W I~ ~ ~ ~ i..i O ~, ~ o o o W ~ O N O ~ O ~ O o ~ ~ o 0 V o - ~ o ~ o .~ ~ O o ~ ~ ~ 0 o N 'd ~ ~ c~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z -d sa M ~ ~G, O N ~ ~ ~ U W ~ O ~ a~ .... V ~~ ~ a ~ z ~ z V +' ~ ~, ° ~ ~ a `~ ~; ~ U ~ . •~ ~ ° ~~ ~ +~ ~ cs U ~ ~ a~ ~ `~ ~ a ~ ~ ~ a o ~ ~~ W Ha b o w U v ~ o~ ~. b ~o ~ ~ w O O w A ~ ~ .~~~ ~a ~ .~=~ ~ O. ~ ~ Q„ w H ~ ~ 0 ~ ,~ W ~, O~~e,~ a ~ w c ~ a ~ ~.,. ~ .~' :~ o v •. O ~ ~ ~ h O p ~ ~ ~ tL ~ bA v ~ ~ •~ ., ,.a ~ ° ~. ~ •.. N (j o ~ o ~ ~ ~~~~ O C ~ O ~ a, ~ ao ~~'~,`~ ~a,~c~ a ~.~ a,~ w TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development -Building & Codes (518} 76I-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20070046 Application Number. o~z Tax Map No: 523400-308-016-0002-002-~01~0000 Permission is herebygranted to: SIGN WORKS Forpropertylocated at: 27 CAREY RD. A20070046 in the Town of Queensbury, to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the QueensburyZoning Or~anan~P. ape of Construction ~'aiue Owner Address: WILLIAM & MARY CAREY 402 MACEWEN Dr Commercial /Industrial $275,000.00 OSPREY, FL 34229-0000 Totai value $275,000.00 Contractor or Builder s Name /Address ~ BOB STOYA 668-5802 791-0047 19 TIMBER Ln LAKE GEORGE, NY 12845-0000 Plans & Specifications 2007-046 Name of Business: Sign Works l~lorthern Distributors: 5,000 sq. ft. commercial building $750.00 PERMIT FEE PAID -THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday, March 14, 2008 (If a longerperiod is required, an application for an extension must be made to the code Enfon:ement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the To o nsbu W c~fne ay, March 14, 2007 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensb ury. Electrical Inspection Agency w a -,.. 6~ N 1 N 1 ... _,: "' ;"' ~ .' Director of $uilding & Code E orcement ____ _ ____ ___ __f_~~._E__Gp_ _ _ OFFICE USE ONLY "` """""""'"""'; ~ TAX MAP NO~~ ` ~ + ~ _ ~ ~ /''~ PERMIT NO. ~ ~ ~'O~~j ~ ! ~t,.y~~~~~ ~ , ~.r{ FEES: PERMIT RECREATION ENGINEERING ~ F: :__..________________________________________________~Ifapplicable) ~ j'pi,I,N ~_ ~` v~ 'BU1LOilv~~-''vsb~ , ~~ ~1~Tf 17~r~ ~ ~ ~r~ ? ?= ~ = { = = G AND CDD~ Y Q,nT~T T~(l'~1'T'Tll1~T ~llT? 7(~11iTT]~jf; AAUT~/lVA~T ~,~ ~UTLI?~IG P~'R~4llT A PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED BEFORE BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION. APPLICATION 1S SL~ct ~t=eT ?' REVIEW BEFORE ISSUANCE OF A VALID PERMlT FOR CONSTRUCTION. APJPI 1CAi~{T/BUILDER: G~/ OWNER: ~ 1'!'D~if ADDRESS: OC Q _ y ADDRESS: _~ T/~j~f~,~ ~~~ ~~ PHONE NOS. 7 ~ O 2 ~ PHONE NOS. 66~ .~~2 /~/--G>~~i CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING & CODES COMPLIANCE: ~/,~ ,Sj't~/,,C~- PHONE _~~_ 936x7 LOCATION OF PROPERTY: ~ 7 G ~.Re~J ~Q ~f~2~61/,cy /(~,~ SUBDIVISION NAME: A/D/ly ;Z~~ Q/fT77~~/~,tj~ f' f PLEASE INDICATE MEASUREMENTS AS REQUIRED BELOW: ~ I CHECK ALL THAT hM'?'LY Iv ~Q~1~ ~ Z Q PRQ,lECT ~ 0 ~ 1= ~ ~ O~ p ~~ ~ W cd ~ ~ w LL ~ I ~~2 f Z Q Q :-fA NlA Ori ~LL I dSaiS i 5iNGLE 'rAMll_'r TWO-FAMILY MULTI-FAMILY" (NO._j f i TOWNHOUSE ~~ I / i~~S ~ BUSINESJ OFFICE ~ ~~ RETAIL- tv1EIZCANTILE h- ---___~~_-----_`__~_ ~ FACTORY OR ~ INDUSTRIAL ~~__ _______~ -- _ ------- ---------------- ----------- ~~ ------___-- _--------- ~"~~~ - I ~OO S~ I f ATTACHED GARAGE(9,2,3} j OTHER Town of Queensbury • Community Dev~opment Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 ,F COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL - N~AlME OF BUSINESS: ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST:ri',Z7rOop ~ FUEL TYPE: N~~fQijL ~,S' HEAT TYPE? TT %j "HOW MANY FIREPLACE(S) /v A' AND / OR WOODSTOVES(S): /V f{ ZONING CATEGORY: ARE THERE WETLANDS ON THIS SITE? i(/O IS THIS A HISTORIC SITE? PROPOSED USE OF BUILDING OR ADDITION:_ L~~¢;L]- ~y~/UF~CCTLit/n~~ ~~gi3q~~g-~jp~ ARE THERE STRUCTURES NOT SHOWN ON PLOT PLAN? AIO ARE THERE EASEMENTS ON PROPERTY? __,~) D *Please complete a separate Application for "Fuel Bu Inm g Appliances & Chimneys" available in our office I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I i certify that the application, plans, and supporting materials are a true and complete ~ statement/description of the work proposed, that all work will be pertormed in accordance with the ~ NY State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances, and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain ~ a certificate of occupancy. I also understand that Ilwe are required to provide an as-built survey by ~ a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of ` occupancy. I have read and agree to Director of Building & Codes 761-8256 (for questions QUE3TION3 ~ CAtL 761-8256 OR EMAIL regarding Building Permits, construction codes or septic codesCa~aueensburv.net systems) VI517 OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE INFORMATION Zoning Administrator: 761-8218 (for questions regarding www•oueensburv.net required permits, the permit process, application requirements or to schedule an appointment) ;This application /proposed action described herein is found to be in accordance with the zoning Laws of the Town of Queensbury. ZONING APPROVAL DATE ; "~ Permission is hereby granted to the above Applicant to erect or alter the building described ; herein in accordance with said Application: ; BUILDING & CODES APPROVAL DATE ; Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 .IAN-24-07 82:32 AM G.F.I. METAL ELD. SALES 5f8 793 8254 - u'~.*:hw=fix °•.'~ *:1.5r~z,.~... _. ~xL~~«'.~G~~...::'h'i°E~a;. ~. ..'-4 r.< _. ~ .. ~,; ,The efegant,~economical, ~~. ,Ytrt~u~llY maintenance-free ~`-~sw~r to ene ~~:- ~Y ef~iCiency. ~pp~-mil ~.*N MnnufACtured to hi h sealed to cut nir ~ quitlity stQndordy irtfiitration Extnctpe3y law stir infiltr,,tiori y,~;, =`~ ;~; Sxreltcttt thertnttl ruing c"'~ den ~ used for new canstrni~tian or ac wiw ~f::iu d~~~ ;' i, ~I~~~~t *~'.ctt~tot~'mantsfuetttred t~ ft your opening. :.. I~ttrnc~vC window di"sign. _iA,~lock & Tack Bat:tt~e Systertt ~: ~, ~ Meetit~ Rail Lock (optionat) ~-~~'; ;;' #. ;Avuil~le in Solid Waite or Bronze PVC `..!f ~, C'titt l~q Msuatf~ttttaed Also ns Horizontal Slid ~~ ,. ~'hCtttrp WiFMI~Dw ~ttd Rapper ::± :Certift4cl in accardnnct ' "with AAMA ''~ ~ ,Complies with Meeting tYtit ..> l'ftlb regulations std bottom east[ interlock =~t4" [nsul:taed GIB Low "~" ~ ~`, ~~ l,ow .~~`%Arg~ Gas QptipTl.M1l'~"~ ~, b', r _.t `-,~ I5 i.. ~ i i !; ~s:. i ~;. ~. ~ l _.•;'ah4 ~~~ • ..4~ S' ...~ r,:: ~:. r ~OtIVCt'l~ftt trNCgrt11 Ilft handlC BXC4UStYE A117'ElQRIZBD [~EAi.ER Widow rf Y. ,,,. .~be tram a/ d8c 6rochoes r~ desigxd and produced by VmyF Baikria~ Ptaductr, Inc. Od~lxad. N7 ET/43~ rci canjara;tion wiUr T.E.A.M. P1td vinyknc' is a re~iamred orrietnari; elY~ryvt Brrildir~ tiodo~ts, lac., ~1an+4 WJ D7#36 t~rigM Q r~ r t,.ower sash ~,y title in Par easy ~,.~:.~: _:, cleaning P. E3b i,r Sw ~. .C i;. ;~ ~~;,.y. I ING AtN~/D CODS , .ry; ' 1 rD ~ -j~t '• ~ _ ~. ~; AliitiCitYQ .:ce ~, . ~ Wis.: ~~ yy• ,~? .~f„~. ~.. - ' • *. era ., ~: ~,, ''"~"~i ~;;~' Y ' 1'+ j - ~+ i ~.~;,. F~ ;~ir -r ` >~ ' ~ ~.~N ~~ ,Y ~' 1 .. j ~ f~L .. ."v;T ,tiF y -• ." ~Si ~;~_ -.I ;-h l~ty ~~ ? ' :.-. ~ ~r~: ~utorrtatkally . '»'.~„ ,~:r '' ~'i ." ,y IY f~0~t-TBiZ S. America. 3prirdEfxld , At1 trAtt. ::' ..... JAS-~`~-07 $2:31 Ah1 G.F.I_ h1ETAL $LD. SALES 5i$ 793 $254 P' . 05 ~, n .~{•; -,~ w~ L . a a •L~.i~p7-~t../a ,1( 1~r ~~+['1LC.~,? 1~''1 I['yl,J1~l MY~7 ~ L.I[J~Jf 1~,] I) f: '~W 4 ~;~~' a.i h F Pi ~j~t '~ F:~i~,'i ~ ~ ~ N '~N.~ ^T. '~..: ~ ~ ~ ~ ..4 . ~ ~ ` ~ ~. ~~i~ ~'} re . 't t i a+ 1! ~ .. ~9 ! - ~~ ' !i ! -. 1 j '9 ~ i, !~ • ti ! r ~ ; ~ ,' - ,_ ~; . <, ~ . :. •,~ a .~,. AC ~,, ~~3 .~ 7 ~F' bi= ins .,t, ;~,; : ~ri»~ the outside in wfth three wide windows f+eaturiag arrheci hccrds and specialty gads. .~'~; ~ . ~~.t_ ~ ~~ ~:. . ,.:, Choose Aiotiernve.,~.. Because #'s y~+ur home! i4- . It ~.. ...... .. er.p;. . .._.x ..,..,,r, . m a b U ~ Z N ~mo $ Z~~ N Z ~TZ D ~ ~ moo ~~ m~ N ~ ~ ~ 0 ° z ~ m ~o° rn ~ O ~- ~ N~~ m r~~~ O~ 1 S2~ m~~ T~= 1 ~ xy ~ m!~ ~~ ~m~ min z~~ ~ y ~~ ~ z~°~ O r n m mzz~ ~'zcZi~ ~ =a =Z=Z~ ~~~ m ~D ~r ZD ~m Q Z rn r_ O Z Z O L _~ m :t7 m cn ~W '`~ v ^~ ` J d N M ~ ~ A A ~O n !~,' fop O A ~ ~ ~ n ~ ~ ~~ ~ `° ~• O ~- ~~ ~~ ~. o; d C R. A d n 0 ~°., A, ~~ 0 c31o' ..T7 .~. ~'.~ ~'' ~F~ ri. j O 0 ~~ ~ ~. ~~ ~ ~ a- • o ~~ N A ~, ~ O 0 ~ ~. <o co C 0 X H N O 'P D ~ rn ~ =.. ~, ~« .. ,V ---- ~~-~~ - N , ----------; 1 .~ ,~ o ~ ,~ ~ ~ ;o ~ rn , ~' ~Z~ r ~D ~ Z t ""ry ,o ~ ~ ~ ~-> < , =~ tT1 ~a ; ° ~ 0 m ~_ ~ C O m ~ ~ ~ O ~y ~~ -i n m ~~ ~~ ~ ~ W r ~ ~ ~o C pp N ~m w .r Z 7~ Of ~ O ~ m D ~Z / O r~ ~~ I I I I i ~ I ~ ~Q I i ~ ~ Q rn I ~ o ~ i r- -- --,---- - i i ----- - -----~-- t ~ j r._ . -- -- - ------ - ----- I -------- - ------~-- ~ i - ---- - --- - ~ -~_----~ --- ~ I i I i O ~I~ j I ~ ~ I ~ ~ ~ mA l O ~~ ( I I I Z I I m I O I I I I 1 ~rpl ~~o~~l I I I ~ j I ~ ~ ~ o of ~ 3 I ~ I ' I I i ~ I I ~'~ ~ I I D ~ I I I 1 p ~ I ~' ~' r I ~ m~~ I I I \' I ~ i I ~ W ~~~~I I I ~ j 0 T p f I I I ~ I j s (~ j 30~i I ~ i I I -----r---- - --- -- ~ ----- ~ I ------- ~------ ---- ~~ ---- _... ~ ~ ~° I ~ ~ I ~ 1 I ~ r -- -- ------~- --- i I i ~ i I j I ~ In I ~-+ I ~ I 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ c- ~ ~ I I I ~ m~ r I ~ j ~ Z l ^ ~ j I I I W ~ oD I I I ~ ~ i ~T I ~ I j ~ j I o ~ ~ oo i ~ i i i I ~ ~ j ~ ~ I t i ~ ~I i ~ ~ ~, ~, I I I I ~ ~ f` f C Zi I ~ I i I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I I I i S ~ \~ i .L ~ I I I ~I ~ ~ ~ I I ~ i I i i I I I j ~ i ~ ~ I I j i i I i I i j ~ ~! I I I I 1 ~ J a ~^~\ 1 ~~ b M K M ~o F'J •'i ~ ~ C p A .~ oo ~ n r ~ ~' p ~a Z ~ 1~I o M ~ ~ ~~ ~ 00 m ~~~yy: V ~. ~ n ~`M nF a r d c r A D O Zr n 0 _ b~ m ~' 0 00 ~~ <y~V~" ~' ~+ N. f0 ~' .~.~ .o ~~ N A .y, ~ O O ~ ~. coo ~o a- 0 X -.1 N O D~-d,~6 1 1 1 C ~ 1 1 I- Z 'T'' 1 ~ C ~~ ~ 1 1 ,,//~~ 1 ~ !' ~? 1 fr 1 1 v ~ .. ~ 1 ~ L,:. ` 1 `°"g 1 1 0 ~ ~ ~ L 1 ~ 1 1 m~ 1 'JAM-~`~-G17 ~~=~$ AM G_F_I_ METAL BLD_ SALES 528 793 8254 f j d i . ~ ~_ ... i~ TOVvN Ur ~u~~~v~rsURY j BUILDING AND CODE . , Ct~Mcheck Software Version 3.x.0 i ~~:. , t Envelope C~~plience ~ertif~cate ~tKi1 lECC paos: otrts~a~ ~~ ~ t'~n tlt8: C.'IPntsjpank FNae ~ .~ ~. I~ ~ E : (~t~on 1: ProJe~t Infornr~ion . ., ~o~.cc tee: s~cNwowcs ~n 8ite: ownsrtA~f: ~ ~ ind-,.~ai aarlc rmbori rte: Quaar~bury, NY ~ si~[~+-rowcs, ~~. '~°'"~ "~'"'~` ~ taa Bawsra load wiiro--, NY ~ ~ ova 6f~-~B1-B~Q fury. NY 12AQ~i-9R1Z ~ 31@-T6~~d25~! ~~.nat . ~Se~tiort 2: tisne~al Irtform~ion ~ ~ rrseu~r ~ ALrn FN1~„ ~w York a•~ra tbaee es fii T~ Doprra Goya (bay ~i dapnw ~: Ks . ~ ~~°~ Nnr corntrastloa i c~,z~,o r wao wss ~.: ~x . and cammerdal ®^a[btee oaoo l~ecti~ 3; Requ~anwn#; Ched~iist 'y,. ~ i .. ft . ~ ~ +Con~penant MwMlDrsrntplbn iirv~s 14rw a~t ~~~{~~y.~ty4~ aC~o~e. Erepof~d +`~~t 1: ~ i ~ .M~~ it-Valor U-R#t~lnr ~:: ~ ~: +~ fborwMl, 7t~mrt ~odR aoao o.a ~2.a ~~ a.a~ -oast FxtariDr WaN t. ~M Wei vMtllout 11~rrrnPl 4683 a.o t8.a a,Qr~ o,ar4 WkKtpw t; VkgA Frarrwa)oubts F'aner veldt E.ow~E, t~rar, SW~C 144 -- - x.344 0.52a i O.p6 ~8~ 1: .7c7~ ~ ~.NW W~M/ °°°rz:°"°r~"°d ~ - -- cart eta Floor f: ~;}~~, YeeHcel4 tt kpa ~ ~~ ~ _ ,~ ,.. ,.. ~y ~~~~ ant and for tollw~ane baaalins cala4sEions ONLY. and ara nat r~pdU ~. 5 ~ ~ Afr . Coenpon~elt CernF •red ~/ ~., ~ apor [mtatdrr R~pufr*nnwt~s: ~'~~ a j A 1. AY jeinfs ~d pwlslrMiona ar+r cauYard~ grN~lyd or ~~ M!M'- s nK~ Yipor~ntiablr wrapping ~s~Idaefrl tnd~Rrd in . ~ acann3enaa veldt ltvs ~'a kwf~rion ~. .: , . ,.. ~~, . .. ~:~, ; doom, and cartNiad as rtr.adnq ~ a ~.,.~ ., `~~~~':, i ~i4M~RKS ~:.t Papt t of 2 c ~ r~~ ~~. P . 62 ~ : 3 ).'~'~ ,: z :~.~ <~ ~~ . `;1' <. ..~ ~` . ;: ~~ ;; . ~. ,. {l . M ,;k v. '-~{ 'A n~ t i. `I•'' ;° ~. `t ~, i'i- `~ry "*'1' -c.. ..., '~ ..- .~•; ~~~~, -.rHN-24-0T 02:29 pp~ G.F.I. METAL SLD. SALES `+'t II''`,;i 1 I)aors *A" end "$" shall be ninfarccd, stiffened, and sottt~d deadened with irnpneed krs#t honcy- coaibcare complete}y filling the ineick facxs of the dear and laminated to the inside faces of the parr- els. Ikicxs atrall be rtanfatraed fvr applicable hsrdwsr+e. r)OOr frames atoll ba 26 gage zrrrc-coat! (galva~~? steel, painted white and strap be one of the fig}}~ A. "Premium" ltgrubtic 1+E Series, finish painted having a jamb depth of 53!4 " with a 16 gage jamb retainer. 23. "Economy" FE Sr~a, prime painted barring a jamb depth of S 3l4 ". Door jambs shalt be cones for port-tra~rrd ie- str~tlatiorti. Door frame "A" shalt heave factory app}red weather-stripping. 3 frame "B" shall loos vve~tret-atriPFjn$ p~ vied for field iriatallatiort. Door frarrfes shall be shipped as a package, arse pair of jambs (irirrge and stritae for sengte openings ~ x hinge jambs far danbk openrings}, treads, silt plate, jamb retainers, girt anchors. roweatheratrep, tirreSltO}d. liiAges aruk faaoewerg. 8.23 3rartdtad locicseta shalt to one of the fotlowiag: A. Yale CRE 8722 maatise [tickset, US2617 frniah. or :. ~ $. GAfrRUYAY. 'i'S-Dp 26Q lever I~ancike Lctekset a egwft. .. 8.2.4 ~ Exit devitxa she}} be ane of the foitow2ng: ~ A. Yale 7100 Srytirre series rirti devkse with a stainte~ steel knish 8.x.5; Door ~ ahaU be attrmitftrm, strplt}iott with f7ai i head stx+awa and expaosiott sttiehda for att~unent to masQenp floor. g.3 11°RlfrA3SEMBLLD F'SRSONNELDOORS P'te-t3saernl'ital personnel doors wheat slrecifted sttai} tx 3'-0" X ?`-0" X 1-3/4" Atarlr~cd~ed 5~on12D g~ri Zrec- C4ated (g~aivantz~ sleet with Slarrdard Waite os Brgrru baked an primed finish. Dooea era insulated t?olyur~etharre Gore (R 14.3). Door frames 1111}} be 26 gage sine-coated (galvanized) steel with Standard White ar $roazc naked ort pouted nniah. tackaet shall be ane of the foriawing, A. ~ttr~r hDCk with (ever handles wit! be an troth sides. Key-in-knob on exterior aide turd thwnb turn pt~h tittt~tx- cni intmiar Bide. Shalt be Yale AU3407LN. 518 793 8254 P. 04 beets ANSI 256.2 series 4000 Grade 3 merits. `. B. Mortise }ock with leYer bandies on both mks.` Stta22 6e Yak ALI$7~L Grade 2 . Meets ANA 156.23 aeries IOOQ regrriren-tttts. , ~• j^ ,N: >~ FSxit device 3371}} be ~Olsfra $OOU Se~ea Or ~}. f , ~ i ~>~- :tir:: ~, 'Ftffiesttolds are ~ oaf altattiatim atby .; .~ :{' TS with mill frniah, ADS corrrptittttt. Ail iast~s: anchors endudetl for trot~tcte in~it2sticiti. , s,~ 6I.1D]NG DOORS 5tardatit dam sliding door sixes stadt be t2' 10', 22', 14' or 26' high; as spetdfiod. A22 sliding sttatt be dea}gned to M-~atiuid apptkatble wind ~ Ykiors wits ire skipped wed, .. bottom guider lock angles for aide clesuns, hdod protect the top of doantffirorti ~. kYa• ~ $~ tack. Doss shall be from a structurcal heatler,by 3f$" bolts Ott the 2'-0','. DCr. Door panels abal} be tit! Jong ffi die color attatt be ReflOctive WlBte. Sicb stroll have [wa fot~ wheel trntleys. They atfall in diarrreter artd sttalI be formed from heavy ~ tttm Itas been zinc plaiek *nd ctttmmaed eo ~ : ,i The wheels shall have .hardened a-rsil ttrUa belti rnanrrfecwr ~ ~ ~ T~!- ~ by spatial Matiuhoatriag (Na. ItkSt')T) or equd. OVERHEAD D[10-R FRAMING C)verlfead door sftpportr ahaD bas desw resit appbCable wend lopds rand shell conai~ of jambs with a chanttd header at the !op of life t Z6 gage sleet, catr ~ flashing ~ vrded W concreal pane! edges at the opent~ tm1 ervr;ae specified. GRAVITY YI3NTIE.liT~itB Q~avicy sedge verttit~c>Y}c s2~t be tttatmFactrw galvenized sleet :rnt pai~e+d .vhite. The vrl bra}t be 24 gage srid ~c stQrt st~l! be rrratcb the roof slope. ~ktain okraated dtfmper firrttiaifed. 'YCriti}9tCrt5 Mutt be et}uipped with t bird screens and riveted end cap3. Veuti}~~ }0' long slid Nava a 9" of 2Z" thrt~. 20" round vr3rttelaeorsrrrs' 2 6e ?a grge and shall adjustab}e hose far ~nrittg a a pitdtet[ 0!F-S~C~pe 1110t1ritl~j. ~ '"` ~t~btsnr~2gD1-7812 JAN-24-07 02_29 AM G_F.I. METAL SLI-_ SALES Sib 793 8254 0 4 naett R-v°lua° 8 U--~s ~bei~c~ ae off, MaEadid M .. I ~ ~+ ~ ~ ' ~ ~ ~ wltlt 11+a aurtecee ~0 ~t~eledr arxi in e Q e. ~~bthe ~ 4 ^ ~. ~Do doors and bad~p dac~t doar~ rata aK Se@led. ~ wMlt rrgioeisad d~pa+s. mod ~n~ are' m Type ~ ~d ~d sealed a lT~eMd; ar . ~ ' ©$. y wkh a 0.5 kx#t d tom bts ~ end ~- ~ t~l MmlgNaad an appeprlsis alr fr ~ ~ darns haw a V ~ dQU~Aed Mritlr dpi daY1C8~ A~xn k~NtaUon r11~OBrli1. .. Q ~ncaa wNh rey . opora nest open dsaotly Man a ip.cs fsa ~ sq. f! In , ' . O s. V+~- det ice. Soctton 4: Compllenap Sta#etrt~nt f ~~ ~ ~ r~lt ~ ~ ~1 the dgCV~} ~ Cart Mlle! the bulkNnp Pte. nest the ~i IEGC, GhaPter 8, P ~. The p M s~lerrt hsa bOSr- OagPwd ter ~ C,ltaddrat. ~ kF COMCM9q~ ~a~IR1t13.2.E3 m1d to comply Nye 1tr rr,ary fn tlts •- Envelopl~ best ~- P _ 03 i~ ~~ .'ffi i '~;~"y' ,..~:~ ~? .~ k'?W p;~ +~ °;' . t ;.:,:,~ ::r~;~ :~:~ `s ,.; ,: r.~.j .. r' ~-- ~~ ..n,......,...~ ..............___,.,....._.,.,..__.,,._..__.___.........~._,_-.. i+'aQe~ Cl 2 i I :E~:~ ~~ ~; ~` ~~~ ~- ;,, . ~: ~- . ~, :,; ~. . ~; ;_ , ~. `r.. ~. .;~ ;, w ~. ~.s:~, ~:~ i= ~, f~ ,; ~!i~: ~,~ y,i ,.~ ~i :.)t'~ ,:r;. ~~,'~>~, s~~v~~s PROJECT NAME: _ 2 7 Ca/{~~~ ClA, BUILDING PERMIT SUBMISSION CHECKLIST FOR: OFFICE USE ONLY STAFF INITIALS: ~O T ;DATE: ~ (;~ v' = ---------- ~~~- ~b MULTIPLE DWELLING or G©MMERGIAL PROJEGTS TOw ~~~ 1. ,Building Permit Application Completed? YES , NO N / A ANA ~CDE Energy Form or CheckMate Energy Code Compliance ~ _ - ---- 2' Forms Complete? (2-co ies C -_~ p ) _ ~ -- 1_. -------~ 3 :Energy Code Inspector's Report from Checkmate Program? (2-copies) j- __........__ _....__ --- -_ _ _ -- 4 Sep#ic application completely filled out? ~ ~-~ of applicable) - 5` :Electrical Inspection Form complete? r (~ - -..v_ ..............~------- _ 6. Two (2) sets of the plans each of the following: YES ~ NO ~N / A~ a. Floor plans (s) ~____- . b. Foundation plan? ~ ~ ` .._.._.-.....___........._._.._~---- --- -1-----~~ C. ~rOSS SeCtiOnS (S)? r / ~ d. Elevations? ~ - - '/ ~_ I I --- ~ V ~- c, u~aiy~ ~ ivaua ~t ru~uui~ ~y ~iuu~ , a~ ~uw ~ua~r, a~ ~u nrn ~u I / load? , #- Seismic design (required after January 2043}? i , // ~ `' g. Plans signed and sealed by registered architect or engineer? V h. Window and door schedule? ' / ~ I Two (2) site plans showing Location of the structure to be s built, location of well ar water (fines, location of septic 7. ~ system or sewer line with al{ setbacks and separation _' distances shown, and all improvements to the property? 8. ~ Solid Fue{ Burning or Gas Appliance Form (if applicable)? ---- 'N 9. (Driveway Permit (' J ! I ~ ~~~ ~9-ccov,JT Town of Queensbury • Community Development Office • 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 G ~V ~~~ ~~ 742 Bay Road * Quet:nsbury, NY. 12804 Office Phone : (518) 761-8211 Fax : (518) 745-4466 ~~~ TBU•LD(N ~v~-~:vacsURY G AND COpE D~~~VA~' I'E I7C Richard A. Missita Highway Superintendent Home (518) 798-5127 Michael F. Travis Deputy Highway Superintendent (518)798-0413 DATE:. / --`f! Z -- G~ '7 APPLICANT NAME:. ~B~~il~ S~'-vy,.q TELEPHONE NO.: ,S'8/ - r136"a ADDRESS TO BE INSPECTED: 2 ~ l'c!/tP.c/ RETURN ADDRESS:. S~~S w ~Li~.v /~3/ Applicant must show exact location. and width of driveway(s) to be connected to the highway by placing stakes at the specified location. The Superintendent of Highways of the Town of Queensbury has reviewed this application. The following action. has been taken: STEP 2: (,~ Preliminary Approval NEED: OSlight swalp (i~Levei with the r,~ ~~ a ~; ~ 4 ~ ( )Deep swale Size pipe to be used {if necessary) ( )12" O15" { )18" O24" O36" Preliminary .inspection completed by ~ "~ C S DATE i ~ ' J __ f Approval by Highway Supt. -~...--~'~ Deputy Supt Upon completion, please resubmit this approved permitfor afinal approval STEP 2: O Einal Approval ( )Rejected Richard A. Missita, Highway Superintendent DATE: E-nail : t;igh.vay~queensbucy.net {~~ ~~- ~ ' The Fan-in-a-~an'~ aid ~~ Fan-in-~-~r'~rrl'"' are a~esi~t4ad to deliver Combust+~sn air tt7 t4•ae mectlaraiCal roQ{n, ba;siia3~ r0tsnt or° furRa~ ia7Catia:~n 'to m~r~ane 8 eon~ined sp~ae or inaa~uats aia` 5U~3~?fy SS a~f IRa3ii Bij/ t~FPf+, btna~ PdFPr~ ~t . T(t~s mr3dd~s 8re deSi,gnpa~ For casa~r With systeta7s where d'ar~ect conna~;oR IS Rot possibie. Whan a9a4ttfE~ivrasstat torhe~ t~ fasFba~Ca~TM (d:AS3~ C~AI~-+3} ter FSniYt-.B-tNurP~T~+ (G45. 6 ~ 1~AS-7"y t artd hems ',~„3 r~,~ ~ ~Ro tt~4 zs. ~Alixnt a4' (!aal 66 ~sG"~i~l, the CAS 'atg:Nalrt~arta a~'~.Trya F~rrira~erCara*~ or ~~r-at~-[3r~mm;+++ c!~~,a t~;a 2!r f^2o they r~rat r~aa. tataa ~ oaf 'D' end ~so[sact;~ e~fiq~ aeon. -:M:. -~ -~; ~ - - - - ---_~- - \ti +. - ~ ~' -0' ~Pt~.7~6! ~q fir ~ ~~~ ~r` a f~% f~'4~a~1 t~vb~1 ~-~ ~ r,a. ~, ~'.,~ - ~~ ,I r 4 iZ 4.d5'WJ-~ Q,~ I f~ ~s~t ~~s f:: #'.~~'~~' ~~~ ~ ~ ^ ss~r ."4-7 t M ~t. ~$11-l9A~43~~`ac">~i~ ra4~ly '' ~4 ~~'-_j~f Itv£~aks Air t$bs~ - ~.~~- u~ TOWty ~o .,, ..~ _,W.~vURY -~UILD~C ,11~~D CODE r a .a,.,, Y ,,. `~i `''P`~ ~,~' t ~ .~ • t ir~f'!-~t~S~C~'i'tt~Ci'~ ~daa~~ t ~~ W!\J .-~ .'Y. ~~~ 4`~ ~~ ----•--.._ ............................._,........... - -,-.-.,-.-.....,«......... ............,........-»„-,. atele~~Cur:tr~a:....,T~~'uonil,~ej :,u6~tegc~ti~C~n~any ~, ~ I i~_.L~f ~~ Ttte ~n-trt-a-~a>3'^~ ark the Fan-in-a-Ctre,m~ are desired to ci~tiver cambustaon eir ~ the m~aniret rcM+tn, honer rc9~tr~ Qt f'Jr~ace toc~tian to csverc4~tte a confined specs 4r inacle~~s'tr sir supply as cpetirtesd by PdFPA ;~ an~f NFF'r: 3't . Ttr~g trt+:~d~ ~ desi,gnpd fcr use w-~if~ ~ysiems wh~r® direct connection is nat possible. ~~~ r~~ ~ ~s~•7 {L>Ftt arg~.;} ado ts~ '~~ ~`i-'~ V1~. ~TSa r ___ __._ VUbc111 the*.flelrttia fr~rtsc tt~ f~TM ~~. ~ttS ~i}c~r F~.i~-~-t~t~ (CAS- s ~ c~-s-~ ~~~ ~s ~s~a ~rs~r~tne ~u~m$~r rte, is ca, the C,,4S ~a 6u~rt>:rrtct ~.'~hs F~us~;rre.CattA" ur F-D=L~tt~ c~,ss~ ~a ~r ~ the rim hu~nas ~ Lar.~ce a~ ~rg><y ~ P e`~a~r b,~~n. .~, -^* -, - -.. - J - ~, c: csn. 3 .416 1?-.3 3.'?5 455 s34s 1~8 °-.5 ~ X11 ~i _3.75 ;~:$ 0 'F~49 r 7rsU 4-~ :~r -' 1ti`s Sys d.5 A9L7 1tl~1 4Fld 4.75 7391 i2~ S 000 7~1 & 3 ' Y t ! eS . 5.75 ?S ?at B~ k ~75UfiD 53 117u sso a1 4~ i~1 Ci48.7c~tt. -Temrlr: iA117Rr3 7L1` eleui 12" ~ 0.(100 11ti7 ~.S 91C+,~ ~i 'G~FS 7 .s~U LNID 314 7y[; 7S 1 ih10 + &97' 3.:!~ 11$'50941 1';.?'L ~Citi ~ 1 ~0 wa ~5.- azs 1 ~ 1~: >~:, ~ftS !.~~~ 74 1~+ 17~u t.~s~c+ s1 1.'7 - 9~Tf,, ::,SULK! 1S ~W ~'~ ,~ ~ ~,~~~' ~ FarrB~e-G~nTM l~Sy .. +'~ BTr~ks ~ i~raod RE~'~~J~!!J TOVvi~ d. _~_v, d..e~vRY BUIt_DiiV~ ~,~~~~ BODE ~~. • , ~ ~ .~ ~ ~f1-it1-~-Qt~llM~ 14 aBPattb~/ ~•:SY,~Mx ,. t .i i .~ ff ,i ~~p~ ~ _•--__._._.._ .............. ........................m--.._-..~..................,..,. ,.. ...... ~..-,- ~dels9 Gtsrrt~od.....~'i~ v~r,i;dO~t~i~ti~orv~COrrq~ny t I H lS u +~ ,.. v +... A, r, . . r . o ~. ,.... a ... . . v v ..~ . . • w .., . . INSP~C`I~i®N ~'c T'ES`,"IiJG I~tV1S$4:titi~, F.I3.& 7`IS., Il~C. 4 S"Vi~liiam Strut, I3allcto7 Lnk~c, ~Iawl'aark I20I~ Phvne: (5J ~) :>59-! ~4$ Fax: i~ I ~) ,~~9-! ~ i 3 1Vlarch ~, 2007 SI~1°f ~URI~S, T1YC. 188 Ballard Road Wilton, New `York 12831 Attn: Mr. Robert Staya Re; ~~G~1 WAS: ~XJ~~I~iSl3I3~Y,1~11~T~ '~'91~.1~ Construction Maicriais Insp+cction and Testin;S s~:avlces I3etitr Mr. Stoya, COi'~STRUC"~'IJN Tl/CI~It~~,U~Y is p$eased to sufimit tlae following fee schedule artd proposal to provide all necesaary labor, ecluiprnent., tcs~s, any u~Splaes to complete the construction materials insgroe+~tion, testing aril laboratory et•aluations n=4uired of the referenced pro,~ect. Frr,m our conversation, we attticipatc our se:•~•ices may include: R~~ ~ ~°~;~ * S~1L FILLS ANr3 EACKFILLS: Services of a Senior Materials Teeluroiciat~ to '~ .~~1RY compaction veri~cntior9. Testing and e~valuatian of fill aa~d backfill materials shatl~ e ODE with ASTM D-1.556: Sand Cone Method or ASTM D-2922; Nuclear huge Density Method. * PQRTLANI~ CEMENT Ct3NCR.~T;</: Serwi~;es'v= a Senior Materials. Technician, certii~ed as required in g.'S'I"M C-94, by tlc Ameri+:~tn Concrete Institute {ACl} to grade I, Field Techt=ician. Services shall include testa for slump, ehtrained air, terr~peratures., knit weightJyield and fabrication • crf test specimens. Reccsrdatian r~fplaecment shall be in accoz~ance with applicable AS"F'(tif Standards and ACI Specifications. * STI~~JCTT~ JI~AL STEEL ~ BC~I..TEL7 CC-~IECTIC??~~: Services saf a Se*~ior , ~vlaterials Technician to provide onsite inspection cal: structural steel. Services include dimer-sioning, plum;bness artd alispunent of ~oIumns anal beams; and torque evaluation of bolted connections in accordance with the American Institute ~f Steel Construction (AIS~}., ~` Cc~norete test cylinder and construction raroaterials pickup. Technician hourly rate for above listed sere°ices $ 23.~U Trs~nspot~ation per mile portal-~~-portal 0.41 II. LABt)ItA.TQ€t9' SER`VICLS; Scroll particle Size Analysis (Sieve Analysis}, Imo' saczrogle S 40.00 Solt iViois#tjrefDensity Relation (Prcctar), per sample. 75.00 Compression Test o; Concrete Vest Cylinders, pez' cy]inder 7.50 ~' 1 H sK -- k7 ~+-~ 1:n ?•.~ f' Y s. . °"~'r'~- :i ' i'i iL, i.J i'-~» v ~ ~' ?..~ , :"~' ~ d-,: »`S f ~ d.: »'{ . 52~ 39S 23.3 TYri3rCl2 $, ~(}(~'~ Fte: ~l'aG~4i ~~t1; ~L3~~l~1"~~i~~'~', i~t'~ i ~''C~~ III. EI~UIPMENT CHARCrES: Nuclear SailtAsphalt Density ~~.uge, gscr dey All iisterd fees Ili~~~.~T~ ':~:yistrative re~ie~.v .,~ ,~,:.,,, ~ 4t9.t7© partaes clesil;~ate3 i•Sgd ~ra~ect sp~ci~ic~.tian. tYr' ~`~.~~~ $t distributian #{~± atu eint ~.,~ il'kase Should here be re~u;r: r~cnts other ttiar.. those 3~ste ~~ at~r ~~ "?s al'tvstin~ ~d irtsp~~.~~ ser~,ric~.:~. res~abrz:it ~ st~itahi ~ a~ola~~l for additio~~ ~:~~~. ~' p3ease ~14w u.~ to mcs~ii~~ il7is prc~~:osal or bVe appre;.i~t your iratere~t i~ o~zr f rrrt. '~~e 1oal~ I'tss'wr~ tai ~~~; ~~ tl~e cotts"s~acti~n trta~tcrix;s irispectio~a, t~stirsg Ord 1.a~r~cry~ requiremcnt~ cif 5~~~ -itl~~~, I~r'~, If there are any clue~tions, r,r when we may be of assist~»~ce, plea contact tl~;is office izncrsediatei . Respectfully, y Ct)l'+i UC'TI{~l~' 'T~~'ll~l~r1C3~.~UG~' Tam o`s in, S.Q.T. ~~~ Maa~a~er Technicg€ services R~~'~'~~~~'~ E r ~_ ~' - E3 L BUILDIiv`: ~-~s~tiD C©JE FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Toum of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 "Home of Natural Beauty... A Good Place fo Live" PLAN REVIEW Signworks 2007 046 2/23/2007 I have reviewed the current drawing submission for the above and offer the following comments: 1) Fire extinguisher locations as noted on drawings 2) Add emergency lighting as shown 3) FM review indicates building is an F2 occupancy, not B as indicated on drawings. (see applicants submittal indicating light manufacturing and fabrication) Michael J Palmer 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518 761 824E firemarshal~a queensbury.net Fire Marsha 1 ' s Office P h o n e: 528-761-8206 Fax: 518-745-4437 firemarshalCa3queensbu , .net zcnUZt~.queensburu.net TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804-5902 5 18-761-8201 February 28, 2007 Bob Stoya 19 Timber Lane Lake George, NY 12845 Dear Bob: We have finished the review on your new proposed building, and the following items need to b addressed in order for us to issue a permit. 1. We will need stamped structural plans for the foundation, which include foundation layout and cross sections. The exterior doors must be changed to swing outward. All doors must be noted to have lever handles. 4. Please install emergency lights throughout the building in order to light up the exit paths to the exit doors on the plans. The bathrooms are not shown to be handicap accessible. We will need details showing the bathrooms dimensioned out and elevations for fixtures to show that all necessary handicap standards have been met. /~/~¢ C.~d~ ~~~~t ~We will need structural inspection contracts to show that the concrete will be tested during the pour of the foundation, and that the structural steel of the building will be inspected once it is erected. ~We are questioning how combustion air will be supplied to the boiler. Please show this on the plans. The boiler room, due to its possible BTU Rating of the boiler, must h v a one hour enclosure around itwith athree-quarter hour rated fire door. ~~~ We will need a lighting evaluation of the building and inspector's checklist to meet the Energy Code requirements. As of this point in time, this appears to be all the issues that we currently have before a building permit can be issued for this building. O ~~llc.~ 3~~~ "HOME OF' NATURAL BEAUTY ... A GOOD PLACE TO LIVE" SETTLED 1763 If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, TOE WN OF QUEE SBURY d e -. • r David Hatir~,\~Sir for Building and Code Enforcement DH/mg t'b1SPIMCT101~ & T~a`I'tl"v'G T33'VISIC~1~', F.®.~. ~',5., INC. 4 Willi~rn Str4et,lQ~tD~to~e LatcQ,lVew Yorl: t201~ . Thane: (S t $~ 3~-t ~~i8 Fax: (S t S) X99-1913 I~larch 6, 200? ~zc>v ~o>~a~~, rl~~. ~ $~ Baltar~ ~.~~~ Wilton, rtew '4'nrlt 12831 Att'tt: Mr. Rr~bert Stoya Re: SIGN ~+DRKS: ~UI~ENSI~~t~,1'~EW'Y(Ie~ Construction Materials Inspection and Tcsting Services beat' Mr. Stoya, CONS'['tI;>iJC'TI(~IY 'I'EC~'C1+Lt~GX is pleased to submit the follawizeg fee schedule and ra vsa! to provide al! necessary labor, equipment; tools, and supplies to complete the construction aterials inspection, testicag and laboratory evaluations t~uired of the referenced project. From our conversation, wre anticipate otYr sen~ices may incl:»sle: Z, FIELII ~EI~VICES: * 5431. FILLS A~fLa E~'iC'{FILLS: Services ofa S~ni or I$-iaterials Technician tc~ prr~vide Qrasite soil compaction veri~c<:#ic~n. 'I"csting and eMraluatinea of fll and bacicfill reaaterials shall Ise in accordance with ASTM D-4 55~: Sar~cl ~ar;e Mecha~3 or AS T ~L~ D-2922: I~r~acle~r C3auge density ;vleth~ad. * PCIRT.LANI7 CEIt~ENT CONCRETE: Services of a 5eniar Materials Technician, certified as required in r~STM ~-94, by the american Concrete Institute (ACI} to Grade I, Field Technician. Services shall znclude testo fcsr slump, entrained air, temperatures, unit weight/y7eId and fabrication ot'test specimens. Recordation of pla+ecment shall be in accordance with aFplicable AS7'~f 5tandarcls and A,CI SpeciFcatians. * STRLTCTYJRAL STEEL & B{)IaTED CC)N?\iECTI4?~15: Services of a ~eniQr Materials Technician to provide onsite i>,spectioee of structural steel. 5errrices include dienensionittg, ptumbness and .alignment of columns and tseams, and torque evaluaticsn of boltedconnections in accordance with the American Institute of Steel ~onstntctian {AISC~., * Concrete test cylistder and +cc~nstnection materials pickup. Technician hourly cafe fcsr above listed services ~ 23.50 Tra.nsportatioea per anile portal-tc.~-portal II. LABOl2ATOR3' SERVICES: 0.41 ~,A ¢ _.. e Soil Panicle Size analysis (Sieve ~-.nalysis), per sazzeple R~~t- ~~~~' S 40.(10 Solt ~rlais#terrelDensty Relation (I'rcctor), .per saer3ple ! ' ~ ~ ;' ~s.ao Compregsicsn T est of Cv:trrete Tcst Cylinders, pee' cylin~QVv iv vg .~..~~1RY '~] (~ r,+rftd-~~-~~~"r x z :4~~ Frs~t CO~yS,°r~tXJrT3r1t~!' T~£:1•i. 51:3 39~ I93.3. P. 0~ March 5, 2t?07 ~ICIoI'WCDFt~CC,S, IIV~C. Re: SI'G111 WC~Idz ~it~~l"d~B~TR'~, :tiE~1 ~~f FII, E~IJI!'MENiT` CHARGE: Ntaclear Sai!/tlsph~t ~~nsit~, Cxaugc, pcr day A;l listed lees il~t~.~i~ ~' administrative revi~,,:a a~~d G ' 4~'~.~0 parties designated by p~'~,pect speci~catimn. a ~``"`~ r~,pert distribution try our claent and tlaas4 CUI'd~'R',RI1~T~C3TwT TECN]~T(3€~d3~'!,'' also pravides other forrzts of #cstin~ and in. ~hauld there be requircrnents rather thsn those l! ~ ~~tivn services. resubmit a suitnbie proposal far additional ware please allow :u to ~notlify this Prapusa.l or 'JVe appreciate your interest iu our firm. 'We look fcsrea+ard #o servin theca inspection, testing artd laborAtory requirements of ST(;N ~~`(}g~{S, INC, t~5trss~Ctiottr materials !f there are any clu~tinns, nr when. we may be of assis#a~~;e, please car~tact this ot~ice irnmediatel Respectfully, y. C~IV UrCTIO*~1 TIrrCI~NQL~G~' Tom as in, ~.IJ.~'. i~:E.3') Manage Z'cchnics3l ~e:v?ces ~, J . _„ TOVVr~ ~;, :,_ _, m __• r,,~,~lRY BUILDi9vt~ r-~WD CODE Generated by C~Mcheck--Web Software Envelope Compliance Certificate New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Report Date: 03/07107 Section 1: Project Information Project Title: Constnxxion Site: S ~G-~/iti-a2~ I Owner/Agent: Section 2: General Information Betiding Location (for weather data): Warren, New York Climate Zone: 15 Heating Degree Deys (base 65 degrees F): 7655 Cooling Degree Days (base 65 degrees F): 366 Protect Type: New CarstrucNon Vertical Glazing /Wall Area Pct.: Mi Storage, industrial and Commercial r p Section 3: Requirements Checklist DesigneNContt (r, ~ ~ ~~' ,f, TOVvN tea- ~. ,......_~ o~.,~CRY BU1LjJ3f~C; f~IVU CODE Envelope TBD: No envelope assen~ibiles specified Climate-Specific Requin3ments: Component NanrelDescrlplion Gross Area Cavity Cord. Proposed Budget or Perimeter R Value R Value U-Factor U.Faelonr (a) Budget U-factors are used for softvware baseline cak:ulations ONLY, and are not code requirements. Air Leakage, Component Certification, and Vapor Retarder Requirements: ~ 1. AB joints and penetrations are caulked, gasketed, weather~stripped, or otherwise sealed. Q 2. Windows, doors, and skylights certified as meeting leakage requirements. ~ 3. Component R-values 8 U-factors labeled as certified. ~ 4. insulation instafied according to manufacturer's instructions, in substantial contact with the surface being insulated, and in a manner that achieves the reted R-value without compressing the insulation. ~ 5. Fmepleces installed with tight fitting non-combustible fireplace doors. ~ 6. Stair, elevator shaft vents, and other dampers integrel to the building enveope are equipped with motorized dampers. ~ 7. Cargo doors and bading dodo doors are weather sealed. ~ 8. Recessed lighting fixtures are: (i) Type IC rated and sealed or gasketed; or (ii) dnstelled inside an appropriate air-tight assembly with a 0.5 inch dearenoe from combustible materiels and with 3 indree dearenoe from insulaton material. ~ 9. Vapor retarder installed. Page 1 of 6 Generated by COMcheck--Web Software Lighting and Power Compliance Certificate New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Report Date: o3ro7ro7 Section 1: Project Information Project Title: Construction Site: OwneN/~ent: D~ignedContn3ctor; Section 2: General Information Building Use Description by: Project Type: New Constructbn Building Tyke floor Area Storage, Industrial and Commercial 5000 Section 3: Requirements Checklist Interior Lighting: ~ 1. Total actual watts must be less than or equal to total allowed watts. Allowed Watts Actual watts Complies fN~LUt~3. ~• ~~ ~ L,,~r.~/o2 S~Gv1'LiJ~ 3000 lass YEs ~ 2. Exit signs 5 Watts or less per side. ~~ Exterior Lighting: ~ 3. EiRcacy greater then 45 IumenslW. Exceptions: Specialized lighting highlighting features of historic buildings; signage; safety or security lighting; low-voltage landscape lighting. Controls, Switching, and Wiring: ~ 4. Independent controls for each space (switch/oocupancy sensor). Exceptions: Areas designated as security or emergency areas that must be continuously illuminated. Lighting in stairways ar corridors that are elements of the means of egress. ~ 5. Master switch at entry to hoteUmotel guest room. ~ 6. Individual dwelling units separetely metered. ~ 7. Each space provided with a manual control to provide uniform light reduction capability. Exceptions: Only one luminaire in space; An occupant~rsing device controls the area; The area is a corridor, storeroom, restroom, public lobby or guest room; Areas greater than 250 sq.ft. ~ 8. Automatic lighting shutoff control in spaces greater than 250 sq.tt in buildings larger than 5,000 sq,ft. ~ 9. PhotocelUastronomical time switch on exterior lights. tcxceptlons: Lightlng intended for 24 hour use. Page 2 of 6 ~ 10.Tandem wired one-lamp and three-lamp ballasted luminaires (No single-lamp baNasts). Exceptior-s: Electronic high-frequency baNests~ Luminaires not on same switch, ~ 11.Trensformers meat minimum efficiencies listed in Table 805.6.1 or i~5.6.2. Section 4: Compliance Statement Compllanoa SYatemeM.• The proposed lighting design represented in this document is consistent with the bulkiing Plans specifications and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed lighting system has been designed to meet the New York State Energy C~servation Construction Code requirements in COMchedc-Web and to comply with the mandatory requirements in the Requirements Checklist. /Z0_~~S7y,~,~f Qom. Oc%y~PlZ ~ Name -Title ture Da~ Page 3 of 6 Generated by CQMcheck--Web Software Lighting Application Worksheet New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code Report Date: Section 1: Allowed Lighting Power Calculation A B C D Floor Area Allowed ANowsd watts watts / Rz Storage, industrial and Commercial 5000 0.6 3000 Total ANowed Watts = 30pp Section 2: Actual Lighting Power Calculation A B C D E Future ID : Descriptlon /Lamp / Wattage Per Lamp /Ballast Lamps/ ~ of Fixture (C X D) _-_ Fixture Fixtures w~_ unear rworesoent 7: 1 Beam: T5 HO / Ebctronic 4 8 216 1728 Linear Fluor~oent 2: LITT 2PM3N: 48in. T8 32W /Electronic 3 8 96 768 HID 1: LITTWAC100S: High-Pressure Sodium 100W ! Ms~gnetic 1 q t00 q00 Total Actual Watts = 2896 Section 3: Compliance Calculation K the Total Aibwed Watts minus the Total Actual Watts is greater than or equal to zero, the building complies. Total Abwed Watts = 3000 Total Actual Watts = 2896 Project Compliance = 104 Lighting PASSES: Design 3°o better than code. Page 4 of 6 .~ ~~ L/THON/.4 L/GHT/NG® FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS Catalog Number Notes Type INTENDED USE For entrances, stairwells, corridors and other pedestrian areas. coNSTRUCTIDN Cutoff Mini Wall-Packs Rear housing is rugged, corrosion-resistant, die-cast aluminum. Front cover is one-piece UV-resistant injection molded ptllycarbonate, internally painted. ~~ Captive external hardware is specially treated for corrosion resistance and includes slotted hex-head and tamperproof fasteners, FINISH Dark bronze (DOB) corrosion-resistant polyester powder. OPTICAL SYSTEM One-piece die-formed reflector is diffused aluminum. Refractor is clear UV METAL HALIDE stabilized potycarbonate, providing IES cutoff distribution and maximum Iat- 50-100W erel IigM output. Front cover is sealed and gasketed to inhibit the entrance of outside contaminants. HIGHPRESSURESODIUM ELECTRICAL SYSTEM 35-t00W Metal halide ba8asts are high reactance, high power factor. HPS ballasts are COMPACTRUORESCENT reactor normal power factor. All HID ballasts are copper wound, 100% fac- tory tested and UL listed. Porcelain, horizorttagy oriented medium-base socket [ n 22-28DTT, 26- 42TRT with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. UL listed ~ ~ ~~ J ~ ~.J 660W, 600V end 4kV pulse rated. ~~ ~" ~° Compact fluorescent ballasts are magnetic normal power factor (22DTT, 26DTT- or multi-volt 1120-277) electronic high power factor (26DTT, 28TRT, j ' 32TRT and 42TRT) (Requires 4-pin lamp, UL Listed. Two-pin (22DTT and ' 28DTT) or four-pin 126DTT, 28TRT, 32TRT and 421Tfp Positive latching thereto- _ „,,; e~ ~ RY plastic socket T BUILDII~C~ ,~t`dD C©DE All components are heat-sinked directly to the cast housing for maximum heat dissipation IFor 50 hertz availability, consuh factory, INSTALLATION Mourn to arty velfical surface or to a 4' round square outlet box. Back ac- cess through gasketed slot. Top wiring access through 1/2' threaded con- Spucificatious duff entry. (Through-wiring requires use of a conduit tee-. Photocells are Height: 10' (25.4cm) field-installable. Width: 11-1/2' (29.2cm) LISTING Depth: 8-15/16' (22.7cm) UL listed for wet locations. IP65 rated. UL Listed to US and Canadian safety Weight: 10 Ibs.14.53kg) standards (see Options. NOM Certified. ORDERING INFORMATION Example: TWAC 5oM 12o LPI Choose the boldface catalog nomenclature that beat suits your needs and write h on the appropriate line. Order accessories as separate cataog numbers Ishippad separatatyl, TWAC Series Wattage Volgtge p~~ lam TWAC Metal halide 120 Shi oed install d ' fi 50M 70M 100M 208= p e m xt.re SF Single fuse 1120, 271, 347V)s CR Enhanced corm- sion-resistance LPI Lamp included Hiqh pre ssure sod%um 210' DF Double fuse (206, 240V15 CRT Non-stick protective (standard) 35S 70S 277 GMf Internal slow-blow fusing* coating'" L/LP Less lamp 50S 100S 317 XNP High power factor ballast' CSA Listed and labeled to omtact fluorescent TBa• EC Emergency circuitry corn Canadian~Standards 22DTT' , Z6TRT' MVDLT' DC12 Emergency circuit 12 voh 135W lamp included std p NOM NOM Certified fin 32TRT' . DC2012 Emergency circuit 12 volt IconsuR factory) 28DTT' 12TRT (20W lamp includedle pE photocell 2DC12 Emergency circuit 12 voh Architectural colors lootionall (2 35W lamps included DNA Natural aluminum std.la DBL Black 2DC2012 Emergency circuit 12 volt DMB Medium bronze 12 20W lamps included)' DWH White DRS Quartz restrik ~A e system DSS Sandstone NOTES: 1 Compact fluorescent sources onty available with 120, 277 or MVOLT. 2 Consuh factory for availability in Canada. 3 Optional mu16-tap ballast p20,2014,240,277V) In Canada 120, 277, 347V; ships as 120/347. ACCQSSOIIAS 4 Onty available with HID sources. Order as separate catalog number 5 Onty available wRh compact fluroescent sources. Not available with MVOLT. RK1 PE61 Photocell kit (120V only) 8 Not evs0ebla witA mold-tap ballast or compact fluorescerrc sources. RK1 PEB1 CSA photocell kit (120V Only) 7 Lamp not included. a Ouartz lamp wattage not to exceed ballast wattage rating. RK1 PEB2 Photocell kit (206, 240 or 277V) 9 Not available wiM ORS, EC or NOM. RK1 PEB3 CSA Photocell kit (347V) 10 Black finish on housing only. TWAWG Wireguard Outdoor and Special Environments Sheet~:TWAC-M-S-CF 0 BM-700 FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE For entrances, stairwells, corridors and .other pedestrian areas. CONSTRUCTION Rear hauling is rugged, corrosion-resistant, die-cast aluminum. Front cover is one-piece UV-resistant injection molded polycarbonate, internally painted. Captive external hardware is specially treated for corrosion resistance and includes slotted hex-head and tamperproof fasteners. FINISH Dark bronze (DDB) corrosion-resistant polyester powder. OPTfCAL SYSTEM One-piece die-formed reflector is diffused aluminum. Refractor is clear UV stabilized polycarbonate, providing IES cutoff distribution and maximum lat- erallight output. Front cover is sealed and gasketed to inhibit the entrance of outside contaminants. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Metal halide ballasts are high reactance, high power factor, HPS ballasts are reactor normal power factor. All HID ballasts are copper wound, 100% fac- tory tested and UL listed. Porcelain, horizontally oriented medium-base socket with copper alloy, nickel-plated screw shell and center contact. UL listed 660W, 600V and 4kV pulse rated. Compact fluorescent ballasts are magnetic normal power factor (22DTT, 28DTT) or multi-volt (120-277) electronic high power factor (26DTT, 26TRT, 32TRT and 42TRT) 1Requires 4-pin lamp). UL Listed. Two-pin (22DTT and 28DTT) or four-pin (26DTT, 26TRT, 32TRT and 42TRT) positive latching thermo- plastic socket. All components are heat-linked directly to the cast housing for maximum heat dissipation (For 50 hertz availability, consult factory). INSTALLATION Mount to any vertical surface or to a 4" round square outlet box. Back ac- cess through gasketed slot. Top wiring access through 1/2" threaded con- duit entry. (Through-wiring requires use of a conduit feel. Photocells are field-installable. LISTING UL listed for wet locations. IP65 rated. UL Listed to US and Canadian safety standards (see Options). NOM Certified. ORDERING INFORMATION Choose the boldface catalog nomenclature that hest suits your needs and write it on the appropriate line. Order accessories as separate catalog numbers (shipped separatelyl. TWAC Catalog Number Notes Type Specifications Height: 10" (25.4cm) Width: 11-t/2" (29.2cm) Depth: 8-15116" (22.7cm) Weight: 10 lbs. (4.53kg) Cutoff Mini Wall-Packs METAL HALIDE 50-100W HIGH PRESSURE SODIUM 35-100W COMPACT FLUORESCENT 22-28DTT, 26- 42TRT Example: TWAC 50M 120 LPI S eries Wattage Voltage Options TWAC Metal halide 120 Shipaed installed in fixt r CR Enhanced corro- 50M 70M 100M 2082 SF Single fuse (120, 277, 347V)5 Sion-resistance Hiah oressur odium 2402 DF Double fuse (208, 240V)s CRT Non-stick protective 35S 70S 277 GMF Internal slow-blow fusing° coating70 50S t00S 347 XHP High power factor ballast° CSA Listed and labeled to Comaact fluorescent TB'^ EC Emergency circuit'•e comply with Canadian Standards 22DTT' 26TRT' ' MVOLT° DC12 Emergency circuit 12 volt (35W lamp included std )' NOM NOM Certified 26DTT 32TRT' ' . DC2012 Emergency circuit 12 volt (consult factory) 28DTT 427RT' (20W lamp included)' pE Photocell 2DCi2 Emergency circuit 12 volt architectural colors loptionali (2 35W lamps included DNA Natural aluminum std.)' DBL Black 2QC2012 Emergency circuit 12 volt DMB Medium bronze (2 20W lamps includedl9 DWH White NOTES: DRS Quartz restrike system'•e DSS Sandstone 1 Compact fluorescent sources only available with 120, 277 or MVOLT. 2 Consult factory for availability in Canada. 3 Optional multi-tap ballast (120,208,240,277V) In Canada 120, 277, 347V; ships as 120/347. 4 Only available with HIO sources. 5 Only available with compact fluroescent sources. Not available with MVOLT. 6 Not available with multi-tap ballast or compact fluorescent sources. 7 Lamp not included. 8 Quartz lamp wattage not to exceed ballast wattage rating. 9 Not available with ORS, EC or NOM. 10 Black finish on hausinc only. ODidoor and Special Environments Accessories Lamp LPI Lamp included (standard) L(LP Less lamp Order as separate catalog number RK1 PE81 Photocell kit (120V only) RK1 PE61 CSA Photocell kit (120V only) RK1 PEB2 Photocell kit (208, 240 or 277V) RKt PE63 CSA Photocell kit (347V) TWAWG Wireguard Sheet #:TWAC-M-S-CF_0 BM-700 FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 "Home of Natural Beauty... A Good Place to Live" PLAN REVIEW SignWorks 200'7 046 3/9/200'7 I have reviewed the current drawing re-submission for the above and offer the following comments: 1) Please add additional emergency lighting as shown on original review 2) Add fire extinguisher locations as shown on original review Michael J Palmer 742 Bay Road Queensbury NY 12804 518 761 8206 firemarshal@queensbury.net Fire Marsha 1' s O f f i c e Phone: 518-761-8206 Fax: 518-745-4437 firemarshalQqueensbury net ~ueensbur .net Parabolic Troffers, 3" Louvers ' Intended Use "` '"' ,High-performance parabolic luminaires for su- periorlight control, visual comfort and light cut- off inopen area indoor applications. Features Contoured housing for superior light control. Design optimized for use with T8 lamps and elec- tronicballasts. Hemmed sides and ends provide smooth edges for easy handling during installation. Integral T-bar safety clips standard. Premium-grade aluminum louvers in choice of finishes, shipped in thermally sealed polyethyl- enewrapper. Mitered corners and interlocking construction assure precise parabolic shape. Ordering Information ~- Series 2PM3N 2'wide -~- Aft funttion B No air function A Air/supply/return N Heat removal D Dual function supply/return/ heat removal Mounting G Lay-in grid F flanged ST Screw slot MT Modular fit-in Number of lamps 2 3 4 Not included. Choice of cell configuration and tamping. Compatible with most common ceiling types and airfunctions. For complete descriptions, see pag- es 107, 111. - . Cistings ~- , ULListed (standard). CSA Certified or NOM Certi- fied (see Options). RE~'r~~`~'E~ i i i ,.~ TOWty „~o~lRY h r i,z ,~ :.-_.~ BUILDING HIvD CODE 2PM3N Paramax® Example: 2PM3N G B 3 32 18LD MVOLT 1/3 GEB1015 ~mP h'Pe Number. Louyetflnish 1 = Options 11 17W TS (14") of cells lD Low iridescent U31 31W T8 U (ts/e" leg) 6 anodized diffuse 1/3 One 3-lamp ballast U316 31W T8 U (6" leg)t 9 silver 1/4 One 4-lamp ballast 32 32W TS (48") 12 LS Low iridescent GEB Electronic ballast, CF40 40W TTS (24") 16 anodizedspecular <20% THD 18 silver GEB101S T8 electronic ballast, <10%THD, instant 24 start 32 GE610R5 T8 electronic ballast, Voltage <10% THD, rapid start MVOLT ~ CSA Certified 120 NOM NOM Certified 277 341 Seepage109forothers. Othersavailable; consuhfactory. Availability and Dimensions Nominal Number Lamp Number of cells' Height' size Series of lamps type (rows x number in row) in. (cm) 2 17, U31, U316, CF40 6(2x3), 9(3x3), 12(4x3), 16(4x4) 4'h (11.4) 2 U316 6(2x3), 12('3x4) 4rh (11.4) 2'x2' 2PM3N 3 17, U31, CF40 9(3x3), 16(4x4) 4rfi (11.4) 3 11,CF40 12(3x4) 4rh (11.4) 4 17, CF40 9(3x3), 12(4x3), 16(4x4) 4'h (11.4) 2 32 12(2x6), 16(2x8), 24(4x6) 4'h (11.4) 2'x4' 2PM3N 3 32 18(3x6), 24(3x8) 4'h (11.4) 4 32 12(2x6), 16(2x8), 18(3x6), 4rh (11.4) 4 32 24(4x6), 32(4x8) 4'h (11.4) PSG9 NOTES: 1 Notavailableon3-Iampfixtures.UseU31. 2 Someoptionsincreasefixturedepth. Consultlithoniatightingsalesrepre- sentative ifplenum depth is a factor. 3 Popularcellcanfigurationsareshowninboldtype. lightquick'X!1 Express delivery products. See pagell for details about LightQuick XD. 2PM3N G B 33218LDMVOLTGE8101S 2PM3N G B2 U3169LD MVOLTGEB1015 2PM3N G D2 U31rS9LD MVOLT GEB1015AC5 2PM3N G B 3 3218LD MVOLT 1/3 GE6101S www.lithonia.com, keyword: PM3N ®~ L/THON/A L/GHT/NG' Sigmvorks 27 Carey Rd Queensbury NY `~ , ;i LIGHTING CHECKLIST TOwr, ~,, ~:,,.. W_-.:W~~~RY BUILDif~G aND CODE OFFICE - 8- Lithonia 2PM3N 2x4 Lay in Fixture 3-T8 lamps SHOP AREA - 8 - Lithonia I Beam IBST454T5 2x4 hanging 4-TS lamps OUTDOOR - 4 - Lithonia TWAC 1005 100watt HPS Wall Packs Cut Off Z~ mare- ~~, ~~ L/THON/,4 L/G~5/T/NG® ~ml~ Number Notes Type FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS INTENDED USE REC E l~JE!J Th ~ e I-BEAM is an ideal one-for-one replacement of common Metal Halide ° "°'" hi h b 'B M g ays system, The unique Cool Running Technology provides trouble- free operation in ambient spaces up to 65°C. Applications include E .j r manufacturin w h i „;~ °w: ~„W;t;,,a g, are ous ng, commercial facilities and retail. The Fluorescent I-BEAM performs at mounting heights from 15'-40'. TC~VV IV J r° it ,~ ATTRIBUTES B U I L D I N G 1-BEAM features Cool Running Technology for ambient operation up to 65°C. Backed by a full 5-year ballast warranty at 55°C, 3-year ballast warranty at ° Fluorescent High Bay 65 C. Designed for optimum performance using T5H0 fluorescent lamps. The I-BEAM provides the best option for applications requiring a rugged fixture construction coupled with excellent fixture performance. Optical designs for your choice of narrow distribution for aisles or wide distribution , , , (~~~ ~ ~~ ~ ' ~' ~ ~ ~, for general lighting. Typical arrangement provide over 90% luminaire efficiency. Available with 4 or 6 lamp cross section with your choice of full PATENT PENDING T E c ii N o ~ o ~ v direct component or with uplight. Easy two-point mounting your choice of _ tong hangers or convenient aircraft cable provides reliable installation SP~~~~fons , eliminates fixture sag and provides sturdy installation. Available in MVOLT i r ~ Length: 48 3/811,227) (120-2771, 347 or 480 volt ' ~ ~ Width: 17 5J8 (448) CONSTRUCTION Channel is formed of heavy-duty code gauge steel to stand up to the most demanding elements. Lamp holder assembly protects from incidental damage to reflectors during installation. Sockets include secure positioning rotating collars with enclosed contacts. Access plate on the back of the channel housing allows quick and easy wiring, FINISH Channel is high gloss white baked enamel; five-stage iron phosphate pretreatment ensures superior paint adhesion and rust resistance. OPTICAL SYSTEM Two optical systems available. Narrow distribution (ND) is ideal for narrow or aisle lighting applications and features precision formed segmented optics utilizing Alanod Miro®4 specular aluminum reflector. Provides 95% reflectivity and warranted for 25 years. Wide distribution (WD) includes high reflectance white finish for general or open areas. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Thermally protected, resetting, Class P, HPF, A+ sound-rated electronic ballast. AWM TFM or THHN wire used throughout rated for required temperatures. ORDERING INFORMATION ~ Depth: 43/81111) Technology Weight: 11 lbs. p.71 kg) All dimensions are inches (millimeters). Specifications wb%ect to change without notice. INSTALLATION A variety of mounting configurations are available including tong hanger, stems, chain sets and aircraft cable. LISTING UUC-UL listed to US and Canadian safety standards for ambient operation up to 65°C. Suitable for damp locations. WARRANTY Guaranteed for one year against mechanical defects in manufacturing. Ballast warranty -Five years when operated in 55°C or less ambient conditions, three years when operated in 65°C or less ambient conditions. Example: IB 454E Ntenber Distribttdan~ Voltage Ballast of lamps;/watta e IB 1-BEAM ,g (blank) Narrow distribution (blank) MVOLT' (blank) Program Lnmps Insglled with upFgM 347 347 volt Start, 1.0 BF LampsltKtalled 454E 4-Lamp, 54W, NDS Narrow distribution, ~g 480 volt T5H0 no uplight (blank) F54T5H0/841 854E 6-Lamp, 54W, WD Wide distribution LP335 F54T5H0/835 T5H0 with uplight BaII~tCoafiguration LPNiO F54T5H0/830 Unlanped WDS Wide distribution, (blank) Standard Configuration' Antalgem Lamps 454 4-Lamp, 54W, no uplight T5H0 ?/3 Two, three-lamp LPl41A F54T5H0/841 ballasts LPt.'~iA F54T5H0/835 ~ T HOp~ 54W, ?R Two, two-lamp ballasts LPt~OJ1 F54T5H0/830 Optiotts NOTES: 1 Lamps installed are F54T5H0/841. Acea:mia EL14 Emergency battery pack 2 120-271 volt ~ • mM~ 11400 IumensN 3 Ballast included: IBAC120 Aircraft cable 10' Y hanger (One pair- MSI Occupancy sensor- 6-lamp-2 + 4-lamp ballast MAID Aircreft cable 20' Y hanger (One pair- prawrrads 4-lamp-4-lamp ballast. THUN Tong hanger (two required- GLR Internal fast blow fusing6 4 UL Listed 25°C. WGIBZ Wireguard, zinc-coated OCS Reloc° OnePass® 5' 5 Specify voRage. installeds HC38 Chain Hanger, 36' FSP Integral side panels Fluorescent Sheet # I-B-13 (NFL-500 I-BEAM T5 DIMENSIONS Inches (millimeters). Subject to change without notice. 43116 4-3/16 r (106) ~ r Ito61 '~ ..T+-3~6 1,11, 4-318 11tt- ~ D O O 2-3/B 1661 3/8160) 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~"-'- 17-5/81118) '~'~ ~- 17-5/61446- -~ ,-~,6 A = 5/i618- Dis hole 8 = 7/8122) Dis knockout = 2151) Dia knockout 1-1/4L. 129) 1--- 0 • 17-5J8 ___) i B A (418) 189/414761 ---._..~ 3 f)6) ~ L_I 24-1/81613) 4 8-318 11 22 7) PHOTOMETRICS Calculated using the zonal cavity method in accordance with IESNA LM41 procedure. Floor re8ectances are 20%. Lamp configurations shown are typical. All data based on 25°C. Full photometric data on these and other configurations avalleble upon request IB 454 Report: LTL14006 LUMENS PER LAMP~400 IB 454 WD Report; LTL14005 LUMENS PER LAMP14400 is s54 Report: LTL14035 LUMENS PER LAMPrN00 Cosfflclents of Utilization Pf 20% pc 80% 50% 30% nw 7n~t, An~u, an~u, ~~~ arwu. ~ ngr, ~~, ~na_ 0 118 118 118 107 107 107 101 101 101 1 109 104 101 96 93 91 91 89 87 2 100 92 86 85 81 77 81 77 74 3 92 82 75 76 71 66 73 68 64 ~ 4 85 74 66 69 62 57 66 60 56 ~ 5 78 67 59 62 56 51 60 54 50 6 73 61 53 57 50 45 55 49 44 7 68 56 48 52 46 41 51 45 40 8 64 51 43 49 42 37 47 41 37 9 60 48 40 45 39 34 44 38 33 10 57 44 37 42 36 31 41 35 31 Zonal Lumen Summary 0° - 30° 6218 35.3 35.3 0° - 40° 9065 51.5 51.4 0° - 60° 13684 77.7 77.6 0° - 90° 16413 93.3 93.1 90° -180° 1214 6.9 6.9 0° -180° 17626 100.1 100.0 Cosflicients of UtllbaNon Pf 20% ~ ~~0 •`i0% 30% _rwv ~n~x, rn~t, ~9~ Fnrx, any, angr. ~ a, any ~n~. 0 110 110 110 100 100 100 94 94 94 1 100 96 92 88 85 82 83 80 78 2 91 83 77 76 71 87 72 68 64 3 83 73 65 67 61 56 63 58 54 ~ 4 75 64 56 59 52 47 56 50 46 ~ 5 69 57 49 53 48 40 50 44 39 6 64 51 43 47 40 35 45 39 34 7 59 46 38 43 36 31 41 35 30 8 55 42 34 39 32 28 37 31 27 9 51 39 31 36 29 25 34 29 24 10 48 36 28 33 27 22 32 26 22 Zonal Lunen Summary 0° - 30° 3911 22.2 23.6 0° - 40° 6432 36.5 38.8 0° - 60° 11655 66.2 70.3 0° - 90° 15190 86.3 91.7 90° -180° 1381 7.8 8.3 0° -180° 16571 94.2 100.0 Coafficlettts of Utilization Pf 20% pc 80% 50% 30% rwv 7n~t, r+n9t, 9n9[, t^9f. ~.~% ~ n9', „y ~ nit. 0 117 117 117 108 108 108 102 102 102 1 108 103 99 95 92 89 90 88 86 2 98 90 84 84 79 75 80 76 72 3 90 80 72 74 68 63 71 66 62 ~ 4 83 71 63 67 60 55 64 58 53 ~ 5 77 64 56 60 53 48 58 52 47 6 71 58 50 55 48 42 53 46 42 7 66 53 45 50 43 38 48 42 37 8 62 49 41 46 39 34 45 38 34 9 58 45 37 43 36 31 41 35 31 10 54 42 34 40 33 29 39 32 28 Zonal Lunen Summary 0° - 30° 8275 31.3 31.5 0° - 40° 12681 48.0 48.2 0° - 60° 20122 76.2 76.5 0° - 90° 25014 94.8 95.2 90° - 180° 1272 4.8 4.8 0° -180° 26287 99 6 100 0 ~~ L/THON/,4 L/GHT/NG® ~0nia Lighting Aaity i+Y~M Braalr. arc. Fltra~ceat All ~LyBr~7ak CrxP~-Y One tithonie Way, Cotyrere, GA 30012 Phone:800.858.7183 Fats770-929-8789 .4h8Qt ~; ~-8-~ In Cenada:180 avenue Labrosse, Paints-Claire, P.O., F19R 1A1 ®2005 Acuity Lighting Group, Inc.,11/05 www.lithonia.com ~~~,~ri~.~r CC)N~TRUCTI®N TECHNCJLOC~~' INSPECTION &. TEST'1NG D1V{S10N, P.D.& T.S.,1NC. 4 William Street, Ballston Lake, Ncw York. 12019 ~ ~ .-d Phonc:(518)399-1848 Fas: (S 18).399-1913 c_'LII N"1". .SIGN WORKS,.NVC. ~ `-- L/ tv~EPORT NUMBER: 1 : PAGE: 1 ~88 BALLARD ROAD INSPECTION DATE: 06/05107 WILfiON, NEW YORK 12831 OUR FILE NUMBER`. 1213.001 FIELD INSPECTOR: PETE DUNHAM all"f'N: MR. ROBERT STOYA rRC~~rCr: SIGN. WORKS: QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK 'STRUCTURAL AND REINFORCING STEEL :: FIELD OBSERVATION REPORT SPECIFICATION FOR BOLTED.CQNNECTIONS AISC: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL: CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR COLUMN PLUMBNESS: AISC: AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATION FOR FIELD WELDING: AWS: STRUCTURAL,WELDING CODE -STEEL (A.W.S. D1.1) SPECIFICATION FOR CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT: CRSi: CONCRETE REINFORCING STEEL INSTITUTE WELDER QUALIFICATIONS: WELDER: SSN/STAMP: LAST OVAL: BY: WELDER. SSN/STAMP: LAST QUAL:.. BY: WELDER: SSN/STAMP: LAST QUAL: BY: WF_LDER: SSN/STAMP: LAST QUAL BY: WELDER: SSNlSTAMP: I~ST QUAL BY; COLUMN LINE CONNECTOR ELEVATION FASTENING"~ ACC. REJ. `' PLUMBNESS ACC'. REJ. WELDING -ACC. 'REJ.- REMARKS: A/E @ 1/5 ROOF XXX THREADED FASTENERS INSTALLED AND TENSIONED TO BEYOND HAND-TIGHT. Rlil'OR"f DI~TRI['3U"LION: I: FIIai :; G: 7: .I g; ,;' GENLRALNOTES ACC=A000iP"fABLL- R6,1 = RG.IfcCTABI_. RESPECTI'ULLY SUBM]TTED, CONSTRUCTION TF.CHN000GY .~_ TOM JOSLIN, S.GT. (N1CET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SERVICES ~~TRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INSPECTION.& TESTING DWISION, P.D.& T.S., INC. 4 William Street, Ballston Lake, New York 12019 Phone: (518) 399-1848 -Fax: (518) 399-1913 CLIENT: SIGN WORKS, INC. REPORT NUMBER: 2 :PAGE #: 1 188 BALLARD ROAD INSPECTION DATE: 03!30/07 VVILTON, NEW YORK 12831 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1213.001 INSPECTOR & TESTSET: PETE DUNHAM #9 ATT'N: MR. ROBERT STOYA AMBIENT WEATHERi 50's CLEAR PROJEC SIGN WORKS: QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK- OUR FILE LOCATION: 75762 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & GOMPRfSSfON TEST RE'SUL'TS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 1 : FOUNDATION WALL: WEST 3/4 OF.NORTH. WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 2 : .FOUNDATION WALL: EAST WALL; WEST 113 OF SOUTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 3 : FOUNDATION WALL: WEST WALL; EAST 1/4 OF NORTH WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 - 2 3 :TRUCK NUMBER /TICKET NUMBER: 4561 / 751194 4568 / .751195 4558 / 751.196 YARDAGE DELIVERED /SUBTOTAL: 8.75 / ,-8.75 8.75 / 17,50 ' 8.75 / ,26.25 TIME CONC. BATCHED /ARRIVED: 2.35 / 2.51 2.44 / 3.00 ' 2.53 / 3.12 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN /ENDED:. 3,10 / 3.29 3.17 / 3.46 ` 3.48 / 4.G9 CONCRETE AGE (HOURS) `(SPEC: MAX: 1.50) ? 0.90 1.03 ' ':1.Y7 .SLUMP ON ARRIVAL QNCHES): 4.25 4.00 4.50 WATER ADDED ONSITE (GALLONS): WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF: .SLUMP OF CQNCRETE INTO PUMP: ' IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH) (SPEC: 5.00) 4.25 4.00 4:50 ENTRAINED AIR (% VOL) (SPEC: 4.00 - .7.00) 4.90 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC: - ) 146.65 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC:. 45 - 85) 70 71 70 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST: g LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBERS 75762 - 75767 REMARKS: PLACEMENT REWFORCEMENT: REINFORCEMENT ACCEPTABLE FOR SIZE,LOCATION,SPACING, CLEANLINESS $ COVER. UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM:`C31; C138; 0143, ' C172, 'C173, `C231, C470; .C567, 'C6.17, 'C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: PALLETTECONCRETE, INC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER; ASTM: C39 CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH: 4000 P.S.I. @ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 04/02/OT SUPPLIERS MIX FORMULA: PER SUBMITTAL: CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST. TEST AGE ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE' DAYS BIBREAK TYPE "' P.S.I. WATER; GAL ` COARS~_A~GREGATE #1: LBS. 75762 04/06/07 7 119,700 C 4230 . COARSE AGGREGATE #2: LBS. 75763. .04/06/07 7 115,400 C 40$0 COARSE AGGREGATE.#3: LBS. 75764 04/27!07 28 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS; 75765 04/27!07 28 ADMIXTURE#t OZS. 75766 04/27/07 28 ADMIXTURE #2: OZS. 75767 SPARE ADMIXTURE #3: AZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1: FILE 5: 2: SUPPLIER 6: 3: 7: 4: g; . RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CO NST~U T~I TECHNOLOGY ~ / TCm~"JOSLIt~S.E.T NICET ( ) ~ MANAGER,TECHNICAL SVCS. ~ ` ~~KI'RUCTION TECHNOLOGY' ACTION & TESTING DtVIS10N,P.D.& T.S., INC. oVilliam Street, Ballston Lake, New York 1.2019 ' Phone: (51.8) 399-1848 Fax: (518) 399-1913 CLIENT: SIGN WORKS, INC. REPORT NUMBER: 2 :PAGE #: Z 188 BALLARD ROAD INSPECTION DATE: 03/30!07 WILTON, NEW YORK 12831 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1213,001 INSPECTOR NEST SET: PETE DUNHAM #9 ATT'N: MR. ROBERT STOYA PROJEC SIGN WORKS: QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK AMBIENT. WEATHER: 50's CLEAR OUR FILE LOCATION: CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION &- COMPRE`SS10"N TEST "RESULTS ` PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 4 ; FOUNDATION WALL: EAST,2/3 OF SOUTH WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 TRUCK NUMBER /TICKET NUMBER:. 4560 / 751197 YARDAGE DELIVERED /SUBTOTAL: _,8.75 / 35.00 TIME CONC. BATGHED /ARRIVED: 3.03 / 3.26 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN /ENDED: 4.13 / ..4.30 CONCRETE AGE (HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50) 1.45 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES): 3.75 WATER ADDED ONSITE (GALLONS): WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF. SLUMPOF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IFAPPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) 3.75 ENTRAINED AIR. (% VOL) (SPEC:. 4.00 - .7.00 ) UNIT WEIGHT; (PCF) (SPEC: _ ) CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC: '- 45 85) 72 NUMBER OFTEST SPECIMEN CAST: LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBERS REMARKS: PLACEMENT REINFORCEMENT: REINFORCEMENT ACCEPTABLEFOR SIZE; LOCATION,'SPACiNG, CLEANLINESS, & COVER: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: -ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173,`" C231,, C470,` C567, r'C617, 'C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: PALLETTE CONCRETE; INC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTSPER: ASTM: C39 CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH: 4000 P.S.I. @ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 04/02/07 SUPPLIERS MIX FORMULA: PER SUBMITTAL: CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT CEMENT: LBS. ~ NUMBER DATE DAYS & BREAK TYPE P:S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE #1: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE #2: LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE #3: LBS. FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. ADMIXTURE.#1: -0ZS. ADMIXTURE #2: OZS. ADMIXTURE #3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT:, OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: __1: FILE 5: 2: SUPPUER 6; 3: 7; 4: 8; RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONS ~ON TECHNOLOGY T~N, $. E.T. {NICET MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INSPECTION & TESTING D[VISION, P.D.& T.S.. INC. 4 William Street, BallstomLake, New York 12019 Phone: (518) 399- 1848 Fax: (518) 399-1913 CLIENT: SIGN WORKS, INC. - REPORT NUMBER 1 :PAGE #: 1 188 BALLARD ROAD INSPECTION DATE: 03/27/07 WILTON, NEW YORK 12831 OUR FILENUMBER: 1213.001." INSPECTOR 8 TEST 3ET: PETE DUNHAM #9 ATT'N: MR. ROBERT STOYA AMBIENT WEATHER: 40'S: P. CLOUDY PROJEC' SIGN WORKS: QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK OUR FILE LOCATION: 75690 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTJON & COMPRESSION TEST` RE°SULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 1 : .FOOTING: WEST WALL; NORTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 2 : FOOTING EAST WALL; SOUTH WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER:. 1 2 TRUCK NUMBER /TICKET NUMBER: 4568 / 751151. _ 4569 ! 751152 YARDAGEbELIVERED /SUBTOTAL: 11.00 / 11 00 11;00 / 22.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED /ARRIVED: 12 15 / 12.36 12.35 / 12.52 .TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN !ENDED: 1.42 / 1.24 1.32 / 2.00 . CONCRETE AGE (HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50) 1.15 1.42 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES): r 4.25 4.00 .WATER ADDED ONSITE (GALLONS): WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF: ~ - SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH). (SPEC: - 5.00) 4.25 4.00 ENTRAINED AIR (% VOL) (SPEC:. 4.00 - 7.00) - 5.90 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC: - ) 148.69 `- CONCRETE TEMP. ` (F)' (SPEC: 45 - 85) 70 68 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST: g LAB.CYLINDERCONTROLNUMBERS 75690- 75.695 REMARKS: - PLACEMENT REINFORCEMENT: REINFORCEMENT ACCEPTABLE FOR SIZE, LOCATION SPACING, CLEANLINESS, & COVER. ' - UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM C31, C138, ` C143, ' C172, C173, C231, C470, `C567,? C617, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: PALLETTE CONCRETE, INC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM: C39 CONCRETE. DESIGN STRENGTH: 4000 P.S.I. @ 28 DAYS uNLess oTHeRwlse NoTeD a66 cruNDERS RECEIVED: 03/28/07 SUPPLIERS MIX FORMULA: PER SUBMITTAL: CEMENT: LBS, _ CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS & BREAK TYPE P.S.I. WATER: GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE #1: LBS. 75690 04/03/07 7 113,650 C 4020 COARSE AGGREGATE #2: LBS. 75691 .04/03/07 7 110,900 C 3920 COARSE AGGREGATE #3: LBS., 75692 04/24/07 28 134,650. C 4760 FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. 75693 04/24/07 28 137,100 : C 4850 ADMIXTURE #1: OZS. 75694 04/24/07 28 135,300 C 4790 ADMIXTURE #2: OZS. 75695. SPARE ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: L' FILE 5: `' 2: SUPPLIER - 6: 3: T. 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY°S U EMITTED, :CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN; S:E.T, (NICET) MANAGER`TECHNICAL SVCS. CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INSPECTION & TESTING DIVISION; P.D.& T.S., INC. 4 William Street, Ballston Lake, New Yorke.. 120:19 Phone: (518) 399-1848 Fax: (518) 399-1.913 CLIENT: 81GN WORKS, INC. 188 BALLARD ROAD REPORT NUMBER: 1 :PAGE #: 1 WILTON, NEW YORK 12831 INSPECTION DATE: 03/27/07 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1213.001 " ATTN: MR: ROBERT STOYA INSPECTOR & TESTSET: PETE DUNHAM #9 PROJEC SIGN WORKS: QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK AMBIENT`WEATHER: 40's' P. CLOUDY OUR FILELOCATION: 75690 ` CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION &: COMPRESSION TEST RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 1 ; FOOTING: WEST WALL; NORTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 2 : FOOTING: EAST, WALL; SOUTH. WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER:. 1 TRUCK NUMBER /TICKET NUMBER: 45681 751151 2 4569 / 751152 YARDAGE bELIVERED /SUBTOTAL: 11.00 / .11.00 11.00 ! 22.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 12:15 / 12;36 12.35 / 12.52 . TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN /ENDED: 1.42 / 1.24 1.32. / 2.00 CONCRETE AGE (HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50) 1.15 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES): 4.25 1.42 WATER ADDED ONSITE (GALLONS): 4.00 WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OR SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO. PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: : PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) 4 25 . ENTRAINEDAIR (% VOL) (SPEC: 4.OD - 7.00) 5:90 4.00 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC:. ) 148.69: CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC: 45 - 85) 70 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST: 6 68 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBERS 75690 - 75695 REMARKS: UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617 C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER:. PALLETTE CONCRETE, INC. , CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE:RESULT R CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH: 4000 P.S.I. @ 28 DAYS S PE : ASTM: C39 SUPPLIERS MIX FORMULA:. PER SUBMITTAL: UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: 03/28/OT CEMENT: LBS. CEMENT: CYLINDER TEST ' TESTAGE ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT LBS. WATER: NUMBER DATE'. DAYS & BREAK TYPE P.S.L GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE #1; LBS . COARSEAGGREGATE #2: LBS 75690 04!03/07 7 113,650 C 4020 . COARSE AGGREGATE #3: LBS 75691 04/03/07 7 110,900 C .3920 . FINE AGGREGATE: LBS 75692 04/24/07 28 . ADMIXTURE #1: OZS 75693 04/24!07 28 . ADMIXTURE #2: OZS 75694 04/24/07 28 . 75695 SPARE ADMIXTURE #3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1' FILE 5: 2: SUPPLIER 6: _ 3: ,,', 7: 4: 8: i RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN; S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS: '~```~NSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY INSPECTION & TESTING. DIVISION, P.D.& TS., INC.' 4 William. Street, 6allston La he, New York 12019 Phone: (~l8) 399-184$. Fa x: (518)399-1913 CLIENT: SIGN WORKS, INC. 188 BALLARD ROAD REPORT NUMBER: 2 :PAGE #: 1 WILTON, NEW YORK INSPECTION DATE: 03/30107, 12831 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1213.001 ATT'N: MR, ROBERT STOYA INSPECTOR & TEST SET; PETE DU NHAM #9 AMBIENT WEATHER: 50's CLEAR PROJEC SIGN WORKS: QUEENSBURY NEW YORK CONCRETE , OUR FILE LOCATION: 75762 FIELD, INSPECTION & CDMPRESSI`ON TEST "RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 1 : FOUNDATION WALL:' WEST 3/4 OF NORTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 2 : FOUNDATION WALL: EAST WALL; WEST 113 OF SOUTH WALL PLACEMENT LOCATION OFLOAD # 3 : FOUNDATION WALL: WEST WALL; EAST 114 OF NORTH WALL DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 1 TRUCK NUMBER /TICKET NUMBER: 2 4561 / 751194 4568 / 751195 M 3 YARDAGE DELIVERED /SUBTOTAL: 4558 8 75 / 8 75 / 751196 TIME CONC. BATCHEDlARRIVED: . . 8.75 / 17.50 8.75 2 35/ 2:51 / 26.25 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN /ENDED: . 2.44.1 3.00 2.53 :3 10 ! 3 29 / 3.12 CONCRETE AGE(HOURS) (SPEC: . . . 3:17 ! 3.46 3.48 MAX; 1.50) 0 90 / 4.09 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES): . 1.03 4 25 1.27 WATER ADDED ONSITE (GALLONS): . 4,00 4.50. WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF: SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH) (SPEC: - 5.00) 4 25 ENTRAINED AIR (% VOL} (SPEC: . 4.00 4.00 - 7.00) 4.90 ' 4.50 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC: _ ) 146.65 CONCRETE TEMP. (F) :..(SPEC: 45 - 85) 70 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST: 71 6 70 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBERS 75762- 75767 .REMARKS: PLACEMENT REINFORCEMENT: REINFORCEMENT ACCEPTABLE FOR SIZE LOCATION SPACING CLEANLINES . , , S, 8 COVER UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: G31, C138, C143, C172, -C173, `C231, C470, 0567, C617 C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: PALLETTE CONCRETE, INC. , CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE'RESULTS PER: ASTM: C39 CONCRETE :DESIGN STRENGTH: 4000 P:S.L,@ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED 7 SUPPLIERS MIX FORMULA: PER SUBMITTAL: : 04/02/0 CEMENT: CEMENT: LBS. CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE- ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT WATER: LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS & BREAK TYPE P,S.i. GAL: COARSE AGGREGATE #1: LBS COARSE AGGREGATE #2: . LBS 75762 04/OG/07 7 119,700 C 4230 COARSE AGGREGATE #3: . LBS 75763 04/06/07 7 1.15,400 C 4080 FINE AGGREGATE: . LBS 75764 04/27!07 28 .142,750 C 5050 ADMIXTURE #L . OZS 75765 04/27/07 28 144,900 C 5130 ADMIXTURE #2: . OZS 75766 04/27/07 28 140,650 C 4980 ADMIXTURE.#3: . OZS. 75767 SPARE AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: - 1: FILE 5: 2: SUPPLIER g; o _ ~ - 7. 4: 8: , RESPECTFULLYSUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY - "°~ .:_„~ 70M JO.SLIN, S: E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. . :~;NSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY PECTION & TESTING DIVISION, E'.D.& T..S,, INC. William Street, Ballston Lake, New-York 12019 fione: (518) 399-1848 FaX: (518) 399-1913 CLIENT: 'SIGN WORKS, INC.: !188 BALLARD ROAD REPORT NUMBER: 2 :PAGE #: 2 WILTON, NEW YORK 12831 INSPECTION DATE: 03/30/07 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1213.001 ATT'N; MR. ROBERT STOYA INSPECTOR & TEST SET: PETE DUNHAM #9 PROJEC ^ SIGN WORKS: QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK AMBIENT WEATHER: 50's CLEAR OUR FILE LOCATION: CONCRETE "FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST `RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 4 : FOUNDATION WALL: EAST 2/3 OF SOUTH WALL .DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 TRUCK NUMBER /TICKET NUMBER: 4560 /, 751197 ,, YARDAGE DELIVERED /SUBTOTAL: 8.75 / 35.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED I ARRIVED: ' 3.03 ! 3.26 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN /ENDED:.. 4.13 / 4:30 CONCRETE AGE (HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: .1.50 } 1.45 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES):. 3.75 WATER ADDED ONSITE (GALLONS): WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION OF: SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IFAPPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH) (SPEC: 5.00) 3.75 ENTRAINED AIR (% VOL) (SPEC: 4.00 - 7.OD ) .UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC: ) CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC: 45 - 85) 72 NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST: LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBERS REMARKS: DIA!`CR,ICI.IT ~C~\~rne~w~~~e.~.... ~~._.____-__- ulvL.t55 NOTED ALL T CONCRETE SUPPLIER: CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH: SUPPLIERS MIX FORMULA: CEMENT: "..CEMENT: WATER' COARSEAGGREGATE #1: .COARSE AGGREGATE #2: COARSE AGGREGATE #3: .FINE AGGREGATE: ADMIXTURE #1: ADMIXTURE #2: ADMIXTURE #3: AIR ENTRAINING AGENT: REPORT DISTRIBUTION: - 1: FILE , 2: SUPPLIER 3: 4, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY: -7 TOM JOSLIN, S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. STING IAW: ASTM: C31,- C138, C143 , C172, C173, C231, C470, C567,` C617, `C1064 PALLETTE CONCRETE; INC. CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMRRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ASTM: C39 4000 P, S.I. @ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINpERS RECEIVED: 04!02!07 PER SUBMITTAL: LBS. _ CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS` & BREAK TYPE. P.S.I. GAL. LBS. LBS. LBS. LBS. OZS. OZS. OZS. OZS. 5: 6: 7; 8: ~+ ~1STRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ~NSFECTION & TESTING D1V1S10N D P & , . . T.S., INC. 4 William Street, Ballston Lahe, New York 12019 I'honc: (518) 399-1848 Fax:'(518) 399-791; CLIENT; SIGN WORKS, INC.. REPORT NUMBER: 3- 988 BALLARD ROAD ;PAGE #: 1 INSPECTION DATE: 05/22/07 WILTON NEW YORK 92831 „ OUR FILE NUMBER: 1213.001 INSPECTOR & TEST SET: PETE DUNHAM #9 ATT'N: MR: ROBERT STOYA ' PROJEC SIGN WORKS: QUEENSBURY NEW YORK AMBIENT WEATHER: 60's: INTERIOR OUR FILE LOCATION: 76975 CONCRETE FIELD INSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST RESULT S PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD,# 1 ; SLAB ON GRADE: SITE SPECIFIC LOCATION MAP ON FILE PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 2 : SLAB ON GRADE: SITE SPECIFIC LOCATION P~1,4P ON FILE PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 3 : SLAB ON GRADE: SITE SPECIFIC LOCATION NIAP ON FILE DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: ' : . 1 2 TRUCK NUMBER /TICKET NUMBER; 4561 / 7523Q5 3 4560 / 752396 4557 YARDAGE DELIVERED /SUBTOTAL: 10 00 / 10 00 L /752397 , . 10.00 20.00 TIME CONC. BATCHED /ARRIVED: 10.00 9 54 / : 10 07 / ;30.00 . . . . 10.17 / 10.29 10.35 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN /ENDED: ' 10 15 / 10 30 / -10.47 . . 10.35 i 11.04 CONCRETE AGE HOURS ) 11.07 ( ) (SPEC: MAX: 1.50 0 60 ' / 11.29 . 0.78 SLUMP .ON ARRIVAL (INCHES): 7 00 0.90 . 6.75 WATERADDED:ONSITE (GALLONS): 7.00 WATER,ADDED AT DISCRETION OF: SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH) (SPEC: 5.00) 7 00 1 . 6.75 1 ENTRAINED AIR (% VOL) (SPEC: 4.00 _ 7:00) 8.00 1 7.00 1 UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC: ) 139.01 .CONCRETE TEMP. (F) (SPEC: 45..- 85) 74 , 76 .NUMBER OF TEST SPECIMEN CAST: 6 16 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBERS 76975 - 76980 REMARKS: 1: PLACEMENT SLUMP IS AFTER PLASTICIZER ADDITION. CONT'R NOTIFIED: LOAD 1: ENTRAINED AIR, UNLESS NOTEDALGTESTING LAW: (ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C617 C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: PALLETTE CONCRETE, INC. , CONCRETE TEST CYLINDER COMPRESSIVE RESULTS PER: ~°ASTM: C39 CONCRETE QESIGN STRENGTH: 4000 P,S.I. @ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED SUPPLIERS MIX>FORMULA: PER SUBMITTAL: : 05/23/07 CEMENT: LBS. CEMENT: CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT LBS. WATER: NUMBER DATE DAYS &'BREAK.TYPE P.S.I. GAL. COARSE AGGREGATE #1: ' LBS. 76975 05/29/07 7 .COARSE AGGREGATE#2: LBS 80,050 C 2830 . COARSE AGGREGATE #3: LBS 76976 05!29107 7 82,650 C 2920 . FINE AGGREGATE: LBS 76977 06/19/07 28 . 76978. 06/19/07 28 ADMIXTURE #1: OZS. 76979 06/19/07 28 ADMIXTURE #2: OZS. 76980 SPARE ADMIXTURE #3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT.- OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1: FILE 5; 2: SUPPLIER G: J _ 7: 4: 8. RESPECTFULLY,SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY- L TOM JOSLIN, S.E.T. (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICALSVCS .NSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ,,~'ECTION & TESTING DLVISION, P.D.& T.S.; INC. William Street, Ballston Lake,NewYork 12019 hone: (S18) 399-1848 Ea x: (51'8) 399-.1913 f CLIENT: SIGN WORKS, INC. 188 BALLARD ROAD ' REPORT NUMBER: 3 :PAGE #: 2 WILTON, NEW YORK . 12831 INSPECTION DATE: 05/22/07 OUR FILE NUMBER: 1213.001 ATT'N: MR. ROBERTSTOYA INSPECTOR & TEST SET: PETE DUNHAM #9 PROJEC 'SIGN WORKS: QUEENSBURY NEW YORK AMBIENT WEATHER 60's: INTERIOR ` CONCRETE` , OUR FILE LOCATION:. 76981 FIELD INSPECTION 8~ ,COM"PR'ESS'ION TEST RESULT S ILACEMENT LOCATION OFLOAD # 4 : SLAB'ON GRADE: SITE SPECIFIG'I;OCATIO N MAP ON FILE PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 5 : SLAB ON GRADE: SITE SPECIFIC LOCATIO N MAP ON FILE PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 6 : SLAB ON GRADE: SITE SPECIFIC LOCATIO N MAP ON FILE DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER: 4 ' TRUCK NUMBER /TICKET: NUMBER: 4563 / 752398 ~~ ~ 5 4546 752399 6 YARDAGE fELIVERED /SUBTOTAL: 10 00 / 40 00 45 / 752404 TIME CONC.' BATCHED /ARRIVED:. . . 10 50 / 11 05 9 0.00 / 50.00 10.00 / 60.00 TIME,PLACEMENT BEGAN /ENDED: . . 11 35 1 11 50 11.00 / 11.18 11.55 / 12.07 CONCRETE AGE: (HOURS) (SPEC: . . MAX; 1.50 ) 1 00 11.57 / 12.16 12.20 / 12.39 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES): . . 6 50 1 27 0.73 WATER ADDED ONSITE (GALLONS): . 7.25 6.75 ; WATER ADDED AT DISCRETION'OF: SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH) (SPEC: 5.00) 6:50 1 7 25 1 ENTRAINED AIR (% VOL) (SPEC: 4.00 - 7.00) . 6.75 1 UNfT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC: - ) 5.90 140.03 CONCRETE TEMP (F), (SPEC: 45 - 85) 76 78 NUMBER OF TEST,SPECIMEN CAST: 74 6 LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBERS 76981 - 76986 REMARKS:. 1: PLACEMENT SLUMP IS AFTER PLASTICIZER ADDITION. UNLESS-NOTED ALL TESTING IAW: ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, C231, C470, C567, C6`f<7, C1064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: PALLETTE CONCRETE, INC. coNCRETE TEST CYLINDER coMPRESSIVE RESULTS'PER: ASTM: C39 ' CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH: 4000 P.S.I. @ 28'DAYS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED ALL CYLINDERSRECEIVED:: 05l23/OT SUPPLIERS MIX FORMULA: PER SUBMITTAL: CEMENT.: LBS.. ~ CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT CEMENT: LBS. NUMBER DATE.. DAYS & BREAK TYPE P:S I: .WATER: GAL. . COARSE'AGGREGATE #1; LBS. 76981 05/29/07 7 104 500 C 3700 COARSE AGGREGATE #2: LBS. , 76982 05/29/07 7 101,000' C 3570 COARSEAGGREGATE #3: LBS, 76983 06/19/07 28 FINE AGGREGATE; LBS. 76984 06/19!07 28 ADMIXTURE,#1; OZS. 76985 06/19/07 28 ! ADMIXTURE #2: OZS. 76986 SPARE '' ADMIXTURE #3: OZS. AIR ENTRAININGAGENT: OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: ,. 1: FIDE 5: 2: SUPPLIER g; 3: 7: 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY TOM JOSLIN, S,E.T, (NICET) MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS. i • r INSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ;j ~'CCTIUN & TESTING DIVISIQN, P.D.b'c 'I'.S.,:INC. ,William Street, Ballston Lake, New'York 12019 '.'.,hone: (5! $).399-1848 FaX: (518) X99-19.13 CLIENT; SIGN WORKS,-INC. 188 BALLARD ROAD REPORT NUMBER: 3 :PAGE #: 3 WILTON; NEW YORK 12831 INSPECTION-DATE: 05/22/07 OUR FILE NUMBER 1213.001 ATT'N: MR. ROBERT STOYA WSPECTOR & TEST SET: PETE DUNHAM #9 PROJEC '`SIGN WORKSt QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK AMBIENT WEATHER: 60's: INTERIOR OUR FILE LOCATION: CONCRETE FIELD 1`NSPECTION & COMPRESSION TEST, RESULTS PLACEMENT LOCATION OF LOAD # 7 : SLAB ON GRADE: SITE SPECIFIC LOCATION MAP ON FILE DELIVERED LOAD NUMBER; 7 TRUCK NUMBERl.TICKET NUMBER: ' 4555 ! 752407 y YARDAGE DELIVERED) SUBTOTAL: 5.50 ; 65.50 TIME CONC. BATCHED/ARRIVED: 1.00 / 1.12 TIME PLACEMENT BEGAN !ENDED: 1 17 / 1.38 CONCRETE AGE (HOURS) (SPEC: MAX: 1:50) 0.63 SLUMP ON ARRIVAL (INCHES): 6.75 WATER ADDED ONSITE (GALLONS): WATER ADDED AT'DISCRETION OF. SLUMP OF CONCRETE INTO PUMP: IF'APPLICABLE: PLACEMENT SLUMP (INCH) (SPEC: 5.00) 6.75 1 ENTRAINED AIR (%VOL) "(SPEC: 4.00 - 7:00 } UNIT WEIGHT (PCF) (SPEC ' CONCRETE TEMR. (F) (SPEC: 45 - 85) 78 NUMBER OF TEST;SPECIMEN CAST: LAB CYLINDER CONTROL NUMBERS REMARKS: 1: PLACEMENT SLUMP IS AFTER PLASTICIZER ADDITION. UNLESS NOTED ALL TESTING IAW:'ASTM: C31, C138, C143, C172, C173, 6231, C470, C567," C617, 61064 CONCRETE SUPPLIER: PALLETTE CONCRETE, INC. CONCRETE TEST GYLINDER COMPRE$SIVERESULTS PER: ' ASTM: C39 CONCRETE DESIGN STRENGTH: 4000 P.S.I. @ 28 DAYS UNLESS OTNERW(SE NOTED ALL CYLINDERS RECEIVED: (05/23107 . SUPPLIERS MIX FORMULA: PER SUBMITTALt CEMENT: LBS CEMENT: CYLINDER TEST TEST AGE ULTIMATE LOAD UNIT LBS. NUMBER DATE DAYS & BREAK TYPE P,S.I. ' WATER: GAL COARSE AGGREGATE #1 LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE #2 LBS. COARSE AGGREGATE #3; LBS. FINE AGGREGATE: LBS. ADMIXTURE #L OZS. ADMIXTURE #2; OZS. ,ADMIXTURE#3: OZS. AIR ENTRAINING AGENT:. OZS. REPORT DISTRIBUTION: 1: FILE 5: 2: SUPPLIER 6. , o. 7. - 4: 8: RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, CONSTRUCTION TECHNOLOGY ~~----~~ TOM JOSLIN S~ ; (ryICET} MANAGER TECHNICAL SVCS, G. Peter Jensen 17 West Road South Glens Falls New York 12803 (518) 798 - 3859 May 1, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: C~I~MtY~~~.1~~ FtEGEIVED MAY .2001 B & C PLANNING FM EXEC. DtR. Fiberglass may be used in lieu of the 6X6XW 1.4XW 1.4 welded wire mesh in the floor slab of the Signworks building being constructed in the Town of Queensbury. All other reinforcing indicated on Plan 07-0105 must be installed. .~,.. G. Pete ensen ~t~gED ~ACti wp` QE~ER~F~ ~~ d' ~'f n.+ -. .. ~- aee~oso ~ ~rF of k~w ,~~- Foundation Ins tion Re rt ~ P~ ~ Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's NAME: .~ d O~ ! Iti ~ ~12MIT #: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: ~ ~- TYPE OF STRUCTURE: ~~~~ N Footings Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this on site. Foundation / Wailpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil 1 for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC /Cast /Copper Foundation Insulation Interior !Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. Comments L:\8uilding & Codes Forms\Building 8~ Codes\Inspeclion For'rr~,s\Four~da~ion Ir-spectlon Report.doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: ~_ 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initiu .. ~~ © 7 Depart: ~ am/ (,~s NAME: P #: ~~~ LOCATION: SPELT ON: _~~ TYPE OF STRUCTURE: , / ~ y ..~~ ~ S~' ~ ~ ~ ,~ Comments Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. on site. oundation / Wallpour Re orcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil 1 for wet areas under slab Baclcfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC /Cast /Copper Foundation Insulation Interior /Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 $. L:\Building & Codes Forms\Building ~ CAtks\Inspe~or- Forms\Fouridatlon Irupec~lOn RepOrt.doc last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM C / II - ± Foundation Inspection Re rt Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Ins tion r Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Amve: ~~~ 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's lnitia ulZl~ Depart: ~~~. pm NAME: ~~ h7ti~` S RNIIT #: '^ LOCATION: INSPECT ON: - TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours followvng the placement of the concrete. Materials for this on site. Foundation / Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Foating Drain Stone: 12 inch width s above footing 6 mil for wet areas under slab Baclcf~ll A val ' g Under Slab PVC /Cast /Copper Foundation 'on rior Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. C~m= ~ 1 ~~ L:\Butiding & Codes Forms\Buiiding & Codes\Inspecdon Forms\Four~datlon Inspection Reppri~doc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Queensbury Building 8c Code Enforcement 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME: _ ' LOCATION: 'T'YPE OF STRUCTURE: ._ ~_ Date Inspe~ Arrive: ~; Inspector's 1~ ~ ~~ ~~ J Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this on site. Foundation / Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Footing Dowels or Keyway in place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation Waterproofmg Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil for wet areas under slab Backfill Approval ing Under Slab / Copper oundation Insulation Interior /Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. C comments ~~~+ 4 7~` ~~ L:\8uilding & Codes Forms\8uilding ~ Codes\Inon Farms\Fourtdatior- Inspection Repoitdoc Last printed 12/20/2005 9:24:00 AM to-~a ~r ~Ic~1 #: X007-~ `~~ ON: 7 t~ ~~ 0 /~ ~~C Framin / Firesto in 7 Ins ection Re ort g PP ~ P P Office No. (518) 761-8256 Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME: ~ LOCATION: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y NIA Framing " x 30" minimum Jack Studs /Headers Bracing /Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts /Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12" O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches /Holes /Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %z w 16 au e 8 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and water shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wa112, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavi min. Garage Fire Separation House side %z inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceilin wall Windows Habitable Space /Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above /below grade 5.0 sf ade PERMIT #: ' ~7' INSPECT ON: ~~--~ ~~~~ COMMENTS r~CbTs 6.7r ~/ ~ ~~ ~ / ~ Il D O Yl~_ / 5 ~rt ~~ ~~ o~.~'~ ~b ~~~ ~ ~- mac..,- -moo ~ ~-~ '~ r'" ~~~5 Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME: LOCATION: RECHECK: ~/iz/o~ Date Inspectio~uest received: Arrive: ¢ r 3 6 am/ ~j~ Depart: am/pm inspec6a's Initials:.~~v-~ '} ~~ PERMIT NO.: .~ INSPECT ON: Soil T :Sand Cla T of Water: u Weif Water Waterline se ratbn distance ti ft• Well separation distance Other wells: ft• ft. Abso Field: Total len ' ft• Le of each trench ft• of trenches ?-'" ft. Size of Stone "~- Pits: Number Size: x Stone 5ize• Pi i Size T Builds m tank `' ~- Tank to Distribution Box " ~S DLtribution Box to Id Pit u O ni Sealed: N Partial End Ca In Outlet Pi & Y N Location Se rations Foundation to tank ~ ft• Foundation to abso on ~-° ft. Se ration of Pits Conforms as r Plot Plan Y E sneer R rt and As-Built Y N Location of System on Property: ~ Front Rear ~ Right Side Middle Front Middle Rear t%v~v/~c/'t ipv' <s~r~/' 5y~pm Use Status: Approved ----~ Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building & Codes Office Disapproved o~~~ Last revised 021006 Last revised 1/6/05 Rough Plumbing /Insulation Inspection Repoirt<<'~ Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection re c ved• ~ ~ Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: p~ 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector' n a ~~ NAME: S~ r\ w~-S S~ PE #: ~ -- ~(t/ LOCATION: ~ ~ INS CT ON: ~ TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A u h Pfumbin Nail Plates Piumbin Vent Vents in Place 1 ~/z inch minimum Drain Size Washin Machine Drain 2 inch minimum Clean 100 feet chan a of direction ressure Te ran Vent Air /Head 5 P.S.I. or 10 ft. above hi hest connectlon for 15 minutes Pressure Test Water Supply Piping Air /Head 50 P.S.I for 15 minutes ~j Insulation Residential Check Commercial Check Pro er Vent Attic Vent Duct /Hot Water Piping Insulation If re uired unheated s aces Combustion Air Su I for Furnace Duct work sealed ro erl No duct to e COMMENTS: ~ ~~ T-~ `5~~~ lj L:~Pam WhitinglBuilding 8c CodeaVnspection FoetrtalRough Plumbing lnaulation Report.revised Nov 17 2003.doc Revised February 15, 2005 Rough Plumbing /Insulation Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: ~ ' 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's ] NAME: S~~`I'A / ~~~ ~` w~~s LOCATION : ~,~'? GW~~ ~ ~~ TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A Rou h Plumbin Nail Plates Plumbin Vent Vents in Place 1 ~/x inch minimum Drain Size Washin Machine Drain 2 inch minimum Cieanout eve 100 feet chan a of direction Pressure Test Drain t Air Hea 5 P.S.. 10 ove hi hest connection for 15 minutes Pressure T Water Supply Piping Air /Head 50 P.S.I for 15 minutes Insulation Residential Check Commercial Check Pro er Vent Attic Vent Duct /Hot Water Piping Insulation If re uired unheated s aces Combustion Air Su I for Furnace Duct work sealed ro erl No duct to e COMMENTS: a ON: y J /~ /. _ Repo L:1Pam Whiting~Building 8c CodesUnspection Fom~sa~Rough Plumbing Insulation Report.revised Nov 17 2003.doc Revised February 15, 2005 Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.: (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection req ve . Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement Arrive: ~ pm Depart: '' pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Init' s• NAME: '{~~ Q~C- PERMIT ~ ~ - D ~~_ LOCATION: ~~ DATE: - COMMENTS: Y N NA Chimne / "B" Vent /Direct Vent Location Plumbin Vent Throu h Roof 6" /Roof Com lete Exterior Finish Grade Com lete 6" in 10' or E uivalent Interior /Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform /Decks Interior /Exterior Banisters 4 in. S acin Platform /Decks Stair Handrail 34 in. - 38 in. / Ste Risers 7" /Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors > 3000 s . ft. All Doors 36 in. w/Lever Handles /Panic Hardware, if re uired Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 (w) x 44" (1 /Cano or E uiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Ex osed & Re ulator 18" Above Grade Floor Bathroom Waterti ht /Other Floors Oka Relief Valve, Heat Trap /Water Temp. 110 Degrees Maximum Boiler /Furnace Enclosure 1 hr. or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy /Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or Within Line Of Site Oil Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stockroom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room (2 hr.), 1 '/Z doors > 10% > 1000 s . ft. / ~/ '/4 Hour Corridor Doors & Closers Firewalls /Fire Separation, 2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete /Fire Dam ers /Fire Doors Ceilin Fire Sto in , 3,000 s . ft. Wood Frame Attic Access 30" x 20" x 30" (h), Crawl Space Access 18" x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan, if re uired Elevator O eration and Si a e /Shaft Sealed Handica ed Bathroom Grab Bars /Sinks /Toilets Handica ed Bath arkin Lot i Public Toilet Room Handica ed Accessible Handica ed Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" Handica ed Ram /Handrails Continuous/12 in. Be and Active Listenin System and Si a e Assembl S ace Final Electrical Site Plan Variance re uired mal Surve , Structure /Flood Plain certification, if re . - e tic System Layout Re uired or On File Buildin Number or Tenant Address on Buildin or Drivewa Water Fountain or Cooler Buildin Access All Sides b 20' / Driveable Surface 20' wide Oka To Issue Tem . or Permanent C/O Oka To Issue C/C - ~EE~ A5'-~\ Cc ~~4T~. Q. o ~~ Rem ~ ~ ~.~.~wc ~r) ~L. ~e~G~-- T"o c-~1E~~ . ~Opt`i1 ~E~~Ezr ~~L~~t, p\ ~~ ~ ~- ~ ~ lti~ " ~ ~ 5~~~ ~vJ T~~ b~~~ i ~~~~z-oJ~'~~ ~-lZ' ` 6 R~- o ~ b c ~ per- ~U ~ L~'GTLj tJts~ ~~` t Last printed 6/3/2003 9:27 AML:\PamW\Building ds Codes\Commercial Final Inspection Report.doc MIDDLE DEPARTMENT INSPECTION AGENCY, INC. `~~r~~es that the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment. listed below has been examined and is approved as being in accord with the National Electrical Code, applicable governmental, utility and Agency rules in effect on the date noted below and is issued subject to the following conditions. Owner: Signworks Date: 09/25/2007 Occupant: Unknown Occupancy: Non-Residential Applicant: Signworks 188 Ballard Rd Wilton, NY 12831 L_ Location: 27 Carey Rd. Glens Falls, Warren Co. NY J Raymond A. Novak _ _ _ ~ ; " No, 141095161275E .Equipment: 400 -Amp. Service Equipment; 500 MCM Amp` Service Cnductors o Switches; 40''`Receptacles; 16 Fixtures; 6 Burner,Wiring & Controls For Gas; 2 Vent Fans; 4 Exit Lights; 8 Emergency Llghts This certificate applies to the electrical wiring to the electrical equipment listed above and the installation inspected as of the above noted date based on a visual inspection. No warranty is expressed or implied as to the mechanical safety, effi- ciency or fitness of the equipment for any particular purpose. This certificate shalt be valid for a period of one year from the above noted date. Should the electrical system to which this certificate applies be altered in any way, including but not limit- ed to, the introduction of additional electrical equipment and/or the replacement of any of the components installed as of the above noted date, this certificate shall be immediately null and void. This certificate applies only to the use, occupancy and ownership as indicated herein. Upon a change in the use, occupancy or ownership of the property indicated above, this certificate shall be immediately Wulf and void. In the event that this certificate becomes invalid based upon the above conditions, this certificate may be revalidated upon reinspection by Middle Department Inspection Agency, Inc. An application for inspection must be submitted to Middle Department Inspection Agency, Inc. to initiate the inspection and revalidation process. A fee will be charged for this service. 1'~3~"~oa`v Inspection for Permit to Occupy Fir@ Marshal's OftiC@ Request Rec' d Permit No. S1 ~ O ~~ Town of Queensbury ~ 742 Bay Road ~ ZG Q t~ Queensbury, NY 12804 Scheduled Inspection Date: Time: Phone: (518) 761-8206 Business Nam ~ ~,(,~lL ~C Fax: (518) 745-4437 Location: T of Ins ~cfbn N A Yes No EXITS: Exit Access Exit Enclosure Exit Dischar e AISLES: Main Aisle Width Secondar Aisle Width EXIT SIGNAGE Si n -normal SI n -batter EVAC si ns in rooms TRUSS ID SIGNAGE EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Hun Ins action of extin wisher FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Fan Shutdown Fire S rinkier S stem Fire Su ression -kitchen Fire Su ression -Gas Islan Generator Hood Installation Elevator Interior Finishes Stora e Com essed Gas Clearance to S rinklers Clearance to Electrical Electric Wirin Enclosed /Labeled Combustible Waste Vehicle Im act Protection Knox Box F.p.Si na e-Utilit Rooms No Smokin Si ns Maximum Occu anc Si Emer enc Evacuation Plan COMMENTS ~~ ~ S~~NS Fiig Marsh II ~E,P 1^9 2001 C~~ - e a Approved (If no other approvals apply, the B & C Office wil iss the ertificate of Occupancy) Denied /call for Recheck Inspected gy: L:\FireMarshat\New Folder\permitto occupyform.doc l ~3 /'h~rs~j Inspection for Permit to Fire Marshal's Office Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Phone: (518)761-8206 fax: (S18) 745-4437 T of Ins •cffon N A Yes No EXITS: Exit Access Exit Enclosure Fait Dischar e AISLES: Main Aisle Width Secondar Aisle Width EXIT SIGNAGE Si n -normal SI n -batter EVAC si ns in rooms TRUSS ID SIGNAGE EMERGENCY LIGHTING FIRE EXTINGUISHER: Hun Ins action of extin wisher FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Fan Shutdown Fire 5 rinkler S stem Fire Su ression -kitchen Fre S ression -Gas Islan Generator Hood Installation Elevator Interior Finishes Stora e Com ressed Gas Clearance to S rinklers Clearance to Electrical Hectric Wirin Enclosed /Labeled Combustible Waste Vehicle Im act Protection Knox Box F.D. Si na e - Utilit Rooms No Smokin SI ns Maximum Occu anc Si Emer enc Evacuation Plan Request Recd o Occupy Permit No. ~~ Scheduled Inspection Date: /~ ~~1~~ Time: ~~ Business Name: Or S Location; Approved Qf no other approvals apply, the B & C 01 o Denied /call for Recheck Inspected By: COMMENTS ~J~" ' _ ~ L:\FireMarshal\New Folder\permitto occupyform.doc /-3 ~~~~ Commercial Final Inspection Report Office No.: (518) 761-8256 Queensbury Building & Code Enforcement 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 NAME: .~rliz.__ ~~~~~ LOCATION: Date Inspection Arrive: Inspector's Initi~ PERMIT DATE: ~ Depart: Y N NA Chimne / "B" Vent /Direct Vent Location Plumbin Vent Throu h Roof 6" /Roof Com lete Exterior Finish /Grade Com lete 6" in 10' or E uivalent Interior /Exterior Guardrails 42 in. Platform /Decks Interior / Exterior Ballisters 4 in. S acin Platform /Decks Stair Handrai134 in. - 38 in. / Ste Risers 7" /Treads 11" Vestibules For Exit doors > 3000 s . ft. All Doors 36 in. w/Lever Handles /Panic Hardware, if re uired Exits At Grade Or Platform 36 (w x44" ] /Cano or E uiv. Gas Valve Shut-off Ex osed & Re lator 18" Above Grade Floor Bathroom Waterti t /Other Floors Oka Relief Valve, Heat Trap /Water Temp. 110 Degrees Maximum Boiler /Furnace Enclosure 1 hr. or Fire Extinguishing System Fresh Air Supply for Occupancy /Ventilation Combustion Low Water Shut Off For Boilers Gas Furnace Shut Off Within 30 ft. or Within Line Of Site Oii Furnace Shut Off at Entrance to Furnace Area Stocla~oom/Storage/Receiving/Shipping Room (2 hr.), 1 '/: doors > 10% > 1000 s . ft. '/a Hour Corridor Doors & Closers Firewalls /Fire Separation, 2 Hour, 3 Hour Complete /Fire Dam ers /Fire Doors Ceilin Fire Sto in , 3,000 s . ft. Wood Frame Attic Access 30" x 20" x 30" (h), Crawl Space Access 18" x 24" Smoke Vents Or Fan, if re uired Elevator O eration and Si a e /Shaft Sealed Handica ed Bathroom Grab Bars /Sinks /Toilets Handica ed Bath / Parkin Lot Si na e Public Toilet Room Handica ed Accessible Handica ped Service Counters, 34 in., Checkout 36" Handicapped Ramp /Handrails Continuous/12 in. Beyond [Both sides] Active Listenin S stem and Si a e Assembl S ace Final Electrical Site Plan /Variance re uired Final Surve ,New Structure /Flood Plain certification, if re . As-built Se tic S stem La out Re uired or On File Buildin Number or Tenant Address on Buildin or Drivewa Water Fountain or Cooler Buildin Access All Sides b 20' / Driveable Surface 20' wide Oka To Issue Tem . or Permanent C/O Oka To Issue CIC ~a~~ )_ L:\Building & Codes Forms\Building & Codes\Inspection Forms\Commercial Final Inspection Report.doc COMMENTS: Final Survey Inspection Dept. of Community Development Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury, NY 12804 Date received:. __~~t71~ ~~~.. NAME: LOCATI PERMIT Final Survey Plot Plan The attached final survey has been received bythe / Dept. of Community Development. Upon review the Zoning Administrator Notes: L:\SueHemingway~Building.Codrs.Inspection.FORMS~Final Survey Zoning Adminisgator.doc