ApplicationArea Variance [ZBA approved: September 21 2016]
General Information
Tax Parcel ID Number: ____________________
Zoning District: ____________________
Detailed Description of Project [include current & proposed use]:
Current Use: _________________________________________________________________
Proposed Use: ____________________________________________________________
Location of Project: _______________________________________________________________
Applicant Name: Mailing Address
Home Phone City, State, Zip
Work Phone Cell Phone
E-Mail: FAX No.
Agent’s Name: Mailing Address
Home Phone City, State, Zip
Work Phone Cell Phone
E-mail FAX No.
Owner’s Name Mailing Address
Home Phone City, State, Zip
Work Phone Cell Phone
E-mail FAX No.
Page 1
Trevor Flynn,
Balzer & Tuck Architecture
Renovate and construct an addition to the existing home and attach the existing
garage to the main residence. Construct a new detached garage on the site.
Area Variance [ZBA approved: September 21 2016]
Site Development Data
Area / Type Existing sq. ft. Proposed
Addition sq. ft.
Total sq. ft.
A. Building footprint
B. Detached Garage
C. Accessory Structure(s)
D.Paved, gravel or other hard surfaced area
E. Porches / Decks
F. Other
G. Total Non-Permeable [Add A-F]
H. Parcel Area [43,560 sq. ft. / acre]
I. Percentage of Impermeable Area of Site [I=G/H]
Setback Requirements
Area Required Existing Proposed
Front Yard [1]
Front Yard [2]
Side Yard [1]
Side Yard [2]
Rear Yard [1]
Rear Yard [2]
Travel Corridor
Height [maximum]
Number of parking spaces
Page 2
Area Variance [ZBA approved: September 21 2016]
Additional Project Information
1.Will the proposal require a Septic Variance from the Town Board of Health? _______________
2.If the parcel has previous approvals, list application number(s): _________________________
3.Does this project require coverage under the New York State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permit
Program? __ Yes / __ No
4.Estimated project duration: Start Date: __________ End Date: __________
5.Estimated total cost of project: _______________
6.Total area of land disturbance for project: _______________
Floor Area Ratio Worksheet
FLOOR AREA RATIO (FAR) -- The relationship of building size to lot size, derived by dividing the total building floor
area by the lot size in square feet, yielding a percentage.
Zoning District Symbol Floor Area Ratio [FAR]
Waterfront Residential WR 0.22
Commercial Moderate / Commercial
CM / CI 0.3
A. The combined area of all square footage, as measure from exterior walls of all structures on the property, including all
floors of the structures, garages, basements and attics with more than five (5) feet of ceiling height and covered
porches. Building square footage does not include: Open deck, docks and that portion of covered docks extending
over water and one storage shed of one hundred twenty (120) square feet or less. Any additional sheds will be
included. (See “FLOOR AREA RATIO”).
B.Commercial or industrial: the total area in square feet as measured from the exterior of the outside walls of a building
or structure, and when applicable, the sum total of all floor areas of the principal and accessory buildings or structures
on the project site.
Parcel Area ___________________________ sq. ft.
Existing Floor Area ___________________________ sq. ft. [see above definition]
Proposed Additional Floor Area ___________________________ sq. ft.
Proposed Total Floor Area ___________________________ sq. ft.
Total Allowable Floor Area ___________________________ (Area x _____) [see above table]
Page 3
AV27-2002, AV43-2002, V76-2002
Area Variance [ZBA approved: September 21 2016]
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance
Requesting relief from SECTION: ________________________________
Need relief from the requirement(s) listed below which can not be met by the project as proposed.
[Check all that apply] Setback Buffer Zone Lot Width Other ______________________
The following questions reflect the criteria for granting this type of variance. Please complete them; use additional sheets if
1. Whether an undesirable change will be produced in the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to
nearby property will be created by the granting of this area variance?
2.Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method, feasible for the applicant
to pursue, other than an area variance?
3.Whether the requested area variance is substantial?
4.Whether the proposed variance will have an adverse effect or impact on the physical or environmental
conditions in the neighborhood or district?
5.Whether the alleged difficulty was self-created?
Page 4
179-4-010, Table 1 - Building Height
179-4-010, Table 1 - Shoreline Setback
179-5-020 : D - Garage Area
179-5-020 : D - Number of garages per dwelling
179-4-010, Table 1, Note 8 - Garage Height
Please see attached sheets for answers to the questions below
2: Whether the benefit sought by the applicant can be achieved by some method,
feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance?
The benefit of an addition to the main residence cannot be achieved by any other
methods. There is not sufficient space in the existing footprint of the home to achieve the
program desired by the owner. The residence is a unique summer home built in the 1920's
(completed in 1930) that will be updated to meet the needs of a full time resident. Currently,
there are no closets on the first floor and no mud room. There is also very little storage, for
cars, Christmas decorations, etc. These features were not necessary at the time of the
original design as it was used as a summer home; but now much needed for a full-time
resident during a Lake George winter.
The benefits of the garage could also not be met without the requested variance. A
smaller garage would not be feasible due to insufficient storage for property maintenance
equipment and vehicles needed by the owner. Restoring classic cars is an important hobby
for the owner and he would like to be able to work on and store a number of cars, without
limitations at his main residence. The attached workshop would provide a safe, clean,
contained, quiet and secure work area. The garage could also not function as it is designed
without the height variance due to the steep nature of the site. A "bank barn" was a practical
solution to limit the height of the structure as seen from the lower level. To lower the overall
height of the structure would lead to a roof with a low pitch which would not be visually
pleasing, or in character with the primary dwelling. It would also make the workshop space
3: Whether the requested area variance is substantial?
The variance for the primary dwelling height is not substantial. We are seeking relief
for two dormers with roofs over the 28' height limit. One of these dormers is existing and the
pitch of the roof will be altered by replacing the structure of it. The other dormer is proposed
to give an existing 3 rd floor bedroom a window facing the lake to improve lighting and
ventilation in this room. Both dormers will remain lower in height than the existing roof at it's
The proposed addition to the home is located in the only feasible location where a
view of the lake could be had. The existing design is 59.1 feet from the shoreline. The
proposed design is 56.6 feet from the shoreline and has been carefully studied to keep the
addition more than 50' away from the shoreline. The requested variance of for this additional
2.5 feet is not substantial. To limit the encroachment on the shoreline, the addition is located
as far to the south as it can be while still merging seamlessly with the existing home by
extending the existing wall to the south (next to the stair and pantry).
The area of the detached garage is 244 sf over the limit. This variance could be seen as
substantial (22% greater than the 1,100 sf limit) but it is what the owner would like to have so
the garage can meet his needs and be functional to him. In a similar respect, the variance
requested to allow the number of garages on a lot to increase to 2 could be seen as
substantial, but the existing garage does not provide the amount of vehicle and property
maintenance equipment storage needed by the owner of the property. During the winter
months, this proposed garage may need to be used if the driveway to the attached garage
becomes too hazardous. The attached garage also does not provide the workshop
Area Variance [ZBA approved: September 21 2016]
Section 179-14-030 –Application materials
Application materials and site plan drawing is to include sufficient information for the Board to review and provide a decision. The
applicant is to provide a site plan drawing(s) – a survey showing existing conditions, a proposed conditions map (see page 00 for
specific criteria) and include any other attachments that address A - D as applicable to the proposed project.
A. General Shown on Sheet #
1 Title, Name, Address of applicant & person responsible for preparation of drawing
2 Deed
3 North arrow, Tax Map ID, date prepared and scale [minimum: 1 inch = 40 feet ]
4 Boundaries of the property plotted to scale, zoning boundary
5 Principal structures, accessory structures with exterior dimensions
6 Site improvements incl. outdoor storage areas, driveways, parking areas, etc.: existing &
7 Setbacks for all structures and improvements: existing & proposed
8 Elevations and floor plans of all proposed and affected structures
B. Water & Sewer Shown on Sheet #
1 Project sewage disposal facilities, design details, construction details, flow rates, and number of
bedrooms proposed
2 Water supply [i.e. well] & septic on adjoining lots with separation distances to existing or
proposed on-site water supply and septic
3 Separation distances for proposed sewage disposal system to well and water bodies
4 Existing public or private water supply [well, lake, etc.]. Method of securing public or private
water, location, design and construction of water supply including daily water usage
5 Percolation test location and results
C. Parking / Permeable Areas Shown on Sheet #
1 Number of spaces required for project including calculations and justification: existing &
2 No. of existing parking spaces, number to be removed, number to maintain and type of surfacing
material [e.g., gravel, paved]
3 Provision for pedestrian and handicap access and parking: existing & proposed
4 Design details of ingress, egress, loading areas and cutting: existing & proposed
5 Location and character of green areas [existing and proposed], modification to green area, buffer
zone to remain undisturbed
6 Lighting, location and design of all existing and proposed outdoor lighting
D. Additional Site Development and Miscellaneous Shown on Sheet #
1 On-site & adjacent watercourses, streams, rivers, lake and wetlands
2 Utility / energy distribution system [gas, electric, solar, telephone]: existing & proposed
3 Location, design and construction details of all existing and proposed site improvements
including: drains, culverts, retaining walls, fences, fire & emergency zones and hydrants, etc.
4 Square footage of bldg. area proposed for office, manufacturing, retail sales or other commercial
activities: existing & proposed
5 Signage: Location, size, type, design and setback: existing & proposed
6 Waiver Request: provide letter with application requesting any waivers: please reference
specific items
7 Commercial / Industrial Development requires submission of Landscaping, Stormwater
Management, Grading & Lighting Plans
8 Identification of Federal, State or County permits required for the project together with a record
of application for all necessary permits
Page 5
Area Variance Pre-Submission Conference Form / Section 179-9-040
1. Applicant Name: __________________________________________________
2.Tax Map ID ________________Location:_______________________
3.Zoning Classification __________
4.Reason for Review: __________________________________________________________
5.Zoning Section #: ________________________
6. Pre-Submission Meeting Notes:Provided Outstanding; Please provide by
Deed ____ _____________
General Information complete ____ _____________
Site Development Data Complete ____ _____________
Setback Requirements Complete ____ _____________
Additional Project Information Complete ____ _____________
FAR addressed ____ _____________
Compliance with Zoning Ordinance ____ _____________
Checklist items addressed ____ _____________
Environmental Form completed ____ _____________
Signature Page completed ____ _____________
Staff Representative: ________________________________
Applicant / Agent: ________________________________ Date: ___________
Page 6
Daniel Grasmeder
239.18-1-48 3222 Route 9L State Route 9 Lake GeorgeNY 12845
Addition to existing single family Residence and connection of existing detached garage to primary structure. Construction of new detached garage
179-3-040, dimensional, 179-5-020 garage, 179-13-010 expansion,
x project description needs additional information
only portion of the dock on land to be included
site drawing pdf page 26 , setbacks page 3, and page 7 #3 -confirm
AV43-2002, AV76-2002, AV27-2002
is there duplicate pages?
do not include
Laura Moore 01/14/2021 via email
The applicant proposes to construct an 884 sq ft living room / kitchen addition to the West of the existing
primary dwelling. The project includes construction of a 436 SF breezeway addition to the South of the
primary dwelling, connecting the structure with an existing detached garage, and replacing the roof on the
garage. The project includes constructing a new detached garage of 1,344 sq ft. The detached garage would
include two levels - storage of vehicles on the lower level and a workshop above.
The project is subject to site plan review for new floor area in a cea, new building within 50 ft of 15%
slopes, expansion of a non conforming structure and stormwater (disturbance more than 15000 sq ft,
impervious greater than 1,000 -major triggered). Area Variance for shoreline setback 56.6 proposed 75 ft
required, detached garage height proposed 27 ft is proposed 16 ft maximum allowed, garage/house proposed
height 33.5 ft and max allowed is 28 ft, # of garages -two proposed only one allowed, garage size 1,345 sq ft
proposed and max allowed is 1,100 sq ft per lot size less than 5 ac.
Items to update or provide:
1) page 1 - Project description needs additional information -residential is vague
2) page 2 - confirm the dock of 212 sq ft is on the land portion if not then it does not need to be included in
the calculations
3) page 2 - confirm setback values with site drawings, question 3 compliance they are a bit different
4) page 3 - additional approvals include AV43-2002 and AV27-2002
5) pdf page 10 on area variance - might be duplicate pages?
6) page 5 -stamped survey to be part of submission
6) EAF - do not include project is a Type II no environmental assessment required.
Ar1:a Variance I/BA 'Pl"""'' S..pee,,,k, 21 10111
nus page include< 1he l.) Aulhorrzslion 10 Ac,•• Agenl Form: 2.) Engineering Fee Disclosu,c; 3.) Aulho,izalion lo, Site Visits; 4.)Other Permit Responsibilities, 5.) Official Moeting Disclosure and 6.) Agrccmea1 lo provide documenlation 1 e�uircd.
01l'NEl<'S AG,.NT �-Ol(.'1: Complele lhc following 1f!hc OWNER ot the propeny is not tlw same
Owoc,· Dan id Grasmeder
''""' 1"1)'"" De,ignalcs: llal,ar &"'1!Jr<c. __ _ as Ageat regarding 1he tollowiug:
Variance?. S,tcPlan _ _x_
for Ta, Map '-Jo.: 239. l �. l .4g
Deed Reference:
Book 61 s,
Page-'-Date _91!>11om
11-(!r,(<. o -iv
AP!'l,l\"MI f'S AGEN ! FO!tM: Complete the following if the APPLICANT is unable lo attend the
mceling or wishes 10 be represenled by another party:
Owner: ----
Designa!es ---·· as Agellt regarding lhe followrng
Variance Site Plan ---Subdivision
Fo, To, Map No.: --Deed Rek1cnco ,�, --Page Date ----
as the applicant :
2.) !-:NCINEERING FEE DISCLOSURE: Applications may be referred lo 1he T ow11 co11sulti11g engineer for ,evicw of seplio
design, storm diainage. etc. as determined by lhe Zon,ug or Planning Deparlinent Fees for eng,ncenng review services will be
cha, gcd directly 10 the applicant. Fees for eng,neering review will nol c,cced S 1,000 without oot1fica1io11 to (he applicaat
J.j AUTHORIZATION FOR SITE VISITS: Dy signiag this page and submjning the applicnlion m>tcnals attached herein, the
Owner, A pplic,1n1, and hi�11ierl1heir agent(s) hereby authori,e lhe Zoning Board 01 Planning Doartl and Town Slaff to ente, the subjecl
pmpellies for the purpose of review mg the applicaiion sub1n11tcd.
4.) OTl!ER PERM IT RlCSPONSIBILITIES: Other perrnilS rnay be f"'lUired fo1 conSll"uc\io11 or alteration activity ,ubsequen( to
appro,•ol b)' (he Zonin� Board or Pla11ning Board. It" the applicant's responsibility lo obtain any ndd1!ional pcrnu1s.
S.j OFl'ICIAL ME£TINC MINUTES DISCLOSURE; ll is th� practoce oftl1e Communily Developmerol Def"'tlmcat to have adesignated stenographer tape record Ille pmcced,ngs of meetings resulting from applrcalion, and minutes transcribed from those lapcs
co11S1ilules lhe ornciol record of all p,meedings.
6.) AGREEMF.NT TO PROVIDE DOCUMENTATION REQ(IIR�;u: I, the w1der<igned, have thoroughly 1cod a11d un<letSland
lhc insuucliolls for submission and agree to the submission roqu,rc,nent;, I acknowledge 110 consnuction activilies shall be com1nence<l proo, lo issuance ofa valid permit. I certify lhat the applicalion. plans and supponi11g maierials are a !me and complete
Slatemenllde,ci,ption of the ex1S1ing condilions and the work propose<l. and that all wo,-k will be performed in accordance with 1he
approved plans a11d in confo, m•nce with local ooaing regulations. I acknowledge Cha, prio, to ocoup)'1ng the facilities proposed, I or
my agents. will oblain a eer1ificate of o-c-cupaney as necessary. I also understand lha! I/we may be required to pmvide an as•bu,ll
,urvey b)' a lkensed land Sllfveyor of all newly constructed facilities p,io, to issuance of a cc11ificale of occupanc)'
I have read and ag,ec to lhe above.
S,gna1u1e [Applican,i P, int Name [ Applicanl) Daw signed
Signature [Agent! Prin! Name [ Age1ll] Date signed
Po,gc 7
Trevor Flynn 01/15/21
Trevor Flynn 01/15/21
Signature Page
TlllS page 111cludes the !.) Authorimion 10 Acl as Agent Fonn, 2.) Engincoring Fee Disclosure; 3,) Authori.cation for Site Vi,its. 4.) Oilier Permit Rcs1,onsibilihes; 5.) Official Mccling Disclo<u1 c and G.) Agreo,ncut to provide documcnlalion required
, ◊WNEll'S A<;e,N I FOR\i:
Complelc lhc following if Ilic OWNER of the propor!y is uot the same as the applicant
Owner: U.11101 Gmsoncder
Desill'>ale,: "'""''"' r«s"""'· """"0"'"'"'"1 D<sos,• ""''"'·'"'I' ----�·-· -·-------
As agent regard111g·
Fo, Tax Map 'o.·
Deed Rcfoi 01
Al'l'Ll( AN r's AGe,, I l'ORM:
' Variancell9 I!-Section ,/ £ ��8_".,-IJook
' Site Plan Subdivisioo
�Block sr--Lo1 -�---= Page 9/ll/lOl◊ Dato/; DATE: �!!If.fl. _ Zi' "l O ----·-··--
Complete lhc following if the Al'Pl,!CANT is unabk 10 attend the mcc1i11g or wishes to ho rqm:scnlcd h)' anothc,· 1>arly.
Ownei·: _,,.
Designates: ,
As agcnl rcgatdrng,
Deed Reference:
"' --
Varian« --Section soo,--
. ·---�--
Site Pbn
lll0<k --
---___ Page ,_DATE. ,
2.) ENG!Nl•:EIUNG F£E DISCLOSllRE, Appl,oouon; "''Y t,c «rcn«I to ih, l"o¼·n consulting cng;ncer lor review ol" >epli< <icsign. >torm drninagc, ccc. "deocrmm,d l>y 11\C /.o,,,,,g o, l'lam,11,g DcpMn,onL loo, ro, cngi""""'t miew sc1vicc, will b< ch,,.g,d d,ccolly to the ,ippliw11t l"cc, li,r c11�1occ1 iog rovicw will no I oxcoed S 1 .000 wuho\ll ""1inc-,too" to th< a1>ph,-.111.
l,) ,\[ITI!()l<l7.A Tl()N FO!t SJ J E \'ISi JS: ll)' s,i:,0111g lhi, J>agc an<I ,ubiniuing oho "l�>l1c,o"'"' m,leciols "'"<hcd hCJein. the 0"""> ll1>phcan1, ,,i,d hi"1,c1/1hcor a�c11L(,) loc1el>} a,llhori,c tl,c Lo11i11g lloa,d 01· l'l,mning Boord ""I Tow11 Sta If lo""'°' the .so,�1cct 1""1'"'"" fo1· lhc l'"'F"'° oftC\'1CWlllf ,he oprli,,n,r,n '"bm,L<c<i,
�-) OTm:R l'l•:l1M11 I\ESl'O/',SI Ill LIT!lcS: OLbcr perm 11, m,,y be rcqui1e<I for °"""'"clirn, or allca,"""' ouiv")' ,ubsc9tic11L to 'l�'""'"I by <he ?.on11,g ll,,a,,J or l'lmrnmg lloa,J, 11 os [he applicanl's <e>po1,sibilil)' to oblmn "''>' a,l<ioH<'l>al I"'""'"·
s) OJ f !( JAL MEL! 1:.<, M!N! ll•S DISCLOSURE ii "the l'"c,i<e of Lho Community Devclopmcnl Dc1»r11nco1 lo h,wc a dc>1g1m<cd >1cnogrnph<r tape record ch, proceeding, of n\Coiing, rc.sulLi"f from awlk-1inn, a,,d n,;11utc, transcr,l>cd lrom ,ho,o top,.,°"""''"'" tho oniciolrcconl ol oil proec"lmgs,
6,) AGIU:E,\lE's"J TO l'ROVIDIC DOCIIMEm"ATIOl'i RF.()!IIIIED· I, 1hc undci�igncd, h,,v,o thorough I)' ,,,,I ,n<l un,lcrs<an<l tltc m>Lroclton, fo, ,ub111i;sio11 "'"' agree to the ,ubmi"ion ro911irom,nt<, I ack,.owlc<igc 110 construcoion actovitoe> shall be commcnc<O ptcor to'%"'""'" of a ,,1;<1
pccmil, I «�ily Iha! lhc opplioaCiOll, 1>lans a11d suppo�ing mate, ial, are a true ,n<l compleic S1,0lcinco1/<lesc"pt10" ofth< existing condltio,,, ond 1he 11-0,t l"Ol>OWd, a,><111,a, all wu,k w,11 be pcrr�11n«I 1n ,ccorda110< w1Lh tl,c ,;pp,{nCd plans and Ill ro11fomi,no:: with locol mni11g icgnlaLio11s. I acknowledge Iha[ I'' ior 10 ncc"l'Yi"g 11\C focil,t,cs p,opose<I. I or"')' ,gent� "·ill ol>Oain , <efliflc,oc of occop,11cy " nc.,es,,.,ry, I ,l>o undm!,n<l ,hnt I/we nmy b< f\.',!Uirc<I 10 pro,·idc al\ a.s-b<,ill sur,ey 1,y , licensed land ,mveyor of all """I)' com1n1cccd facol,.,e, prn,c 10 '-""'"" of o tettll;cote ol nccuponcy
I li•vc ,c,d •nd agree lo Ilic abo,•e,
Signature (Applicant)
Signature [Agent]
f>dnt Name [Appljcant)
Prinl Name rAgent)
Dare signed
Date signed
Site l'lsn Review al)l)lica!ion -Revised Octol>er 2016Tow11 of Queensbury Plan..,ng Office-742 Bay Road. Queensbury, NY 12804
Trevor Flynn 01/15/21
Brandon Ferguson, PE 1/15/21
900 Route 146 Clifton Park, NY 12065
(P) 518.371.7621
January 14, 2021
Laura Moore
Planner, Town of Queensbury
742 Bay Road
Queensbury, NY 12804
Regarding: Evaluation of Existing Onsite Wastewater System
3222 NYS Route 9L
Dear Ms. Moore:
EDP has reviewed the available information on the existing septic system located at 3222 Route 9L in the
Town of Queensbury. The following is a summary of that information.
· The septic system was originally designed in 1987 by Eugene Christian, P.E. and constructed with a
1000-gallon septic tank, and a simplex effluent pump that conveys the effluent to a mound system
with pressure distribution
· In 2002 a modification to the existing mound system was designed by Harold Berger, PE in order to
increase the capacity of the system to allow for up to a 5-bedroom dwelling.
· The modifications to the mound system were made in 2003 and the Town inspected and approved
the construction.
· In 2017 the system was pumped out and inspected by Stone Industries. A OWTS worksheet was
completed and it was stated that the system was in good condition.
· In 2019 David Hatin, Director of Building and Code Enforcement in the Town of Queensbury, issued
a letter stating that an inspection of the existing system was performed and stated that the system
was functioning adequately.
From the review of the above-mentioned information and the available engineering plans from 1987 and
2002, it appears that the existing septic system meets all the required setbacks from buildings, property
lines, water bodies and wells. The proposed house renovations will result in a total of four. This is below the
number of bedrooms that the septic absorption field was designed and constructed for (five) therefore no
modifications to the absorption field is required.
A four-bedroom dwelling requires a 1,250 gallons septic tank, per NYSDOH Appendix 75A, while the
existing septic tank appears to be a 1,000-gallon tank. However the existing septic tank does meet the
requirement set forth in section 137-4.B.(5).(a) of the Town code which states that the septic tank must be
within 250 gallons of the minimum volume requirement.
Overall, the existing system appears to be in general conformance with the current Town of Queensbury
Brandon Ferguson, P.E.
Environmental Design Partnership