1970-06-03 MEETI~1(; OF THE PLANNING BOARO OF THE TœN OF QUEENS BURY HEt.D AT QUElH$BURY. . BURY TOWN OPFICEBUILDING wtDREsDAY, JUNE 3. 1970 .,' Presld1ug....................J. ArthuJ:,Not'ton Present......................lirkpatrick, ~n, Sinnott Absent..:.......................kuabner. Van Wirt Bueats.......................leller. LiApes. Pbillips. MCIllvaiae XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX RIGtJLAR MII'l'IRG ,8 :40 1. Approved 1Dinut.. of la.t _tioa. 20 Variance #l61 · Dœkin' Donuts - Upper Glen Street- R. store on Wareell property - -.oy variance. asked. lot size, set backa, over.i.. .iaM. Ralph w.uro. represent1. Dunkin' Donuts stated tbis would upcrade area. He would lea". r1sht..of-way for the res1t of Wardwell'. property. The ' traffic and park!.. was questioned. Wa~ll felt the situatioa wou1cl improve as there would b. fewer access points with the recoD8truct1ou of RDu.ta 9. Attorney R. Case PriM ....1og for Wardwell atated tbat v. bad indicated that this pt~po8al was f_ib18 at the t~W~ll a.ked f~ variance. Norton d1aagr_c1 stati. thatw.. bacS.tolð VaNlle11 w. woulcJ, DOt look favorable OD this. Wardlfell can deYe10poo.·, tbe lot a. it .taQÜ and tbis would create a non-confomiug lot. Motion by Sinnott. ncODd.ecl bJ Monahan and carried to ..pprove .. tb:l.s would ere.te a non-coafoi:ed.aa lot and too __yvariance. are needed. 3. Variaoce #164 · Robert O'CoaDor · P1taprald Road ouGl_1.tce - ~te' 2 QOII-confcmd.tlø~.ts.Attorae, M1c:ba.l O'COQQOr 'appeared ad stated the only Variaac.... in 10tfrontajJe8D4 that tbis "u orts:l.aa1ly 2-50' lou. T~led. 4. Town Board request. for rev1_ of propoaed )bbile 'ø.. Court by Mark MOm:oe on Quaker Road.S:l.te is in M-1 IIOIM and tb1a would require eha... to .2 Motion by nrkpatriek. seconded by IIr:maban and carried to recOlmeadeli8~ apprcwa1 .. tbis would have to be in R-2 .ne sad ". fae1 thia :l.s DOt the proper location for a Mobile 110M Court. s. .... Warren Burcb appeal reprdiaa a propoaø:' 65 lot nb-div:l.sioQ Oft:Bœcb Road off La_me 1toacI. NortOQ a..iped Mo_baa. and Kirkpatrick to iaw.tigatl this. Borton stated that he be11ewcl .,d..elopll8nt of tbis .:1... ".leI aeed a public vater or .-ace 8)'8t- for Healtb Dept. approval. 6. Variance #165 - J.... Stevenson - 1U.dseaoaè!. - . Front setback of 2S.'DOt 35' required. Motion by Moaaban, 8eeoadedbyn~trlek aadcanf.ec1fo"t:, approval a. thi8is :l.n l:l.oe witb other b11:I.ldiOS8 on tbé little us'" ioAd. aDd 1ft)Uld create a bard.hip due to the brøokin b8ck of t_ buildi.. 7. Ski and Shore Corporation - (9 ;40 p .a.) .. HaD1 people .ppeared Oft tbia. Horton stated the que.tion of three pZ'Operties purcbaeec1 from the CouD~, ".. pr..~ted to the P1aßØi'DI. Board about a. week &10 by the Ton Boari aad .v. had aot bad t_ to audy and 8iv. a I"8CO .ndat1OD. Dr. Leater Hueateet àpoke in oppo.itio~ to C aoniaa., uktag fwr a tt.8 table and the elispOs:l.tion of tapes of Town Board .etiDa. John Austin. Couaci1aan stated tbe tape8 "ere ava:l.lable. Norton stated .e planned to d:l.acuee our study of this 1. tar . Ruesteet stated he bad uaderstood this .as our agenda and that we were to meet with the County Planning Board and the Town Board with a decision soon. Austin verifiec:1 that th:l.s was stated by tbe Town Board and aasureet the meetiag that a public bearing would be held before the Town Board take. action. Norton stated that ve "ill hold a special meet!og and let _ earl1'r.c~ticm. Clifford WIt1Jaa ..ked If the BCNtori kaew tba~ a corporata entity located 1D tbe ton va preparl.Qc a c~. to t.at for the va11c1itJ of the total queeaa- bury ZOD1u¡ OrdbleD.ce. Horton .uted be ... DOt aware of thia but pr..-c1., that tbis was vtthbtita risbt8. Norton aaked for suggestions for the proper zone of this area. Huested said that this should be a park, thereby protecting Glen Lakeland the Rvsh Pond Town wells. He felt the peopLe o~jeet to a eommercial deve opment , , -, I'a~e 2,99!ltinu.ed...,gueensbury Planning Board minute§-June 3. 1970ooRegular_ meeti,ng I in a totally resident1Æl,1 zone" He felt there is no neèd for this commercial enterprise· and it ,spc~;ls ,the atmosphere and beauty of the area and would detract from the county ç~plex. ',,' John McPhillips "ø.çf;)11ege $tudent spoke abøutzø$dnga8Derally. ~ feels the lakes of Warren~ty are c:1yiag botb fiDanc1al1y a1;l(1 aesthettcally and feels the lack of attention totbis will destroy thetour1at trade and therefore the economy of Warrenç~ty .He urged that this be· turned down to leave the County free to start cleaning up the present Pro', ,blema ~ Mrs. Willt.. Sull,i~ sUsI.î..ted "hanky paakyl'1tt th.purcbaa. and Sontag of the Ski and Shore prop~tŸ..,Jtobart Rolan atat-.J tbe,P~'~" taken and r,ferred to the ads 111 vattCJs;dì paP*~~;' lie stated that...' ...~ iB. wanen county.. wOrked for the lfortmr.yå.ûcl. ~t. this i8 .. _taral ai1d:",loBtcal use for, tbis lQC:a,tion. He also atated' tlîàt,..I.i\.-'ba4analiaed ,tbecti,-aiôa8.. aDd felt no df~taasê would pollute RwitJ ,'~.. ,.. ..Hê stated that if 1)8 , C:~4., þ. abown pro£.a.19#11,. not 8IIIOtiOt;lall,.thit tbià could pollute G1.Ü Låiè thåt he wót&lct WttbcttiWtbå application. . , - ' Mr.. A. L~b L1~"",.~out air aDd a1gbt. pÔ11útt011 .. .el1 .. _tei~. Joseph Carro.OM .....til.. ,jl101î1d atop DOli aDd nOt add ÍIOre pol1utf.oQ~ , Wit~ atated ttuif øuttiên.ts cannot be åto,þ8d by ..any treatlDélit avai1åbt...' Williaa T1cbenorf~ltthta develop.lut ...bot. nèêêl¡,a,~pre.8litect ac~rt aÞoV- iog the occuraucè (tf services on the '1'bnIfåy .t1dJfOÍ'~aY ~H. abond tbait from Soutb Gl.. Fal~,tôGuth~7Lane there ta 1 ga.8tà~~on 8vexj iïd.lè, .,.hOt:è1. or motel fl'lfIr1 Sllil"~ .neat1Da plåce ~y .'~' li:d.l.'tbat can be 8'" fro-. the Nortbw.,.. This i8 ere tblki\ anyWbere el8. from noaston to SÔUth 01.. Fiìíla. . . ,", . ,,' ',' ". " Mrs. tt...th Palllíêi.a,ltt¡dif thi. bad beenstœff:êd .1,~relation to tbeQa.¡e.-bury Water supply. W~1,ir..J; .<bí1.~t.f.DaD asked if a8~' coal" ,be lliackt perbape:~ÿ acollegl of the area. clt.~f~rdJ_i. Suggested that tbeCOUDty buytbe 1ancI baê1Lat å profit to the purcbâiër.~ . Witham aaked ,abo\t~'i._T~S.er System~ NortOD,<a~~ed tbAt work i. beîÎlg~oDe on tbisand suggej,t4dtbât tboae present baCkproPoaa1.8 ,for a .ewer aátlt"" are pres_teet. ' The board di8CWU.~"itb,Wå~ter RobiD8OD ~' ùlìå Ôf his purcbiuJed CÖUIÎ~ pl'operty and be stated hewfshê(f it kept re81deotial~' 8. Variance #160:.';'.Sê,1nIylir- - Cleverdale. ~:Wt_l1e..föÌ"an add:l.ticmof "&i8ére..ì porch with lS11 :".'~ªfia*,' not S·. Motion,,~y~":, riecoQded bJ S{~.tt and carried to reeØdiØì8nd disapproval as suffièlent reà8ón- not shown. 90 Variance Il62;;"~,,$l,.""~" Gr88Q Stamps" ~f:e'. '?+~_:SigÌis. .. Motion. b1,_:~1'I.m:; secooded by ~~t.~,.~carried to recoìtdìeDd d18approv..l, as nó pràc:.ticál difficulty orbârctâbtp shown.' ..... . ". . 10. Variance #16:f;..t1i~1.r~'.JêokiQ8vill..' an4S~nY8~~ Roads, 4Unitåp.r.t where 2 famiIr ta-'titrlån perad.tted~' Norton adViJî'ed Fuller he would ,need a change of ~",~',~~cf,bave to 10 to tb~T~.,~rd fortbis.'.. ~tf,onby Sinnott, secÔl14(í!d' ~l. ~han and carried to ncOàïaèDddi..pprôvalas this cannot be gråi1:t::éd in this Zoneo 110 Request by t~ê'.1oTin.Board for recommendation Ut( r~que8t by Hercule~., Inc. for a change of žó!Ìéfróan'C-;· to 11-'2. ,~is 'is acrp.8"~oute 1328 from J:œ ..in plant. This ~..',~tJ~,cent M-2 and 1+-1 &O~iÍ,.: .)(o~.~pn h1 Simi.Ott þ s~,C)n~ed ,~y , nrkpatrick,...-n4"c~ied. to rec~d apprOVÆil as' this would conform witti the other propertj'ò1î th:l.s' are. ~ 120 Jeff ~ly appeared fOr Ellsworth, Westland Section 112,12-70.øøtlon by ~, aecóti4ed by K1J:kpatrick to grantprelild.nary approval subject to the additioaal rigbtoof...ys to tbe Nortb and Westi. Adjoarnedfor ExecutivC!'SessioQ. l.e-coa.V8D8CI. (ccmt1naed - Page 3) Page-j ·~ontinued~gueensburv: Plannilut Board minutes - J\m.e 3. 1970-R~lar meeti~ 13. Variance 1164 · O· Comor. Motion by Kirkpatrick, seconded by SiDnott and can1edto recommend disapproval as this would create 2 non-conf01"ll11ng lots 0 14. Special aeet1ng to be held June 8, 1970 at 5:00 at the Town Office Bldg. Adjourned 12:10 a... John E. S1oDott, Secreta¥Y Pro-T_ Queensbury Planning. Board