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TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development - Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY Permit Number: P20040147 Date Issued: Wednesday, September 15, 2004 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20040147 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-296-005-0001-011-000-0000 Location: 89 .ROUND POND Rd Owner: GUIDO PASSARELLI Applicant: GUIDO PASSARELLI This structure may be occupied as a: By Order of Town Board Fireplace TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Garage-- 2 Cars Attached Single Family Dwelling Director.. uilding& od or ent TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040147 Application Number: A20040147 Tax Map No: 523400-296-005-0001-011-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: CT1JTD0 PASSARF,1JJ For property located at: ROUND POND Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: GUIDO PASSARELLI 465 LAKE Ave Fireplace Garage-2 Cars Attached LAKE LUZERNE NY 12846-0000 Single Family $200,000.00 Total Value $200,000.00 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency Plans&Specifications 2004-147 Lot 4, House No. 89 ROUND POND ROAD 1850 SQ FT SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING $266.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Saturday,April 30, 2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of ueen ury; 1d A i . 2004 G SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement iR Check Residential Plan Review: One&Two Family Dwellings Y/N/N/A 2)Full sets of plans / Over 1,500 sq.$.—Stamped Design Loads On Plans:90 Wind Floor Loads 40 psf 70 Ground Snow Load Sleeping Areas and Attics 30 psf Calculations: Window Schedule With Glass Size Door Schedule/Main Entrance 36"Door Emergency Escape Or Bedrooms and Habitable Space Above I Below grade,5.7 sq.ft. Grade,5.0 sq.ft. 24"(h)x 20"(w)min. "Max.Height above floor esidential Check Paperwork Compliance and Inspectors Checklist: OK )Dampproofing/Waterproofing Materials On Plans oundation Drainage On Plans,if required 6"Drop in 10'Exterior Grade Framing Cross Section For Each Roof Line,Vertical Fire Stopping Every 10'Where e uired e and Snow shield 24"Inside Exterior Wall/24 Inside Knee Walls Platforms At Exterior Doors Stairway Headroom 6' 8'All Stairs 36"Width Stair Run and Rise 41/ Winder Run and Rise , Spiral Not Allowed From 2 Story Smoke Detectors Battery Backup and Proper Location Bathroom Fixtures Proper Clearance all Width,36"min. fl Handrails More Than One Riser On Open Sides Railing and Guards>30"/Basement Stairs Included/Closed Risers More Than 4"in Ht. Safety Glazing Notes For Required Areas Garage Fire Separation Cl Garage Floor Sloped Attic Access Roof over 30"—22"x 30"/Crawl Spaces 18"x 24"Access Carbon Monoxide Detector Lowest Sleeping Level Soil Test Results,-if required Septic To Well Or Water Line Separation All Paperwork Signed Fire Marshal's Office 'Town of Queensbury,742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY (518)761-8205 Application for Fuel Burning Appliances & Chimneys applicable to solid fuel &vented gas appliances Date 20 ILL Permit No. Application is hereby made to the Building& Codes Officefor the issuance of a Building and Use Permit pursuant to the New York State Fire Prevention and Building Code. The applicant or owner agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, regulations, and all conditions that are part of these requirements and also will allow all inspectors to enter premises to pei form required inspections. NOTE to applicant: Rough-in and Final Inspections are required. Applicant Information Fuel Burning Appliance Information (circle appropriate words) Name: �-,_, Stove: wood coal pellet gets Fireplace insert r t Fireplace;factory--built: wood ,<gas Address: -- _ _-' "Fireplace;im—soriry: wood gas Furnace: wood gas oil Phone: If non-masonary applicance, please provide Owner: cy-- Manufacturer Name: Address: {' ,v -� Model Number: Chimney Information. Phone: (circle appropriate words) <; Masonry block brick ,stone Flue tile, size: {`. '{.inches Exact Address: f `�" a' ,1 "� . ; ' ,;,,•:, x of constrri lion or installation, Factory-Built Manufacturer name: r„ rt,, V Nodel Number: Note: Listed By: 1, Number: Construction/Installation must :' . =. ,` • conform to NYS Fire Prevention &Building .y Indicate(circle) chimney material:- Code. Consult available Town of Queensbui}, �4. Handouts regarding required inspections. V Triple wall / Insulated / Dti it'vertting Chimney Liner l; j Department-Z'os�sr of Quee�t,�rbx�z3r, Neworl3: Fire Marshal Code# $Collected $Rclunded Received)-onz (refunded to): a address.: A 173 3389 (190) Public Safety ---- A 233 2655 (230)Minor Sales DATE. ` � White(Applicant) / Green(Fire Marshal) / 'Yellow(Bldg. Dept.) / Pink 8:Goldenrod(Cashier's Dept.) �41'Ly11b�4 11:J2 b18-623-2772 WARREN MUNTY DPW PAGE 02 0;3,'l.2/2E182 15: 59 5186232172 WAIPR.RN C.WC"IT't' DRIJ PAGE 02 WARREN COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PERT IT'TO WO IN�:UT_'�'T'Y'RIGHT-OF-��IA �' N�i,•�4�n (1.1Uder tkfti.cle 6,Srdor, 1" FT.-�kL.of 1'l;i,vIiwfty I.,ow) ' V�11,I1.aar1 �,7,c:51:t;.J1l;Xam, F:; 'MazTtmburg Offices SupmAntetld.e-mt of 1 iblin WbrXs 402.8 Main Street 'INarreneburg, N.Y. 12885 Wf1lin'T.n.E3 Lamy, I'.F', 1318-751-61356 av 518 8Z3-4141 Deputy 8uperinterzd:-••-,t of;)7t,1• 110 Wc,rks fax 1818 623-12MA 'ROlYfavM.+an•+n+w'huw..v,nnma.rr�n m.n�..•v....r.r.�nr:.u•wbw n..+w.wu,wu.,rvawwrn.0.KlkaaR`...,•..Hw_v..p..._.wy..,...,.m.ww.....e...w.n.wy,.n..a.r...mvrn+wrw.r...�. nsutttnct I'n1,e`y :y '}a`.fG2. ,.3 ?- Cntfat+r eta cf -; r __._._....,.,,..:,.........,,....._............_.... _...._.__.__�.... . Expitatlotl[)ate; QLfG?.. �...,.,,. Persist d::. 1. ',.1.. •„_ cp.L)atc:_ rff� �'y' ,.. ,....------------_- 1X'f-1,6REAS,A C0011;y k oad L .�..:...:,,•,.:.. known as��1r.Gt_r,,,c�_ ��•ri.rC.._J��.�_..._.:._.._....., is patt of die C,outlt; xoGtd Sy 9trm and 1��^l111,RS AS, r__;� _�f� � 4�_►s lc._ / .�:.c...� ., ...._......._._..•......_._.__,_....�._-.._.. ._...... _ _,�til;c;ye nddi .s is IlUfA]l7CJ,•15�.--'--u'T711.._4.!'i �_...t' C;UESi5pCfttI1C51Rt�1" •_.,.�,3"tl°J•J. Sf+.t....c`3....iB^. Iri. .., ...... __.�..L_'!.1 .�'�tn ........ ..---•-•- _ ..... --...--__..__.._.. ----- _:_.......... _:.....,..,•.__.._�._ NOW,TkI>r.FLEFOM,pem2issicti is granted to the applicautto do said,work subject to the following cnridildosu: A((:c!riOW(,'liecicj in the atua of S , pgable-to the County Treasurer of..Warren Caunry in(On.File) (Y'o B,:Dapoeiteclj'xa sccutity tbAt 6C hi I will lye ras id to it6 CA_T s:l c,ar, Itj,vu when &gbxxbtd tit the,sxpemec 0*dic applicant, ;,s soon-as the•ivorlc has beet,caaaplm#+ ,aM the acid aunty superintendent of Pu rlie Wo6ts is Itcceby e►uthvoxod to expend all a;.as murk of suc'n deposits.'roomy bt.neceasary.fof that putpmae,sht++al.d lue raid applicant tlegle.ct ormeli e, w paj tm the wo6i, ;3YI;:C1:4J.•;:t1'@'T.k17'IC7L� In c.msid.eratioll of granting this Permit the ull.dersi,gned actclits it subject to �ondidoro de:srtiheJ, Applicant. w„ Coanty",,tr^4lnicndent of l:'I itOw ne �ii1orks IMPOIC.T•ANT ;NOTICE: Cm fully mad,acid 6.%tly i.*raply,v;.41;+ Um- i'o3lowit:g rand:'•-;•.,_. No pearl; a9mcLin@ tlnr :soots or fors of trees is authorltcd 1 y this par.otlt,excepting 0.1w(.perdu issued forth s purpasc•.Guringu, s.rcquim.;wtimn{termisSion.ToaNr cldamage to VQvvev and 1.31es and cables,Kos tnlins•waw mai»S,Ctc..F,7+f;lk10w shtit C+^`,XCf,th't owdCrs thereof a nd c6uin ibeit pen is:ion t pfore stAxt;A;Wh}tk,It is tatandatory to,mdfr-d e porsvn v,n.tutueipatity diSuibUldn6l V:k i.R k:3'i t"3a at 1t%it 72 hows in ad vatic?hcforc 01l36w6ing CxplosiVes.Cnpduotoper..ati.0ar a;lLely. Preve lit Acciticritz-Sec conca domq ort mvwe Side,47t 0%i-5 rrmyli[. •i t FINUIGY CODE COMPLIANCE APPLICATION C` I 06dti OF QUEENSBURY, WARREN COUNTY 9000 HEATING DEGREE DAYS Q �p� n-. 70V OF G ANU ,oDF Compliance McLhads: PART _ Acceptable Practice Method BUILDIN 1&2 Faiuily Dwellings (only PART 6* - Thermal Rating - Component 'Trade Offs 1&2 Fdrnily Dwellings; Multi-Faiilily Dwellings ( 3 . stories or less) PART 4* = Design by Component, Performance Conunercial .Buildings-Iii Rise .Residential *Requires. submission of worksheets APPLICANT 0 0A[4E : PROPERTY LOCATION: 74Y r i��sT���� VT PD11 ' 3 IIE` HOD OF COMPLIANCE BY ACCEPTABLE PRACTICE: 1 . Cross Floo _ Are'a I.K D scJuare feet 2 . Type of IIe 'iL - _ Electric Oil Gas Other: 3 . Is building mechanically cooled? Yes No A . Percentage of area of windows and doors Over 17% Under 17% 5 . R-V 1L UES FOR INSUT,AT I.Otl GIVEN BELOW MUST CORRESPOND TO R-VALUES AS SHOWN ON PLANS SUB1,11`i"1'ED: a . Roof IZ t' 4 b . Exterior walls R l9 c Gla:�;ed areas R 3s. . 2___ d . Exterior do-)rs R 14,4 e . Floors over unheated spaces, R Edge of slab on grade (heated building) R g . Basement%cell"ar walls (above. grade) R h . B,-sement/cedar walls (below grade) R i_ . Ii, ating/cooling-ducts-piping in unheated. space G . Servit'e (duiilestic), li,ot water heating device Con-forms to minimum efficiency per code _ Yes No TE2-112E''ATURE CONTROL MAXIMUM SETTING 1400 — WILL NOT BE .EXCEEDED App1_cG_ t_ ' s ign tune Date Phone Number INS? C=OR' S Rr'mARKS . Application for Permit—Septic Disposal System T olvn of Queensbnt 742 Bay Road Qiwensbw:y, NY 12804 (518) 761-8256 1. OWNER INFORMATION: ............................................................................................................................... Location of installation: �Cl&Ax;,4 Pad Rd, (�I'ficc Usc �f��� '"i►�t'� I File Permit No. • Tax Map.No. 6 7 / Fe Owner's Nanie: ty-�-�gy .............. ... .. 9'..��.6..... .... -_................................ Address: g_7 el APR 0 1. Z004 t 2. INSTALLER'S NAME ; /`�, /'1®,.y,� � I*ARE S •�� 3. RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circleyear of dwelling, indicate Il bedrooin(s) and multiply Il of bedrooms with applicable gallons per bedroom to equal total daily floe) Year of House: No. of Bedrooitis x Cotnputatiou = Total Daily_1 low 1990 or older x 150 gal/bdrui = 1980— 1991 x 130 gal/bdrni = _ 1991 —present x 110gal/bdriii = LR30 Garbage Grinder Installed yes / no Spa or Whirlpool Installed yes_ / no _ 4. PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable information &indicate measurements) Top glph it Np uro _Ground Water Bedrock or linvervious Material _Doijiestic Water Sugply 117c t crud ut it-licit depth at t►'h(rt depth — �ntrnrici )cr !lolling loarrr fee! _+feet me . Steep slope clay if well; ►hater supply _%slope other from any septic-system depth: abswhtion is othet' Percolation Test: (1 o be completed by licensed professional engineer or architect) Rate: mimtte per inch 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For(Vern Construction: All individual sewage disposal systems must be,designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank and leach field for each Garbage Grinder, Spa or Whirlpool Tub. Septic Tauk: / , r9 gallon (min. size 1,000 gal.) Tile Field: each trench 0 fi. Total System Length: Q pO f1. Seepage Pit(s): number of size of each: ft. by ft. Size of Stotie to be used: II ----.....- / depth or Bed System Size: x Alternative System: length and/or size G. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: / Size of each: gallons /'TOTAL Capacity: gallons Note: Alarm System and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency: . 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON (please read) For your protection, please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of all applicant, shall be void. I have read die regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. Signature 60 esponsible person Date Bilildilig :l'eriiiit Application Town of Quccnsbury—llcpl of C fi f rrt 'k�MOP06 �a�clF 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 13G'.(` e—Qaq--N7 A permit must be obtained before bcgiuR8 PoLtaull• Pci'mlit Idle No. _ No inspection will be made unlit yyII!� r1, ant has received a I'cc Paid valid building permit. All applicall F c�> SBURY — �p� lE Rec. Fee ]laid $ application Must be colllpletcd qnc �c�r - <S t, Rcvi cti vcd By:application Form. Applicant: 1ayye, /'?;gr6�6Ti� Z',,c, Owner: Address: 9dq qT q, 0�s,_ A/4 Address: A Ar / Phone It P11011C It Properly Location: Lot Nulitber: / I'Iousc Number /�ed„ I&J. Rd., St(bdivisioii Nillllc: •a . �. TaX MiI) Number: j; t" New Building: 'residctice conuncrcial lslinlatcd Markel Vtiluc of CansU'uction: U Addition: residcucc/ conuuct'cial If an Addition, what will use ol'uew addition be'? U Alteration: residencel colnnlciciai U No cliange to exterior size: residence/coui'I ❑ Other work(describe (:hccic .-_._._I't•Irloor 2;;r Floor--_--•Olbcr.f{uur '1'o1a1-(Dcculrulc.Y(nfot•nutliou Below sq.U. sq. U. sq.ft. Square heel Single family dwelling U Two family dwelling U Townl)oLISe U Multiflmily dwelling #of units U _Office U Mercantllc U Manufacturing U I car detached garage _ - ❑ 2 car delrlched garage ❑ 3 car detached garage ❑ I car.Mached garage &'--2 car allaclied garage U 3 car attached garage U Storage building- commercial _ u Storage building- residcntial U Other Will any second-hand or ungraded lumber be used'?.If so, for what? Type of I leafing System: electrie/ oil / �a /wood / orccd Ito L ai> baseboard/other: Number ol•Fir•euirrces to be installed —L_ 'Number of I1loo(I eves to be installed t:lst bci6w the i)CI'SOII`5)responsible fur SUpe-vision.of work as regards to building codes: Name Address Phone Number I3uildc1 '. 1'lumbcr Mason Clcclrician 1l b 0 Declaration: please sign below ailer you have ciu'elillly read the statement; To the best of my knowledge the statements contained ill this application,logedier with (lie plans and specifications submitted,are a(rue and complete stalcnlent of all proposed work to be done oil the described premises and that all provisions of the Building Code, the 'Zoning Ordinance and all otlicr laws pertaining to the proposed work shall be complied with, whelhcr specified or noled,and that such work is authorized by file owncr. Furdicr, it is understood that i/we shall submit,prior to a Certificate of Occupancy or Certificate of Compliance being issued,as requested by the lolling Administrator or I)ircclor of Building and Codes,an if.i!lrri[I b'rrri'rr by a licensed surveyor;drawn to scale,showing ilcival location of all mew cunslructiun. Signal urc: Q °� owncr,owner's agcut,architect,conUactoi Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 761-8205/761-8206 fax 7454437 Factory Built Gas Fireplace/Stove Inspection-LeRort Notice:New York State requires that all TJL Listed,factory built appliances be installed according to the instructions and specifications contained in the Installation Manual accompanying the appliance.No deviation from the manufacturer's instructions or specifications is allowed. Permit N— 1 Schedule Inspection 2A 0 ' Time ���:r pan rry ' e inspector Name J. �C,�L� Address Z-10A-JP Rl, j) b Rough In^Final Appliance Manufacturer -- _Model# Direct Vent Factory Built Chimney Flue Size Double Wall Triple Fall Insulated w - Yes No N/A Comments Floor Protection Clearances to Combustibles (all sides) Firestop(s) Vertical Chase Wall Penetration Vent Clearances to Combustibles Vent/Chimney Termination Chimney height must be 3 feet above roof penetration;2 feet above any combustible construction within 10 feet Gas Shut-Off Valve Combustion Air J Hearth Extension (if any) Mantel Height above f/p opening Witness Operation Tank Placement(if LP) White—Building Dept. �� Yellow t ,t er Pink—Fire Marshal ` Residential Final Inspection Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection fIT#: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: art: a m� 742 Bay Rd., Que�ernsbury, /NYY 12804 Inspector's Initia ,/ NAME: —'L �I/`�r CPYZ- —N / LOCATION: �c�{y �� f u'J Ud TYPE OF STRUCTURES �7 Comments Y N N/A Chimney Ht./"B"Vent/Direct Vent Location Fresh Air Intake _ 3 inch Plumb Vent through roof Roof Complete -Guard 30 in. or more @ stairs,decks,patios Guard at stairwell at 34 in.or more ��a Guard at deck,porches 36 in. or more Exterior Finish Complete Interior/Exterior Railings 34 in.to 38 in. Platform at all exterior doors Interior Handrails stairs-2 or more risers Grade away from foundation 6 in.with 10 ft. Handrail Termination at Newell Post or Wall 8 inch clearance to sill late Gas Valve shut-off exposed/regulator 18"above grade Gas Furnace shut-off within 30 ft. or within line of site Oil Furnace shut-off at entrance to furnace area Furnace/Hot Water Heater operating Low water shut-off boiler Relief Valve(s)installed Interior privacy/trim/doors/main entrance 36 in. Bathroom/Kitchen watertight Safety glazing Window in stairwells safety glazing Interior Smoke Dete tors: Every level: / Every B 00M: Outside every bedroom ar ,/ Inter Connected: % Battery backup: Bathroom Fans,if no window Carbon Monoxide detector Plumbing fixtures Foundation insulation Floor truss,draft stopping finished basement 1,000 sf Emergency egress below grade Basement stairs closed rise>4 inches %hour fire door/door closer Garage fireproofing Duct work Sealed properly Attic access 30 in.x 24 in.x 30 in.(lit.)In accessible area, Crawl Spaces 18"x 24"access, 1 s .ft.-150 s . ft.vents Building No./Address visible from road Final Electrical Site Plan /Variance required Final Survey Plot Plan As Built Septic Sy stem/Sewer Dept. Inspection Sticker Flood Plain Certification, if required Okay to issue C/C(Cert. Of Compliance) Okay to issue Temporary C/O(Cert. Of Occupancy) Okay to issue Permanent C/O(Cert. Of Occupancy) L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Res.Final Insp.form 2.doc edited January 28,2003 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY BUILDING'& CODE ENFORCEMENT 742 BAY ROAD QUEENSBURY NY 128.04 (518)745-4447 ARRIVE: DEPART: INSP: FINAL INSPECTION REPORT COMMERCIAL ------ MULTIPLE DHELLINO (hotel, motel, apt. complex) DATE INSPECTION REQUEST RECEIVED: 1 NAME ` LOCATION DAT " —()L- c PERMIT A �44— TYPE OF STRUCTURE FOOTINGS _BACKFILL_ FRAMING_ PLUMBING_ INSULATION NIA YES NO CHIMNEY "B" VENT HEIGHT PLUMBING VENT FIXTURES ROOFING XTERIOR FINISH HEATING HOT WATER RELIEF VALVES FLOORS FOUNDATION INSULATION INTERIOR STAIRS RAILINGS STOCKROOM ENCLOSURE FIRE DEMISE WALLS PENETRATION FIRE DAMPERS CEILING FIRE STOPPING FIRE DOORS CLOSERS EXIT DOOR HARDWARE EXIT STAIRS/RAILS PLATFORM ELEVATOR HANDICAPPED ACCESS HANDICAPPED BATHS HANDICAPPED PARKING FINAL ELECTRICAL SITE AN VARIANCE RE INAL SURVEY PLOT PLAN IF RE J OK TO ISSUE C/O OR C C F7MAP REFERENCE: �rA LEHLAND PARK BY D.L. DICKINSON ASSOCIATES FILED NOVEMBER 3, 1987 04 CABINET A SLIDE 128 � v s � I.R.F. 14 4 /ry� LOT 11 r� ,ham V� r� N LOT 13 OUr- �- -. $RY RECP BUILDING & /I/ LOT 12 0 �p-� 31,936 sq. ft. °' REVIEWED BY APR DATE _ 04 P" ILETOwNO"t_> P�_t.. eUlCD1NG Attention Home Owner AN CODE Please assure you are familiar with the I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED Pool Enclosure requirements specific to FROM AN ACTUAL FIELD SURVEY Your pool. We will be happy to explain THIS CERTIFICATION SHALL RUN ONLY TO THE PERSONS FOR WHOM THE SURVEY WAS PREPARED, AND ON THEIR what Requirements you will have to meet per A BEHALF TO THE TITLE COMPANY, GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY p Appendix G Of the AND LENDING INSTITUTION USTED HEREON. New York State Residential Code. CERTIFICATIONS ARE NOT TRANSFERABLE TO ADDITIONAL INSTITUTIONS OR SUBSEQUENT OWNERS. CERTIFIED TO: PATRICK J. ESMOND & MARILYN A. CROYIL.EY GLENS FAUN NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY, (T's ASSIGNS CHICA90 COMPANY 108.68 , � N N85'10'10"W CERTIFIED BY MA C. YS 35 DATED: AUGUST 28, t99 , LAND I.R.F. - IRON ROD FOUND Date: AUGUST 28, 1998 '�. D u s L %"'WNM""°'A"°"DE M"D"W A '�"" " Map of a Survey made for Scale 1"=30' �,.. A LAID 1JRYE1014 PEAL ES A MI MDA"710N dF E[C110M 770E LFOPAEION;Oi M I VM iM1E EDWA"OD LW •OLY OD P"OY"E COOK O'in sawn & S t e v e r WWAV^OVLII Al==M1KLAIb..wEYDN PATRICK J. ESMOND S— 1 f> „ALL�DOISnPJE'D mR,.�.,��P,E... M"MMOM MM Sam"1NAY "R OEMY W r10%Vm M AOODIO0M"111E Land Surveyors , LLC E� �P,�Pa�. ADD & MARILYN A. CROWLEY sr"t I"VM war AE MIMIN v PROCOM L LNO EIEFE1dIL lAtt ffl!'09CA11011E 1WL IEMI OKY i0 M PEAI=PM ON W UN&T 0 PIEMI=AEA 1 ON"° AM UN �"NOMIN`'U"NAaY'°°AMMML m me Town of Queensbury, Warren County, New York 37 Chester Street Glens Falls, New York 12801 10= W D "° LEHLAND LOT 12 518 792-8474 New York Lic. No. 50135 NO. DATE DESCRIPTION DWG. NO. 89423-12 i 'Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: o ���od�i►L Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/ mepart: ' am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: PERMIT#: ® - 141, LOCATION: -INSPECT ON: 11 0 -1,0 00 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 5 F 17 Y N N/A Framing COMMENTS Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %2 (w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center. Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour .Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side '/2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall . Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 761-8205/761-8206 fax 745-4437 Factory Built Gas Fireplace/�Stove Insapection Reloort Notice:New York State requires that an UL Listed,factory built appliances be installed according to the instructions and specifications contained in the Installation Manual accompanying the appliance.No deviation from the manufacturer's instructions or specifications is allowed. Permit# o `" IV7 Schedule Inspection ,/r/116 Time � /� am pm anytime Inspect.( Name �''.�` 'j"fe�'GC Address % /��(/i✓��J / -•N f/ Rough In_ Appliance Manufacturer Model# Direct Vent Factory Built Chimney Flue Size Double Wall Triple Wall Insulated Yes No N/A Comments Floor Protection Clearances to Combustibles (all sides) l a`irest® S Vertical chase . Wall Penetration Vent Clearances to Combustibles Vent/Chimney Termination Chimney height must be 3 feet above roof penetration;2 feet above any combustible construction within 10 feet Gas Shut-Off Value Combustion Air Hearth Extension(if any) Mantel Height above f/p opening Witness Operation Tank Placement(if LP) White—BulldingDept. V Yellow Cbst er Pink—Fire Marsha cIr Id9donufta.. 4�� Town of Queensbury Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road Queensbury,NY 12804 761-8205/761-8206 fax 745-4437 Factory Built Gas Fireplace/Stove Ins ectionReport Notice:New York State requires that all UL Listed,factory built appliances be installed according to the instructions and specifications contained in the Installation Manual accompanying the appliance.No deviation from the manufacturer's instructions or specifications is allowed. Permit# L y _ Schedule Inspection �, L Time am pan anytime InspZnal— Appliancer C Name 4 Address aOV : 4� A ` — Rough In Mannufacturer. Model# Direct Vent Factory Built Chinmey Flue Size Double Wall Triple Wall Insulated� Yes No N/A Comments Floor Protection Clearances to Combustibles (all sides) Firestop(s) vertical Chase Wall Penetration __ � ✓ C�/�-�� Vent Clearances to Combustibles Vent/Chimney Termination Chimney height must be 3 feet above roof penetration;2 feet above any combustible construction within 10 feet Gas Shut-Off Valve Combustion Air Dearth Extension (if ally) Mantel Height above f/p opening Witness Operation Tank Placement(if LP) White-Building Dept. i Yellow Cat er Pink-FIre Manhal 1 Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: 1 30 i L,5"�, Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: am/p a art: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: e NAME: l - J)J— PERMIT #: © r LOCATION: 8 n `� INSPECT ON: 2—16s 06 a>� TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A PVC: R-1,R-2,R-3,R4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. Plumbing Vent/Vents in Place Rough Plumbing/Nail Plates 1 1/ inch min. Drain Size Washing Machine Drain 2 inch min. Head or Air Supply Test Drain and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes rj M e 5 r2 Cleanout every 100 feet/change of direction �V Water Supply Piping 1 Cooper Commercial Cooper, CPVC,Pex One and Two-Famil Insulation/Residential Check/ Commercial Check Proper Vent,Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/No duct tape Ej COMMENTS: L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Repoit.doc November l7,2003 Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report l2 / Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: am/p De art: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: (" 1 NAME: �11,,1.1 .t��I' J"41��� PERMIT#: end LOCATION: ' U? ti- _ INSPECT ON: 1 `fit) 0 TYPE OF STRUCTURE: 5 F-6 I I Y N/A Framing COMMENTS . Jack Studs/Headers } i � ,, ��;���J I l?,• , Bracing/Bridging �( Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12" O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %2 (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center Ice and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side %2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade .- LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 �—/o Rough Plumbing / Insulation Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: am/ D part: am/prn 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials:n�z NAME: PERMIT #: LOCATION: L NSPECT ON:— TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Y N N/A PVC: R-1, R-2,R-3,R4 Drain/Vents Cast Iron, Copper Drain/Vent/Comm. ,)IPl ing Vent/Vents in Place Xougk Plumbing/Nail Plates 1 '/ inch min. Drain Size Washipg Machine Drain 2 inch min. V r Air Supply Test n and Vents 5 PSI or 10 feet above highest connection for 15 minutes Vf Cleanout every 100 feet/chan a of direction Water Supply Piping Cooper Commercial Cooper, CPVC,Pex One and Two-Famil Insulation/Residential Check/Commercial Check Proper Vent, Attic Vent Duct/Hot Water Piping Insulation If required unheated spaces Combustion Air Supply for Furnace Duct work sealed properly/No duct tape COMMENTS: L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Rough Plumbing Insulation Repott.doc November]7,2003 �~ Framing / Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building& Code Enforcement Arrive: ani4pm Depart:� m/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury, NY 12804 Inspector's Initials. ITNAME: PERMIT#: d� 4 LOCATION: INSPECT ON. TYPE OF STRUCTU �� Framing Y N N/A COMMENTS Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom,6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %2 (w) 16 gauge (8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses Anchor Bolts 6 ft. or less on center ce and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3, 4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side '/2 inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Frraming Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Framing /Firestopping Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/p art: am/pm 742 Bay Road, Queensbury,NY 1.2804 Inspector's Initials: VV NAME: �a-y✓✓ ��G�G�- PERMIT#: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Framing Y N N/A COMMENTS . Jack Studs/Headers Bracing/Bridging Joist hangers Jack Posts/Main Beams Exterior sheeting nailed properly 12"O.C. Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Stairwells 36 in. or more Headroom 6 ft. 8 in. Notches/Holes/Bearing Walls Metal Strapping for Notches Top Plate 1 %2(w) 16 gauge(8) 16D nails each side Draft stopping 1,000 sq. ft. floor trusses An or Bolts 6 ft. or less on center ce and snow shield 24 inches from wall Fire separation 1, 2, 3 hour Fire wall 2, 3,4 hour Firestopping Penetration sealed 16 inch insulation in cavity min. Garage Fire Separation House side ''/Z inch or 5/8 inch Type X Garage side 5/8 inch Type X Ceiling/wall Windows Habitable Space/Bedrooms 24 in. (H) 20 in. (W) 5.7 sf above/below grade 5.0 sf grade LASueHemingwaylBuilding.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Framing Firestopping Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 ,L V 1 _ Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Ins ection req s recei . Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: i/p `part: _ am/ in 742 Bay Rd., sbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials. NAME: c�� IT NO.Q(20 L % 7 LOCATION: (j SPECT ON: .RECHECK: 7 ��(1 Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: Sand/Loam/Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone 3' Z Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Size Type Building to tank H 1 S Tank to Distribution Box H %% -&' Distribution Box . ield/Pit tit Opening Sealed: Y 1 /Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank +ft. Foundation to absorption +ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan Y N Location of System on Property: Front ear�eftSidRight Side Middle F•ont Middle Rear S 'stem Use S tus• Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved LA,SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (51S) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/p .Depart: r S am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: NAME: ` PERMIT#: LOCATION: 1 INSPECT ON: — TYPE OF STRUCTURE: Comments Y N N/A Footings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour enforcement in Place a Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width - 6 inches ove footing 6 ' ly for wet areas under slab B dill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. LASueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Foundation Inspection Report.doe January 28,2003 Foundation Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection requ t d Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: - a / Depart: `, a pm/ 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspectors Initials. t NAME: CPERMIT#: _ LOCATION: INSPECT ON: —I TYPE OF STRU URE: 1 Comments Y N N/A ootings Piers Monolithic Slab Reinforcement in Place The contractor is responsible for providing protection from freezing for 48 hours following the placement of the concrete. Materials for this purpose on site. Foundation/Wallpour Reinforcement in Place Foundation Dampproofing Foundation/Waterproofing Type of Dampproofing/Waterproofing Footing Drain Daylight or Sump Footing Drain Stone: 12 inch width 6 inches above footing 6 mil poly for wet areas under slab B ackfill Approval Plumbing Under Slab PVC/Cast/Copper Foundation Insulation Interior/Exterior R- Rough Grade 6 inch drop within 10 ft. L:\SueHemingway\Building.Codes.Inspection.FORMS\Foundation Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 C�7 Town of Queennsbuny Fire Marshal 742 Bay Road l J Queensbuiy,NY 12804 / r 761-8205/761-8206 fax 745-4437 Factory Built Gas Fireplace/Stove Anspection Reigort Notice:New York State requires that all TJL Listed,factory built appliances be installed according to the instructions and specifications contained in the Installation Manual accompanying the appliance.No deviation from the manufacturer's instructions or specifications is allowed. Time an time Ins ectoIPerinQk Sch e Inspection_ _ y p �'" f / Rough In Final_ Na CO) `j �Aiiress _ — Appliance Manufacturer Model# Direct Vent Factory Built Chimney Flue Size Double Wall Triple Wall Insulated ~� Yes No NIA Comments Floor Protection Cle{rances to Combustibles (all sides) Firestop(s) Vertical Chase L i Wall Penetration �� �� Vent Clearances to Combustibles Vent/Chimney Termination Chimney height must be 3 feet above roof penetration;2 feet above any combustible construction within 10 feet t- Gas Shn O�value Combustion Air Hearth Extension (if any) Mantel Height above f/p opening Witness Operation Tank Placement(if LP) White—Building Dept. i —�^'_ Ypllow Cint4ner I Pink—FireMaishal ti7 r�r.I�icnrJ�r.PcnrJ��Pr�rJ��ncncn�n�nc I�rJ��nrJ�r�rJ�rJ��nrnr�rJ��l-�Pr�r��t-�nrJ��nr�r�cn�nrJr�rJ��ncnc.t�rJ�rJ�rJ�rJ�rJrJ�rJ�r�c1�rJ�rJ�r�rJ�rP�nr�r��nr.P 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY S r5j 40 FULTON STREET - NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 5 CERTIFIES THAT 5 5 5 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned by 5 5 - 5 5 TERRE MAJESTIC INC., *TERRE MAJESTIC 5C 5 Cj 959 STATE ROUTE#9 959 ROUTE 9 5 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804-6290, QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 5 S 5 5 Located at 89 ROUND POND RD LOT 4 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 5 Application Number:5 `2000097 —- Certificate Number: �2000097 5 5 5 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: A239 5 5 5 Residential 1800-2399 square ft. 5 Described as a q occupancy, wherein the premises electrical system consisting of Cj 5 electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 Basement,First Floor, Second Floor,Attached Garage,Outside, 5 5 5 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed 5 5 herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 15th Day of September,2004. 5 5 Name QY Rate Ratine Circuit Tvae 5 Alarm and Emergency Equipment 5 5 Sensor 6 0 Smoke S 5 Appliances and Accessories 5 5 Bell Transformer 1 0 KW 5 Dish Washer 1 0 , KW 5 5 Exhaust Fan 3 0 F.H.P. S Furnace 1 - 0- Micro-wave 1 0 KW 5 Wiring and Devices 5 5 Fixture 37 0 Incandescent 5 Outlet 1 0 Fixture 5 5 Receptacle 44 0 General Purpose 5 5 5 Switch 47 0 General Purpose 5 Pole/Post Lighting Standard 1 0 Residential _ 5 Outlet 3 0 CATV 5 Receptacle 4 0 GFCI 5 Receptacle 1 0 Range _ - seal 5 Outlet 1 0 Telephone 5 Continued on Next Page 1 of 2 5 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 5 5 91 ����� �������������������������������������R�--�MRIE FUM�L��0- o 0 [JRf[J 0P[1�r�[1a[1�[.f[n[1�[.n[P[.t�rJ�[!�[1G1�[1�C1[1�[J�rJ[.R[.n[P[nrJ�[nrJ�Cl�[J�[1�[J�[1�[pLr7 J�[1'[.fr3pCfGf[1C1�[!::l 1[J7[1�[1��[1�r�[n[.ncTr�[ 5 BY THIS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE THE 5 S NEW YORK BOARD OF FIRE UNDERWRITERS 5 5 5 5 BUREAU OF ELECTRICITY 5 5 40 FULTON STREET — NEW YORK, NY 10038 5 CERTIFIES THAT 5 S S 5 Upon the application of upon premises owned by 5 5 5 5 TERRE MAJESTIC INC., *TERRE MAJESTIC959 STATE c5 QUEENSBURYUNY 1TE 2804-6290, QU ENSBURY, NY 12804 5 5 c5 5 Located at 89 ROUND POND RD LOT 4 QUEENSBURY, NY 12804 5 5 Application Number: 2000097 Certificate Number: 2=00-9i- — 5- 5 5 5 Section: Block: Lot: Building Permit: BDC: A239 C5 5 Residential 1800-2399 square ft. p y g Lj 5 Described-as a � occupancy, wherein the remises electrical system consisting of 5 5 electrical devices and wiring, described below, located in/on the premises at: 5 5 Basement,First Floor, Second Floor,Attached Garage,Outside, 5 5 5 A visual inspection of the premises electrical system, limited to electrical devices and wiring to the extent detailed 5 5 herein, was conducted in accordance with the requirements of the applicable code and/or standard 5 promulgated by the State of New York, Department of State Code Enforcement and Administration, or other 5 authority having jurisdiction, and found to be in compliance therewith on the 15th' Day of September,2004. 5 Name OTY Rate Rating Circuit Tyne 5 5 Paddle Fan 4 0 Residential 5 Pj Service 5 5 1 Phase 3 W Service Rating 200 Amperes Cj Service Disconnect: 1 200 cb C5'U Meters: 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 r✓ r , :- 5 5 2 of 2 5 5 This certificate may not be altered in any way and is validated only by the presence of a raised seal at the location indicated. 5 5 S o �RPLPCPrPLP���������U���MpL�L�������@��QRPL�LPL��LP� o -z.rinit Number 'IECeheck Compliance Report Checked By/Date Proposed New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code . MECcheck Software Version.3.3 Release I Data filename:Untitled I V E TITLE:TERRE-MAJESTIC, INC 2004 .t,'OUNTY:Warren. STATE:New York VIA i. ENSBURY HDD:7635 AND CODE CONSTRUCTION TYPE: Detached I or 2 Family R HEATING TYPE:Non-Electric DATE:03123/04.. V m DATE OF PLANS: 3/10/04 PROJECT INFORMATION: boo 0 1 20 04 LOT . `1UEENSBURY �@;Fxs !i�,�llEiD COMPLIANCE:Passes hiuximum UA=407 Your Home—309 24.1%Better Than Code Gross Glazing Area or Cavity Cont. or Door Per' eter R-�ague L-Factor UA eiling is Flat Ceiling or Scissor Tniss 925 30.0 OA 32 Skylight I: Wood Frame,.Double.Pane with Low-H. 4 0.370 1 Wall.1: Wood Frame. 16"o.c. 2250 19.0 0.0 116 Window l:Vinyl France,Double Pane with Low-E. 224 0.350 78 Door I:Glass 40 0.350 14 Door 2:Solid 58 .0.100 6 Basement Wall 1: Solid Concrete or Masonry,7.8'llt/6.8'bg/7.8' insul 961 11'0 0.0 62 .Furnace 1:Forced Hot Air,90 AFUE Air Conditioner 1: Filectric Central Air. 10 SFER *,Z MPLIANCE STATEMENT: The proposed building,represeniod in this'document is consistent with the building plans,specifications,and other calculations submitted with this permit application. The proposed sy-stents have beelt designed to meet the Proposed New York State Energy Conservation Construction Code requirements. Date tiii3et,'DesiQner d 7 ,y IMECcheck Inspection Checklist Proposed New York State Energy'Conservation Construction Code MECcheck Software Version 3.3 Release'lb DATE: 03/23/04 TITLE:TERRE MAJESTIC, INC Bldg. Dept. Use I Ceilings: [ ] I. Ceiling 1:Flat Ceiling or Scissor Truss,R-30.0 cavity insulation Comments: Above-Grade Walls: [ } l. Wall.J:Wood Frame, 1 G" o.c., R-19.0 cavity insulation Comments: Basement Walls: j ] 1. Basement Wall 1: Solid.Concrete or Masonry,7.8'ht/G.8'bg/7.8'instil, R-11.0 cavity insulation. Comments: i Windows: [ ] 1. Window 1: Vinyl Frame,Double Pane with Low-E,U-faetor:0.350 For windows without labeled U-factors,describe features: -Pares_Frame Type Thermal Break?[ ] Yes[ } No ' Comments: �!>yligllts: [ ] 1. Skylight 1: Wood Frame,Double Pane with Low-E,D-factcsr:0.374 For skylights without labeled U-factors,describe features: #Panes Frame Type Thermal Break?[ }Yes [ ]No Cucnments: Doors: j ) 1. Door 1:Glass. 11-thctor: 0.350 Panes Frame 'l hermal Break'![ j l 2_ 1?:;o.•7:Solid, U-fyeior:0.1.00 �_..._.�...e_.,.a.�.,._.......�..__......._.�.�__�..-_..__-_...__-._..�__,.,..._-.- !"la�tlltl�'ili:�: Ind Co0iiilp Equipment: j 1 i I, t'ul'nace 1:Forced fioi Air. t)O A UE oi-it!szber 1 ivS;14 and iviudw i�unilber i ! 2. Air Cood4 itlet- 1.Zimb is Ceotml Ali. 10 Sia7,1 or highor ?�i -_........____ _...._....._._. �cii: astel.hlualCl iJUiiiu�i - ._ t. -.. ...1. . . 7.yr.. 1. .. _ :a::i.b}L:.il�livavli:i.ttrlLl(at Utrlpi �UC,I!:ii;ci,rua iii.Ilia uiyrCClu 4t1t�rui c iliui.hhr�Si?irf��;:a vl'sli liiiiSt IJL.S�''iili;C1. 1 Cr t�i ?! ii15 iiiJBi iiG i'ri e iC Cui.ii liLhl 1L1StiiilCd iL`lili iiii i%iii•i -!IL Jii , 01 i;%vt IC. ' i :. .: tt,.d •..,. _ r. I r - l.F, 1 n rn _1-...�.,,...- f. -«-. t".'_ i�if�u tttutll4lLL: i3i:�iilL ilia olijii liiirlii t, iiii—i,i i(e ei$a�l j 4i 1tr;i3 V.J Csb[te u(r6i ,r'lll se tit�iiilSv.�liUl•: . it L���i�iUGi a.-Id I:icQii,w %%pur ReUrd s^ [ i llequhvd on Glee side of all ilotlaented framed ceiffings, %v<lis,and floors. i Materials Ideutfllt atton., Miilerials acid egnil meet jnul t be ItistiltleLl ill afrnpclillt.C: � lt{7 the�t?1S?t)f cttltPE'�ill th#i jti+�lt il1C(tltrJinllS_ ( 1 Materials and equipment host be iiie dUed.so that cornpUmme can be detenWned. [ Mmutaetnmr manijaIg fair.ill M14 d Ilf acing and cooling equipment and servico water heating equipment mnsl.he provided, insulation Rwaiues,giaa.ing,i-3-factors,and helping equipment efficiency miii;:be cleari_Y'niarked on the building plans or sner.ific•ations. tnsuiladun., { ] j Suppi}+dUCt3 hi uncundifioned.lift us or p1.side die Wding must lie. insulated to rR-i 1, [ 1 l (return dui:is.itl lutconditiorted aiiies or ouisidv Ilse building must be insuia ad to fC-ti. [ j i iupply ducts in uilcandhiuned spaces mist ue insulated to -j.I. [ ] Return duck hi ulwolldluoned Shahs(eXcePt ltisui tied bu R-_. f Insuladoll is ilot I-equired alit retllnli ducts in base elits, Duct Construction: l 1 i All joints,SCa!lnS,and.coil lioi,tii}iis iilii3a all.Si:Clit`Cly 1,15w7iUCa't'r'ii4 L'is;tus,4 r.ct5,iiiaaal;:3 (3dhcsivc's),niasix-pi a.1h.ddC -finbl i-1 r apc3—. ii is enrr•`! i e d c t Duct tape lJ met F a.t.,z,;�a. i BdTtf077: �.7litili::.0i151).t�Wlt{Cd and ia',Cl ail -tjjjC Idl.igitudli'ial ,i)ints aind cicains on ducts 13perating at k tl ,2 in.rr g. (500 F )....,,, lal+ ,. � a . [ ; { Ducts shall be supported e ei—y 10 feet or in accord amue rrith the Minn"'acturer's "Istructions. j Cooling ducf-s with cyterior his-lotion must i:e covered with w. „•r 1 r n ,,. f. 9 l:L,. C.a.Lj.:r. t J 1 :air fslic-s arm required in the returrl alit'Fys!cin [ j (ht,IRIAC system must provide a means for bal:ncin,?ii Ulld�y�Itc ga/rte g, ?ttltetafttro CoOrols: i } rh Wlhng llnh has at lesm one the-rLlnctat rryhahle. 9djt}cting ilt?``•PEtCe teripe.mrtire+;et point of the ittrgest rune. y '•4CCY9;:Sjs!ews; :oparaic.electric meters are recii3ired fair each dwelling unit, i I t ii' U.'•.i� S➢lii.7sr E}e:irisiniic Wit'si i,it?iii,. itnl4?,llcytl.-Glltli:)llSti}l4 l:il`CCila.4e d)ows. i'iiigAaces 111US1 be provided with a Source cif Ci)Ut!)U:ii.'i4li alr..is-t;ill kcd--by dw T iwpiat,:k_Colttii.mulioll l>'tlfvisions of iliC ISud ding Code UT h i!'v }ork&uiei dw,R0.y;ie'ilflllt Coda ofl4nv YcJPdC 1Lufii`ur !.i{Ei:Y a' 3t1iR Lill%Oaiid;rl F,', Code. it6 ilpplicublu. s;CIAu IWAIV 5&R;il by . r'_..1 'h.� / I. I, the '.:,-! .t 1. r... Ytalii.U, }.+i�C.AIS�i•;<LiiUSt�euaY:r J.17c;21,.amp Val vl.t,O l.,�ii:,%-.:;?t;tl:iil Gi1IfCtlllllC:;}S l.0 a. as iat,:Alui avui.tiai% ur i3 liar"Ora Circul ti.ig [ } l a:i K ho iv at&1 pip4S to the SO ill UK I, - ...aa>:iiiiiaiaxl...,s:ci3c .I)Ia•c kStl'.i"tlo { j WGlut's MuUhg l.i 't Y:'ci:{:.:p1 t•iec ill tie 1G'•V S il:'i f blu 1. .� AR r,:-.+.!tr..,i c:e;i•rrO•,,ir,;: Oar.ialc rYli!r: l;na,,- ,�!:.i+ l tl+�r. , .i:, '70 ..t..,.... .:_.. . . ;iJ+'Jt :.tC-.r:':a•'af.'h�.1?{: ,.ri.;�.:• a:'Ca,'L:'aL:. .,:��:r.. ."r., i',s:•s ti..;�ti?1'.r-..t,r.r.:r,, A rn , n ,n ? . PO )nit q. ! l EP i:?1 4 S , _:•;,,'-g env ""Don: is: O'lag laWprtintir . L } i IIV ri f' ll:rll g viiii':'C' .,HAS MY: i v: Tor a..ir,.,r. NO May,15 "1' must.be WSW In f ' T�bk 1: :)ii71i77:S777:Lus ulati✓^.7 f's7ich.r'ss.for cirCi:ilcth"b 110 it i'E}Er P-1pes, lI1SiElut101? i ilia 1:I1CSS hl 111chcs Jy f i1J%SIZ.CS Heated 'later ( � No -Ch-Cu[uEi�l Risn"uts CiV l:-'Ai,i� 4akIS un! i:1.inCI S _enmeril�aree�.^! jivl!l 1t t!i tt. ;-tSti 1.5" to �.•Q^ 7%V t_jn !7:l-180 0.5 1.0 1.5 _ 1.to !:40-160 0.5- tl., 1.0 1.5 tmic.2: Aflf7ilrnim insirilarion ThicFt'7?i:S.S,for%'_%b'A C plI es- Fluid Teltlp. insular_ion Thihicktless itl_ac-bes!,v_pirr PinirtfT . _ 7 ijit ` 25_to 41, Lowi're;;surelT:ll]cErt',1tt!!� 2ili.-2St%1 1,10 1,5 i.5 2,0 Low.Ter;lne!'allu•c: 120-200 6.:S 1..0 1.0 i J Sleatll coildausafe(for reed Haler) A.,i 11.0 1 AD 1.5 2.0 ChilieiiW:ii4:i, 40-55 1.0 -t �,t. n.t 1 t t e r. ald ui'irte Below ,� t.0 t.G i N.OTU may FIELD{1'3u id'ng D.:p rtaleni Use C)n!y) "w RECEIVE® ICA �➢ JUN 21 2004 'CA I L TOWN DING AND CODE l $q 5'd9 150.00 20�_00 t9 150.00' Id ve een or observer -�1 've i saw evidence o'r i5p.00 l( ail obje is such as houses, wells,trees, fences, etc., �' W shown e this document. I also represent that I have persona fy measured the distances set forth on the dia ram." ✓S'� , SIGlTIJRE T - G, `� LOT s Q vi 30.65$, LOT 4 O C� p.7o acres a � 32,273. sq. Ft. o ' 0.7 4 -acres Lt37 3 © �t oaa VaL, 33,533. sq. f N o 0.76 acres I ° 33,712• sq. ft. CD Z.77 acres O i-��.j- ,oseA J , 'I }} � OD ti0 30 gg.03 gyp" o ., °° ak 8f.37' _ in iQ 3 z 160 ZOTJSD 6&'95 •om mom :�! wings ey S 84*25'09 '° E 206.00 ' S EssS„' g °. • 150.00 ' 150.00 ' . laxNap It "1'have seen or obsei ved, or believe I saw evidence of, all objects such ash uses, wells,trees,fences,etc.,- S shown on this docurrent. I also represent that l have 44- personally measure the distances set forth on the diagram." W � � ICa AT LOT c Paz 5 0 30,658. sq. r Co C\a Co 0 2,273. sq. ft. N 0.70 acres Q,62 acres � e i ;� eu i o0o . acres CJ - - - I f t, 00 Q7 4 c gad.. - - o C �a S ' :24- 4 ITS '70 Qo�� "5.31' 4.76' 19.3( Q 01 ►5 %9 �i0.30 ► �_ 9 IV 84"39'00 Yir �� 8951 50 if ° 81.ur. � t,20 to sun �403 0 A� .N r82 10 gags ��� :M STATE DEPARTIMM OF HEALTH S FALLS DISTRICT Refer to ?-Irst sheet for approved date and oignature