1970-10-07 ~. . MEETING OF THE PLANNING QRD Œ' THE TOWN rrØ· QUEENSBURY ;¡ HILD ,AT v, 0 , . ~.,.. ~ClIItII.IDC.( octal. 7. lt70 "'.WIIIJ . . . .'. . . . 0, . .. . .' . .c-.or.. ' ~..... Pr__t . . . . . 0 . . . . '. . . . .' .al'lqNà~. Nel1oD, Is..»tt.o lIfttoD AN_t, . . . .. . . .' . . . 0 0 . .'. . ........ . ~t8 4!. . . . .' . . . . ... . ., . . . tda,..~ ...1111,., , Mr. o. SbenIaD~ __paper , .. . .. ,reporter , , 'AAAA&AAAAA&&&AAAAAAAA&AAAaaAAAiIA&AAiAAAAAAAA&&A.&AAAAAAA~"'&A'A'AAA'A ~JON 8:00 10 Minutes of last _etlng approved. 20 Kushner weico.ed 011 Mellon as a qew "".r of our Board. . 30 Variance # 180 - Stephany - MCDonalda - Upper Glen Street Q To move an existing aign back l' feet in the same 10¢~:ttion ~ The ~tate clatœ. that the prêsent sian is in their risht Q of - way but McDonalds said tbeState has not taken this yet. Motion by Norton, seconded by Stonott and carried to rec~d APPROVALss this would be nece..aJ,"y because of the relocation of Route 9. 40' S..: Pol 22 -Harria Bay DevelopmeDt 'Corp. - Route 9L co to build an additional lOO'x2S0' .-t:a't .boat storage building on tbe south _ide of the rbad. Richard Bartlett .n4Bob Stewart appeat'èd _ for .this 0 The J:'OaCI. to th. Jr',1:~ÆJl11;:, stor."e building would serve thl_ 0 : 0 ifotiOl1bJ Sl~tt, __onded by ~11on. andean-led to race. _d APPROVAL. S. ~l41rl.._t oflCA. Market - Dixon Road ..;. Hoø~onforaa1ng use c> IhIsb appeared md st.ted this would be 20' x SO' at the rear of tbe builc1lD8 and WO\l~ replace an old woocI Sh~'h}ntain1Daan _isti. cOlilpre..or 0 Mot:l.cm by SiImott,; secoa.ded by Urpatrick ~o rec~APPROVAL as tbis ia les_ tb8D .sœ expansion which ispertlitted uø.dertbe ZoU1n& Ordinance., 60 Nelson, Vice Presf.d_,t of State BaDk of Al'*',., Jone. of the Northway Pl.... and McAnclr8ws, Architect appear~ for new bank buildiD8il1 tbe Northway Pl.aaoDiacus.dtraffic pattema, peak load., andparkilll 0 Tabled for discuasion in Executive Seaaion. 7. Dr. 1è.ster Hue.ted appeared to disCWI8 the ar88 betweeo Gurne, Lane,West MouDtaia. load, Hortbway and South toWa1"d Aviation , RoacioHef.lt th1.~ea.bould be:;protected 'as a ,Jjaturcal' Perk to protect var~ bodies ófwater (Ruab PoocJ. Glen Wk.. Queensc:> !nary V.11slo Beuked for us toconaider .ay. to protect and/or provide proper uaase. ' ' IC:ushner stated that we are consideriDs tbe LPAP with a consultant and tbat this might be an area. witb other simillar areas, for studyundertbis programo The LPAP would continue updating of the M..aster Plan & The Zoning Ordinance snd a new draft 0.£' subo:> divisions regulations 0 Adjourned at 9:20 for Executive Sea.iono Ilt1C~ 9:30 8. Kuabl:1erappoiDttd Melloo aad Sianott to study tbe Northway Pl... traffic patten in r.1atiOD to the proposed _ BaDk buildiOS and r..port at',~ DGt "'tiDeo 9. The ,next ...tiDg, October 29. 1970 with couult8Dta at 7 :000 Raplu __... .v. '. 1970 at 8:00. Adjourned 9 :40 J 0 Arthur Norton II Seeretary