Survey, shoreline planting and stormwater managementMapping Notes:Scale: 1" = 20' feet Date: 22 September 2020Surveyors EngineersosLAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK 12845D.ASSOCIATESL.nikciDnSurvey and Map byAdirondack DevelopersTown of Queensbury County of WarrenMapof a topographic survey forSituate inState of New YorkCINIKTENGACID.L.MDMap Ref.NAIDIREM SETAICOSSANOSnorthunauthorized and undetectable modifications,Only title surveys bearing the maker'sother than embossed-seal copies may containembossed seal should be relied upon sincedeletions, additions, and changes.may be a violation of copyright law unlesspermission of the author and/or copyright holderReproduction or copying of this documentis obtained.Unauthorized alteration or addition to a survey mapEducation Law.of section 7209, sub-division2, of the New York State bearing a licensed land surveyor's seal is a violationFF=339.95'Peak=353.4'345340
320350.08N12°57'50"W73.04'S05°24'35"W83.62'44'±43'±92'±Area26,490± sq ft0.61± acres30' Setback
20' Setback20' SetbackSetback
50' Sh
9.4'N88°44'30"EN89°09'40"W339.54'315.22'75.2'Tie Line96'± Along Shore7.6'
7.6'43.2'Lake George21.1'
Average Lake Setbac
Scale: 1" = 20' feet Date: 21 December 2020Surveyors EngineersosLAKE GEORGE, NEW YORK 12845D.ASSOCIATESL.nikciDnSurvey and Map byAdirondack DevelopersTown of Queensbury County of WarrenMapof a topographic survey forSituate inState of New YorkCINIKTENGACID.L.MDMap Ref.NAIDIREM SETAICOSSANOSnorthFF=339.95'Peak=353.4'345
320350.08N12°57'50"W73.04'S05°24'35"W83.62'44'±43'±92'±Area26,490± sq ft0.61± acres30' Setback
20' Setback20' SetbackSetback
50' Sh
9.4'N88°44'30"EN89°09'40"W339.54'315.22'75.2'Tie Line96'± Along ShoreLake GeorgeAverage Lake Setbac
ProposedProposedProposed Red Maple4 total(min. 3" DBH)Proposed Shrub10 total(see 179-8-040 for planting list)Proposed Herbacious Plants136 total(see 179-8-040 for planting list)Proposed Eljen Absorption Trench(3) Trenches - (7) B43 Units each(21) Total B43 UnitsRemove soil and rock to 344.0' elevationPlace 5 mpi fill in 6" lifts(see soil note Sheet 3 for acceptable fill material)AProposed 1 12"Ø Sched. 40PVC Force MainProposed 1250 gal.Concrete Septic TankProposed 1000 gal.Concrete Pump Tank10' min.10' min.SILT FENCE (typ.)SILT FENCE (typ.)Proposed Rain Garden "A"Surface Area = 180± sfPonded Depth = 12"Soil Depth = 12"Volume = 196± cfProposed Rain Garden "B"Surface Area = 180± sfPonded Depth = 12"Soil Depth = 12"Volume = 196± cfProposed Stone Infiltration Trench "A"Surface Area = 320± sfDepth = 24"Volume = 256± cfProposed Stone Infiltration Trench "B"Surface Area = 200± sfDepth = 24"Volume = 160± cfPercolation Test ResultsPerc Test #13min 10secPerc Test #23min 15secPerformed by D.L. Dickinson Associates 29May 2019.All percolation tests were performed at adepth of 12-18" and a hole diameter ofapprox. 12".Deep Soil Test ResultsThe following soil testing data was logged byD.L. Dickinson Associates on 29 May 2019.Test Pit #10-2 inches, topsoil2-46 inches, fine sandy loam48 inches, bedrockMottling @ 46" indicating seasonal highground water table.Test Pit #20-2 inches, topsoil2-24 inches, fine sandy loam24-42 inches, silty/clay loam42 inches, bedrockNo mottling observed.Developer:Adirondack Builders and Developers40 Schermerhorn DriveLake George, New York 12845
Inlet2"OutletLocation StakeNew York State Department of Health Plan Details10'min100'minimum*Property line10'15'Property line
min.House15'Welltankprovide 50% exp.Absorption fieldsStreetDist. box10'min10'min100' minimum*SepticHouseWell15'Drive
Property line Pond* Increase to 200 feet if well is down gradient and inlinePercolation Test ResultsPerc Test #13min 10secPerc Test #23min 15secPerformed by D.L. Dickinson Associates 29May 2019.All percolation tests were performed at adepth of 12-18" and a hole diameter ofapprox. 12".D NICKIN OASSOCIATES
S P.O. Box 388
Lake George, New York 12845
(518) 668-4676 - Phone
(518) 668-4674 - Fax QU: 16_1_33 (old)
QU: 227.17-1-52 (new)
Scale: as shown
Date: 21 December 2020··Eljen Bed Cross SectionEljen Trench Plan ViewSeptic Tank SectionADeep Soil Test ResultsThe following soil testing data was logged byD.L. Dickinson Associates on 29 May 2019.Test Pit #10-2 inches, topsoil2-46 inches, fine sandy loam48 inches, bedrockMottling @ 46" indicating seasonal highground water table.Test Pit #20-2 inches, topsoil2-24 inches, fine sandy loam24-42 inches, silty/clay loam42 inches, bedrockNo mottling observed.Revised: Fill Soil SpecificationsUse ASTM C33 sand amended, as needed, to achieve 5 min/inchpercolation rate.Soil must have the following specifications per NYS DOH guidelines:Percolation Rate: 5 min/inchFine material (silt): Less than 10% by weight (#200 sieve)Coarse material (stone, gravel): Less than 15% by weight (12" mesh sieve)Medium to coarse sand: At least 25% by weight (#35 sieve to #10 sieve)Effective grain size: 0.15 - 0.30mmUniformity Coefficient: 4 - 6
S P.O. Box 388
Lake George, New York 12845
(518) 668-4676 - Phone
(518) 668-4674 - Fax QU: 16_1_33 (old)
QU: 227.17-1-52 (new)
Scale: as shown
Date: 21 December 2020
Revised: RAIN GARDEN "A & B"RG·······Ponded Depth = 12"12" Soil Media(see notes)3:1 slope to gradePitch final gradeto Rain GardenExisting GradeRain Garden Planting ListSHRUBS:Witch HazelWinterberryArrowwoodBrook-side AlderRed-Osier DogwoodSweet PepperbushHERBACEOUS PLANTS:Cinnamon FernCutleaf ConeflowerWoolgrassNew England AsterFox SedgeSpotted Joe-Pye WeedSwitch GrassGreat Blue LobeliaWild BergamontRed Milkweed§220-60. Erosion control measures.A.Temporary erosion control shall be provided for all disturbed areas in accordance with the ErosionControl Manual. The temporary erosion control measures shall be maintained continuously untilpermanent control measures are in service. Infiltration devices shall be protected from siltationduring the period of construction and until the site is successfully revegetated by use of siltscreens, inlet protection devices, sediment detention ponds or other suitable erosion controlmeasures.B.Staging of construction to facilitate erosion control shall be required. Only those areas whereconstruction is actively occurring shall remain open and unvegetated. All areas that are not withinan active construction area shall be mulched and stabilized or shall be mulched and revegetated.An "active construction area" is defined as one that has seen substantial construction within thepast seven calendar days. Mulching or revegetation for erosion control shall be completed within 10days following the last substantial construction activity.C.Compliance with the following restrictions shall be required:(1)No vegetation shall be felled into any lake, pond, river, stream or intermittent stream and, ifinadvertently felled into one of these water bodies, shall be removed immediately from thewater body. The removal of dead or dying diseased trees or trees presenting a health or safetyhazard shall not be exempt from this requirement.(2)Within 500 feet of the mean high water mark of any lake, pond, river, stream or wetland, noland area, including areas stockpiled with earthen materials, which has been cleared may bemade or left devoid of growing vegetation for more than 24 hours without a protective coveringsecurely placed over the entire area and/or erosion control measures properly installed toprevent sediments from entering the water body. Acceptable protective coverings include naturalmulch of a depth of two inches, rock rip-rap, nondegradable materials such as plastic or canvascoverings and impervious structures.(3)Any area of land from which the natural vegetative cover has been either partially or whollycleared or removed by development activities shall be revegetated within 10 days from thesubstantial completion of such clearing and construction. Acceptable revegetation shall consist ofthe following:(a)Reseeding with an annual or perennial cover crop accompanied by placement of strawmulch or its equivalent of sufficient coverage, but not less than 50% of the total disturbedarea, to control erosion until such time as the cover crop is established over 90% of theseeded area.(b)Replanting with native woody and herbaceous vegetation accompanied by placement ofstraw mulch or its equivalent of sufficient coverage to control erosion until the plantings areestablished and are capable of controlling erosion.(c)Any other recognized method which has been reviewed and approved by the Village assatisfying the intent of this requirement.[1]Any area of revegetation must exhibit survival of a minimum of 75% of the covercrop throughout the year immediately following revegetation. Revegetation must berepeated in successive years until the minimum 75% survival for one year is achieved.[2]Ground clearing or grading activities which occur during the period of October 15 toApril 15, during which germination of vegetation typically will not take place, shall berequired to incorporate extra measures during revegetation in order to reduce erosion andmaintain water quality. These extra measures include, but are not limited to, the use ofscreen mesh, netting, extra mulch and siltation fences.Construction Phasing (LGPC 646-4.13 (d) (8))1.Install Silt fence or SiltSoxx as shown on project plansand down gradient from all proposed land disturbance.2.Remove existing structures and hard surfaces, as shown onplans.3.Excavate for garage and house foundation.4.Backfill footings and rough grade site.5.Upon completion of exterior house work, final grade andstabilize construction site.6.Construct/install stormwater devices.7.Seed and mulch site and install final landscaping.8.Once site is stabilized, remove temporary erosion controls.INFILTRATION TRENCHITGARAGE/HOUSE4-6" stone dripedge protectionStone Infiltration TrenchFill w/ #2 stone (washed)Bottom set levelFilter fabric sides & bottomPlace Filter fabric 4" belowtop of trench to allow silt removaland maintenance.4" topsoil, seed & mulch24"