1971-04-07 EXE MEETING OF THE PLANNING BO&.~ OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY HELD AT Qtr' "NSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDn,-, "-/ ~. APRIL 7, 1971 ... I Presidiugo.ooo...o....Kushner :~esent..o.ooo....oo..Kirkpatrick. Mellon. MOnahan. Norton Absento..o.....oooo.o.SI~ott Guestso..............oL1spes +~++i I -. I I I I I I I I t ¡. I I I , I I tal I I I I I I I I t ¡'-I ... J. t... I I I I f ~~ I J , ~ I I I I J I I 1 I I'" ,.+ I l--f l..t+t++·f~1 I I I I I EXECUTIVE SESSION 7: 30 - 10 Discussed Sub-division 11-71 - Sherwood Acres. They will install dry wells and pave ditches over 5% grade for surface water drainage. 20 Weeks, Sweet and Montray Road, wants to expand under the 50% rulingo Will act on later. 3. Mosher, Minnesotta Avenue, 'Asnts to expand under the 50% ruling. Will act on later. 40 Special Permit 124 - Texaco on Route 9 North of Alfred's Restaurant. Con- cerned about another filling station and the problem of continuous operation (. Will act on later. 50 Variance #187 - Albany Public Markets, Route 9, wish to have a sign var- iance. Will act on later. 60 Variance #188 - Taylor» Dix Avenue wishes a gift and souvenier shop in an R-4 zoneo This would be a use variance. Will act on latera 10 Variance #189 - Hart for T-T Restaurant - wishes to relocate· sign. 80 Discussed White. Will see what comes up in public meeting. 90 Minutes approved. Adjourned for regular session 8:00 p.mo J. Arthur Norton, Secretary JAN!pej