1971-09-01 EXE MEETING OF THE PLANf\'.L'G NOARD OF THE TOWN OF QU.I~SBUR.Y HELD AT Q~SBURY TœN OFFICE BUILDn,; SEPTEMBER l. 1971 Presiding : Present: Absent: C~uest : Kushner Kirkpatrick. ÞObnaban, Norton Mellonf) Sinnott Liapes ..____:.J<_I ;_.=-___......'IIIøØD3I:DCI_~_z::a._==...¡: __:ai=_.__=_=:aa=:a$l<.J:I_=_ ExECUTIVE SESSION 7: 30 10 Ktnutes 0 f previous meetings approved;, 2 ~ Plarminl PrOJraa .. Meeting scheduled second Wednesday of October with con- sult_to Will meet _very second mcmth" . , 3~ Present,ad letter from Hudson River Valley CoŒd,.ssion ún Wes,t"Mountain Corpø. proposed exp8l1lioo,o \1l.i1l. be revlewed,:by them" ¡ . .: .. ..' . 40 O'Connor. appeared regarding fS~70 .. CJ:'~Wo~ Hills, #1 a.nd'l-1:lSherwood Acres 0 . Town Law Section 276 se,ta, up requireìDents fpr ~t.etlØt.pn øf :otime to file sub':'divisl0n. 'fith the Co.unti Cl~1c" 'Will act,on, lat~~Oc::' . ,. 50 Variance #202 -Davis" ,Route 149 '. SW,~mming poolo ,..' ., ~ ¡ Varianc£e 1203 .. Finch - wzerne ,& Newcomb Str~.t8 ":' like to. keep horse 0 ,. Variance 1204 :'·Nashold - Rockburst - Garage under 30' to property line" Variance #205 -~.so -, Gotirmet - Rou,t. 9 - r~-U8. ,«gcit,s1p.o , Variance 1206-, Glendale Furniture - Route 9 - re·,loc.~~s.ign" .. Variance #207 t '''208,''209, 210 -Mobil O,Cl COIQPsny - Vartou8,; locations - sign variances" Will act on latero , , 60 McCormack presented 16-71 Grahl ~townbouse c.9D&Pl$c" Will .K,t on latero Adjo.:urned for regular meeting 8:~{)" " ··io,Arthtlr Nor~øn. '. s..cretary . , JAN/pej ,"'" . . '....