2015-442 TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development Building&Codes (518).761-8256 - BUILDING.PERMIT Permit Number: P10150442 Application Number: A2.0150442 . Tax Map No: 523400-226-019=00027024-000-0000 Permission-is hereby granted to: DANIEL&JERI CERUTTI For property located at: 235 ASSEMBLY PT. Rd in the Town of Queensbury,to construct Or place . at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS-Uniform Building.Codes and the Queensbury-Zoning Ordinance. Type of Construction Value, Owner Address: DANIEL&JERI CERUTTI . Deck $15,000:00 36 CENTRAL St Total value $15,000.00 WINCHESTER MA 01890-0000 Contractor or Builder's Name/Address Electrical Inspection-Agency. Plans&Specifications 2015-442 Sunde& 320 s.f. $50.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES:. Saturday, September 24,2016 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made'to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date:) Dated at the To n of Bens ,September 24,2015 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director of Building&Code Enforcement -• ACCESSORY STRUCTURE APPLICATION Office Use Only Received DATE 'f 7 °W Tax Map ID TAx MAP ID � /Q -2 -.2 y Permit No. '4o�5 Perm't F ZONING � ( OM ee HISTORIC SITE Yes 1/No V als SUBDIVISION NAME Lot# StP 17 2015 APPLICANT DIE.�W Q l}H e&_ q-Tg al ee/`u/// TOWN OF QUEE BURY ADDRESS ?/ ILIaINWD� ES PHONE 7 6 Z PHONE _C05T Q�CONSTRUCTION(EBTIMATEb1. $ ADDRESS.' PHONE: CONTACT PERSON FOR BUILDING&CODES COMPLIANCE ��� G PHONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION Check all that apply Please Indicate measurements as required below Boathouse 181 floor sq.ft. 2"d floor sq,ft. Total sq.ft. Height -Boathouse with Sundeck / Deck Detached Garage(#of cars Dock Pole Barn Porch-open Porch—.3 season,Covered,Enclosed Shed Other Accessory Structure(s) Considered floor area&must comply with FAR(floor area ratio)requirements if located in the WR zone DECLARATION: I acknowledge no construction activities shall be commenced prior to issuance of a valid permit. I certify that the application,plans and supporting materials are a true&complete statement description of the work proposed,that all work will be performed in accordance with the NY'State Building Codes, local building laws and ordinances; and in conformance with local zoning regulations. I acknowledge that prior to occupying the facilities proposed, I or my agents will obtain a certificate of occupancy. I also understand that I/we are required to provide an as-built survey by a licensed land surveyor of all newly constructed facilities prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy. ✓I have read and agree to the above: Print Name: 00 Date: Signature: Date: �f 1 Town of Queensbury Building&Codes Accessory Structure Application July 2014 , l --—' ---- _ ---- C . DING wed — ,, - - - o -- ; _ -- -T,OWN-OF QUEENS (3UIl_DING.DEPARTf�F-1NT OA -Based on our limited eraminat.c r—compliance — _ — .. �^-._�=;f, ; with our comments shall not kN construed as — ----- � { o F — mdi--ting the plans and s eci- ationa-are in _full compliance with the Builaing Codes of— _ - w. Nevi York State. I i 7 ��. U" 7-7 �1 r ' f I -.- -- -- _ --- --- ( f ; 1 r' J2 j -=— -- .---------- ---- F --— — i is mw I ® — - Ckf -- -- ---- \ -- 1tlJ _ -- -- --- LL ! - -- o � m _-_. - -- --- - -- -- -- _- -'--_- ----_ _ - - { - j t j 1 �. ...., ..� ..._. ! .. .. T^Y.__.. ..,••.I ..�. .A. ......f . ?iJ...�;:._.. .._.._�.... .._... ��--__I.._-_— — �' � �.titta I} ...1. .. .. I I i 1 � I , I v , tk i�. I . t r q^MO�, ( I I I 44 , taw i IIj jII v i �����^ r I � I I I , •.... ..i. ... e I ._... : • •. I., I JI : I 1... --— .._...�. ....... I........ l if • I i ` .1. f 1 ME i I i t , r , i i 1 f I I I i I 4 i S f. O 3 , i , til: l°I IIF-N:+X,ttI ? State of New York (� eorge-Park Commission M• eor a Road P. orge9 New York SEP 17 2015 T 8)668-9347 2 .9 c.state.ny.us in gpc.state.ny.us �f 1I AQ -7 APPLIC' �� R-D 4 .CKS,.WHARPS�. •D.:.MSJO.RINGS s THIS APPLICATION 1S FOR THE:(check all that apply) YPr�t{CCtrf,I15SIUr'�f ❑ Construction of a New Dock or Wharf ($200) ❑ Placement of a Mooring ($100) l� Modification to an Existing Dock or Wharf($50) ❑ Modification to-an Existing Mooring ($50) Article 15 (Repair, removal, replacement or installation of cribbing as part:of wharf construction) APPLICATION FEE ENCLOSED: + ' (check or money order only) 1. OWNER pf Mr. ❑Mrs. ❑Ms: ❑Dr. ❑ INDIVIDUAL ❑ PARTNERSHIP..-0 ASSOCIATIOg- ❑'.CORPORATION ❑.MUNICIPALITY p AGENCY NAME t'r: .- i EMAIL CONTACT PERSON IF OWNER IS NOT AN INDIVIDUAL MAILING ADDRESS ( em s S-T CITY Z„g` CkLOSjef STATE 111A- ZIP CODID1 39 PHONE **If this is an association or if other parties have deeded or contractual access to this lakefront,please complete Addendum A 2. AGENT ❑'NONE El PRESIDENT OR CEO ❑LLCMEMBER -❑ATTORNEY 11CONSULTANT ❑CONTACTPERSON NAME '`C ° (4 EMAIL mi-v_Aecr ro 11 , W1 COMPANY C0 MAILING ADDRESS CITYO 2 r- SL STATES ZIP CODE PHONE 3 & CONTRACTOR NAME SOLm QcL5 Alonoe EMAIL COMPANY J MAILING ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE PHONE 4. PROJECT LOCATION TOWN ❑ TICONDEROGA ❑ DRESDEN SECTION �Z to BLOCK :. LOT ❑ FORT ANN ❑ HAGUE ❑ LAKE GEORGE ❑ PUTNAM -STREET DrQUEENSBURY ❑ BOLTON61ea�- LAKE FRONTAGE IM feet NUMBER OF WHARFS AND MOORINGS CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY according to Fox Map ❑ Survey(attach copy) DOCKS MOORINGS (Please fill in a number or 0 for each) 5. PROJECT DESCRIPTION . PROPOSED USE 19 RESIDENTIAL ❑ COMMERCIAL ❑ ASSOCIATION 0 PUBLIC TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION ❑STAKE N CRIB ❑PILE ARTICULATING ❑OTHER ❑CANOPIED BOATLIFT ❑UN-CANOPIED BOATLIFT ❑PWC LIFT PROPOSED STARTING DATE PROPOSED COMPLETION DATE Pi2OJECT DESCRIPTION man gartl IS ANY PORTION OF THIS ACTIVITY FOR WHICH A PERMIT 1S SOUGHT NOW BEGUN OR COMPLETED? ❑ Yes oNo (if yes,please explain) r-0 F COMMERCIAL,IS THE FACILITY AND ITS ASSOCIATED LAND USES IN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE ROVISIONS OF STATE AND LOCAL LAWS,ORDINANCES,RULES AND REGULATIONS? Yes "o(if no,please explain) 6. ADJOINING LAKEFRONT PROPERTY OWNER$. (available from your town or county real property dept.) NAME NAME TAX MAP# 21 9 _ TAX MAP 2 a 1 1 — — - `f MAILING MAILING ADDRESS ADDRESS 7. CERTIFICATION hereby affirm that the information on.this form and all attachments submitted herewith is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I hereby consent to the Commission staff working directly with my agent,as designated on page 1 of this form,during the review of this application. During the processing of this application Lake George Park Commission (LGPC)personnel ortheir assigns may need to visit this site to inspect,measure,make drawings and/or take photographs. I hereby agree that LGPC staff or their assigns may enter upon and pass through this property in order to inspect the project site or facility,without prior notice,between the hours of 8:00 a.m.and 5:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday,while the application is pending. In the event that the project site or facility'is posted with any form of"posted"or"keep out"notices,or fenced in with an unlocked gate,this permission authorizes LGPC staff or their assigns to disregard such notices or unlocked gates at the time of inspection. As a condition to the issuance of a permit,the applicant accepts full legal responsibility for all damage,direct and indirect,or whatever nature,and by whomever suffered,arising out of the project described herein and agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State from suits,actions,damages and costs of every name and description resulting f the sal rojecL SIGNAT I O NER(Note tit igning.foFa-cerpemtion or association) DATE F MPLETE ALL ITEMS ABOVE AND INCLUDE WITH THlt-PORM: pplication fee ite•location.map opy of survey If available roject•plans on,8.%X 11 size paper--PLANS-MUST BE TO SCALE•&'SHOW ENTIRE LAKEFRONT hort Environrrrental.AssessmentForm if project involves- A new Association or•Commercial dock ormooring A dock or mooring to be located in.a wetland,fish spawning area,an area of signiffcanf wildlife -habitat-or an area of-unique-scenic,historic or natural significance ❑ Addendum A Co-owner Signature Page(if lakefront is jointly or commonly owned) 17 Addendum-B Parties with deeded or contractual access to this lakefront Failure to include any one-.of the required Items-will result In.an-incomplete notice and delay ih processing- your application. Permits and approvals may be required from other agencies•arid municipalities. U-1Mollyifarrns12014 application forrnslwharfmoo wpd 315114 ? S I i1 ,ny •1�,•!� j i .ra T G� l k' 4 ;t F 3 ,-:Lt- : _ -- '... ........ .......-......... ..... - . --.......... _ _._... _.... �• ii 3 4 .._.. ..... -. � a `' � •v'`I'� `[" y�` 'T•t�^ Ir::L'::��:. c:: ..tom?,'j, I; :r r '+1" ..r.'k`'3»."•:.e:` ::.r: a••n....•':a:;;. : i i i " •i• f i 1 i i � � I � G nth•. ;}, "'' ,4 i I 1 � ! I � .f. ,: •fit ,.'.. i. ..�. � i ,} I • �; � { i. ' {I � i ! � i � ... .. .. i ._..t'..,. y1�jc;�C�i�v{:�I,C: .., j .. 't. 4 ....... ... At .Y'- '� - � •I •.f. _i I_ _ .y?�'t__ 'i:3s :>rrn ;�:•.� '1!% i I' I t I • i �i 1 .� I i,... .1 i ' 1•• 'i,.-. {, ,r;G:=%•:j.... ::i,• � ,_..{.._... I i �.Ci 1. � � i .I. ' t7 i j' :' .:i•...:. I ;... .;if •i'' ;'r '��'•���'.•:'"•' ''-..Iz�'':r:: I I f � �•��f'•� I f:Y,:,,,y: { 'min:.,;•;f Y t.C:,'... � ,a ...1'•.,:[:..4•-v•.• I