2004-308 TOWN OF QUEENSBUIRY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518) 761-8201 Community Development -Building & Codes (518) 761-8256 CER"rIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE Permit Number: P20040308 Date Issued:- Tuesday, June 21, 2005 This is to certify that work requested to be done as shown by Permit Number P20040308 has been completed. Tax Map Number: 523400-301-018-0001-052-000-0000 Location: 51 PEACHTREE Ln Owner: MICHAEL &KATHLEEN MAGNER Applicant: MICHAEL & KATHLEEN MAGNER This structure may be.occupied as a: Septic Alteration Residential By Order of Town Board TOWN OF QUEENSBURY Issuance of this Certificate of Compliance DOES NOT relieve the property owner of the responsibility for compliance with Site Plan, VVrr Variance, or other issues and conditions as a result of approvals by the Director of Building&code Enforcement Planning Board or Zoning Board of Appeals. TOWN OF QUEENSBURY 742 Bay Road,Queensbury,NY 12804-5902 (518)761-8201 Community Development-Building&Codes (518) 761-8256 BUILDING PERMIT Permit Number: P20040308 Application Number: A20040308 Tax Map No: 523400-301-018-0001-052-000-0000 Permission is hereby granted to: MIC:HAEL&KATHi ERN MACTNF,R For property located at: 51 PEACHTREE Ln in the Town of Queensbury,to construct or place at the above location in accordance with application together with plot plans and other information hereto filed and approved and in compliance with the NYS Uniform Building Codes and the Queensbury Zoning- Ordinance. Type of Construction Value Owner Address: MICHAEL&KATHLEEN MAGNE 51 PEACHTREE Ln Septic Alteration Residential Total Value QUEENSBURY,NY 12804 Contractor or Builder's Name /Address Electrical Inspection Agency MORMNCT STAR SEPTIC Plans&Specifications 2004-3 08 SEPTIC ALTERATION $25.00 PERMIT FEE PAID-THIS PERMIT EXPIRES: Friday,May 13, 2005 (If a longer period is required,an application for an extension must be made to the code Enforcement Officer of the Town of Queensbury before the expiration date.) Dated at the Town of Queensbury; Thursday,May 13, 2004 SIGNED BY for the Town of Queensbury. Director & de n o Application for Permit=Septic Disposal System Town of Queensbury 742 Bay Road Queensbury,IVY 12804 (518) 761-8256 1. OWNER INFORMATION: ............................................................... .......................................................... Office Use Location of installation: 1 File Permit No 0q -3H Tax Map No. 0D Fee Paid Owner's Name: $ ............. Address: - JP11 ............. .................................................................... 2. INSTALLER'S NAME PHONE NO. 79'-?'z _9 6 3, RESIDENCE INFORMATION: (circle year of dwelling, indicate#bedroom(s) and multiply#of CC-4 bedrooms with applicable gallons per bedroom to equal total daily flow) Year of House: No. of Bedrooms x Computation = Total Daily Flow 1980 or older x 150 gandt-m. = 1980- 1991 x 130 gal/bdrm. = CEM:-Z Eres-e—Hp - x 110 gallbdrrn = 3-35.3 3 Garbage Grinder Installed yes no' Spa or Hot Tub Installed yes no 4. PARCEL INFORMATION: (circle applicable information&indicate measurements) Topography Soil Nature Ground Water Bedrock or Impervious Material Domestic Water SuDDIv Fla) . sand at what depth at what depth ZT fcipa Rolling loam feet —feet well Steep slope clay if well; water supply %slope other from any septic-system depth: absorption is ft. other Percolation Test: (To be completed by licensed professional engineer or architect) Rate: minute per inch 5. PROPOSED SYSTEM: For New Construction: All individual sewage disposal systems must be designed by a licensed professional engineer or architect(unless installed in a Planning Board approved subdivision). Add 250 gallons to the size of the septic tank and leach field for each Garbage Grinder, Spa or Whirlpool Tub. Septic Tank: V gallon(min. size 1,000 gal) Tile Field: each trench ft. Total System Length: ft. JA nV Seepage Pit(s): number of size of each: ft. by 0%19 GoDE Size of Stone to be used: '# depth or thicknessfeet Bed System Size: j X __ftj Alternative System: length and/or size CL__.__0 2 5-x 3 ) 6. HOLDING TANK SYSTEM: (if required) Number of tanks: Size of each:gallons TOTAL Capacity: gallons Note: Alarm System and associated electrical work must be inspected by a Town approved electrical inspection agency. 7. SIGNATURE &INFORMATION FOR RESPONSIBLE PERSON(please read) For your protection,please note that pursuant to Section 136-29 of the Code of the Town of Queensbury, any permit or approval granted which is based upon or is granted in reliance upon any material misrepresentation or failure to make a material fact or circumstance known by or on behalf of an applicant, shall be void. I have read the regulations with respect to this application and agree to abide by these and all requirements of the Town of Queensbury Sanitary Sewage Disposal Ordinance. 5 1 54 13 Signature of responsible person Date .'I'awt, Of Que-ellsbu,ry St:wc:s•:� :t»c! Howitl"a Disposal (:lsst�sl�•=. AI)p(mdix C A-11St)MI''1 ION, P i R.l.0l.) ' SI:I'!1'lt.l1,'I'I(,)IN It1�CZt.3iiti�I�lI1�h1'l';i ' 1 jy()N p ' •tSUrttC �f j►il; .fst u w� . r.fj". i .•' Scat« j w,�.�, _. � ,�.� ram. � t»-1r�tr::��tt1•r c 1 1 A�'��tJRPtlC1 1 i ,�-•�Ram) � 7. SIQNA1 VRG Ll`{FOLtIYLAi1�4� Q 4 r�•1'V�1� 1+�'+ IS ►1Vl`I �1vAay.v.►v)•. r Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518)761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/p art: am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbury,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: �- NAME: ! Jl��- PERMIT NO.: O �� LOCATION: 'E `'� INSPECT ON: 2 RECHECK: Comments and/or�dia r m Soil Type: Sand/Loam/Clay Type of Water: Municipal/Well Water Waterline separation distance _ft. Well separation distance ft. Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches ft. Size of Stone Seepage Pits: Number Size: x e/oc, I V a V Stone Size: CA) l=I c�c Piping Size Type Building to tank Tank to Distribution Box Distribution Box to Field/Pit Opening Sealed: Y/N/Partial End Caps Location/Separations Foundation to tank ft. Foundation to absorption ft. Separation of Pits ft. Conforms as per Plot Plan _Y N Engineer Report and As-Built Y N Location of System on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side ;Use ddle Front fiddle Rear System Status Approved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected, please call the Building& Codes Office Disapproved Last revised 1/6/05 Matj 13 04 0.4: 45p Hutchins. "Engineering (516) 745-0306 p. 1 169 Haviland Road Queensbury,NY 12804 Hutchins Engineering Phone:(518)gas oao70 Fax:(518)745-0308 V May 13, 2004 . ....... ...: Mr. Frank Shaw VIA FAX- 793-2115 CS j Morningstar Septic Service 1 Page VED 107 Jewell Road Gansevoort, NY 12831 4 TOWS of . Reference: 51 Peachtree, Queensbu T Sherman Pines Subdivision BU►LD dG AN RY tY (.-), . ,ODE Septic,Sy Replacement —�_ Dear Frank: i! . . On thissoil, - date I completed a soil percolation test in soils that had been amended for a replacement beds stem at the referenced re id P y, s ence. The bed area had been excavated and soils amended to two feet'below bottom of bed stone layer due to reported fast percolation rate of native soils. The.absorption bed is being.replaced,in accordance with the original subdivision engneering plans prepared by Morse.Engineering in 1992. The stabilized.percolation.rate in,the amended material was 3 minutes 30 seconds. Please contact me if you require:additional assistance. ' { Best Regards; G.Thomas Hutchins, P E cc Dave Hatin, Town of Queensbury Q:Thortw Hutchi ,P.E. - 1 • Septic Inspection Report Office No. (518) 761-8256 Date Inspection request received: Queensbury Building&Code Enforcement Arrive: am/p pa fU am/pm 742 Bay Rd., Queensbuly,NY 12804 Inspector's Initials: ' �0 �. NAME: t /L , �(/V►1 CERMIT NO.: LOCATION: INSPECT ON: RECHECK: Comments and/or diagram Soil Type: a L y Type of Water unici ell Water Waterline sepa on distance ft. Well separation distance Other wells: ft. Absorption Field: Total length ft. �J L Z,7 Length of each trench ft. Depth of trenches � Z ft• Size of Stone I v� 7s Z 5 Seepage Pits: Number Size: x Stone Size: Piping Si ye T e Building to tank *� Tank to Distribution Box `j t/L Distribution Box to Field/Pit -Opening Sealed: Y/N/Partial Location/Separations Foundation to tank All ft. Foundation to absorption ft. /���� ( � Separation aration of Pits ft. 1 Conforms as per Plot Plan Y_N Location of Sys on Property: Front Rear Left Side Right Side OFN Middle Front Middle Rear I �Q _System Use Status: proved Partial Approved and needs to be re-inspected,please call the Building&Codes Office Disapproved LAS ueHemingway\Build ing.Codes.InspectionTORMS\Septic Inspection Report.doc January 28,2003 _________ , .. " -"­ �" - , �� ' ,,.:,,. . W 'I,.. r xr, I � " , �,-­ I , I 'Z ,1� I . � I 11 . �� . � I � ;, r .!,V !. , ,. ;., ,_ " - •,. • r ,Dubber Bose Friction Guord 00vrI�4I�II�-j­;.;000"IkW��;�;"�-I4::II,�.­11?,��11.-1."S II.-II11,11�,--;�_11,#',I 1:�II­�-,1��F,,'�;,-I�,��It:'�,PJ-4,4.��';i 1,'�1,I,�r1,�.�- ' " ' k' `' --HARRIER MATERIAL (FILTER FABRIC,UNTREATED TW/Sfed W/r`" W/th WY I�1�".L--�,T,1':��,­,�.II��I1�r..,�''iI�.:�,,",,.,1 -.I.".��,��I,,I,I,"-A.z,:'�­1�II",,-"_�f',V,�#I',�rII-1,�I,,".;,�-'�,-I,�I I.1,A","��­-,1-��!�W7�,�;II"�IIt�:�,1%,��',,1�,'�,-I�.4':l.-�,,�.­,1�­,I;t�-,!1-�I�1(,I, :­1�;I�,.1I�,1l".1,I,-.4�*1I I�I���_­'�1,4�,;.r�1,1',1��:���0�1��"II_t-,11--,t.e�,I�1-�I�I-I v,_"1,'I"- ,i,�,,1 1�*,��,_�..1,I,`.I,V I,mII 11_�4,.7�I 4_"�rK I w"`�,�v%�.1.iI�..i",1�1,-1-,i,,­-,I.',4,_ �t.I"�,�­`,,��,�I'I�N.:�I:�:1��,"��",�41�I��.,I�I-�rf2:�,,8I.14�,,I�1,_i,-,�­�I_h,���-I',,I,I,,.­1,1,_"I`1,,,V�Ii:t:v1�,-,.I�,,��I.,.II1,.-#�I���,��1 Ir�1 f.,1,�",,,. ," BARRIER MATERIAL BUILDING PAPER ET ber Fr/Ct/C O &UOrd ,,­�I i�,I'i�Ir:�, 1,­1?,�,'�'�%-,­­1",�1I­'1,I-�',,I'-1vI,I%,,�I,�t.,,I.',T I 7 7,���_�1��;,.1%I:-I1,'�.��,;,,,--�"I,.I,��"Ir.,,��j-�,I_I'�,_1,,,,,i,,1;-,,4­,I..':'-4,-,.,;I1�1","I�.,I y��,.1,-N,,I ­�;�'I_,��_i,:��-,4�,, �_,,,*I,j�­,�j_ISz n"!;�"-,-:-�",..1­­��,_,�-�'-,,1,.1­-,-,I�,"_",,�I1:I,_!,.�1"*.I��,,r,,,_-�I-,j,-�'"`, i,,I�q,:I���,-,,�1��;'I,. o ��1�F__,ti I 1.I�.Ii,C­t,I..-­1��1 I�IIil X�", ,._M..-1­...FI1-..w_,;,'�I.��.,,�,I.II�',.-,�,]_I. I. i. l�_I 'r-A",I' %ZI,-.:.. �II �. -< �I t I\I O 11 -..�.,Z....I..*...- DI C) /Pub �� j p ' "` I" - '_ "•; , , 4" PERFORATED 4" TOPSOIL(MULCH AND SEED) 4' PERFORATED PVC-SDR 35 DISTRIBUTION LINE � M �y�'� , ',4 ``'` I,., PVC-SDR 35 PIPE �J BACKFILL WITH EXISTING 4 i c,c'SUIL I I i � a C +``= MATERIAL EXISTING MATERIAL�" ... BEO AREA 6-12' "�' '"` --- 2" MIN STONE OVER PIPE / //��a�/l 6 - 12" EXISTING MATERIAL y�/'� ,\////A\1\\i/M Pt'�E UTA fOk O I 3 !Hire @ /20° w/fh N Grade =t z d,y a o 0 t 6' MIN STUNE UNDER PIPE, GRADED WASHED IQ" 0 ° 12 STONE BED /PuAber Ar�efio� Geer 0 , ,/ Ni _ II I I 3 : 0#� - (when 3 co% or /more.) - - HR N. AAI,F D" I. 1" II GF AVEL- / TO I / SIZE - ,� ' za" (3 pee �eeewhen 3 A • AMEND f� SOIL REA ; III L �\ <r< 3" Cal A I gyp" It co% or /ess.) • • • .ts'::`. '..zY. :;tr .�,w, z. >. 'k\\ll J Vey, /!/ \\��{ / \\ •AV.� /l/��\\\Wli///1\�\\ I/I/t�`n\\Y// / t.�\�. N//\��\\� ////�\\\\�r/N//�r�w//I//t�\w. ////,�\\\\ // / f - I 1 , Ir , ff.. � t //l�, //�., h l\\ V//!/for. 01/P. ... 24 �tIN AMENDED SOILS n e _ d c II i 2tt m r Tog po E t.. 6Z fi _ boll ' f - _ . . I *. + � �r -,! � � x %I - wh�fe {burlap or Groff m o 4 EXISTING 9016S !,r %,,;,.` ,` zl 4 ,A? 744 . �.' a :: .,' ,., a +,c'"-aF ,t• /// „ //AI.M`/////1�"V///��v.�/////\+�\///// N II ; Pope r o _ `a % ,• ,.., � ,.'I�lr ,. - a + '.: .. ,. EXISTING SUILS o V m _ , , +, t .; Is ,� to 6 m i n � N ,1, - Soi/ Soccer a m a Al • ' - ` I- Preper' d ' I -I ., °� � TRANSVERSE SECTION--SEPTIC - _ - s ,» , � r , mti III -v1 -III =III =I11= Ii=11L--III =111I Batkfi'i1 : w SECTION TFIRIJ BED -SEPTIC Z"of Mu/ch ;. , M '�,, '�2 Yp "»,�. } 1>1' sear^.' , 1�rt Yxw' "� +� 'tN:_ .N, 1. S. _ ' `"'� ''_ ..,tj •�-, >x'�.i} >';;c•,W i ., u r. firma:, r'a' - !' 2":1' y SCt]I I/ Undisturbed SuD9rade , * - + 4 z Grod e /n A�'r: Y.xGVATEU HATLIIIAL MiTN ,• ; ': ~t:"�. ,� r " - >} "-• �' :+t. t'.�i tr;t+sl, VACAVATr 2�' NI:I,gW fTGNr. In', AND N1.1'1 TE +, H Al I 1 Ill W I I.L PERCOLATE AT A RA AHrIII+YI, NA'1'I'NIAI, 'I'IIAT Ar'9,'+ _ -, I '� -'I + „ +. I • H 1 NIl'I'hf; P blt 1 IJt'II. �r _ r f 17 •CI _ ».:,. - I _T�I I�11 i _ Scale: 1, I+ O++ '.L"k 4,,',E 3,>,.'_ .xk,`IFF' .�.. t.• III�' I l a IF 1.1•:Itin1.AT1UN Trail RCBU1.1:• ruY. t•AtiTlal 1'kAN I HINUTE PEN IIICN, .�� BARRIER r -'iil-III ;',' r. . .,. 4' TOPSOIL(MULCH AND IU'.+'uHrAC'P ANU Nhl'r:Yl' tilt 1+r1'„•+ r: NAI'ENIAI. UNTIL APPROPHIATI . '.�1) , , • MATERIAL I! Pp e� v0 fl// SEED) Pr:huLTS Akr: ACNIEVEI). 4" SOLID PVC•-SDR 35 " 4" PERFORATED PVC- .,;Iluul,u rr.krul.ATlnN TEST NV!,' I S Nftt;Jr •rr, HK SLOWER THAN Is IV' � Pre /• Gk .- #s,,;, :-',;•` , I' FROM SEPTIC TANK SOR 35 PIPE Hllu Ihr; rl,l+ Iut'll, r:xPnNl, /..rt.N 1u AI1w,rclArn elxr ro 3=Q'Stoke ': . • , . ,:., :r.e••;' BACKFILL M+.+411iuUA'I'r. SLUWIa: Nn'1'r:b. ' - '' .,, #I DIST. BOX WITH EXISTING Syr/Ve/7 {/u5/17 .. -__.`--.�.._--- -- - MATERIAL I ..• ... ..........-: • . . : .. or Proposed � Finish Grade v ' a//\av/rr \�N \\ - = Topsoil 81 Seeding .: - / k g' L O' '' �i 1 4 U�disfurbe d Subgrode I¢ : * « .d:l' ' . f,,€, � AMENDED SOIL AREA I I - - _ ',� / 2 .• BO/l �.\� a\\ / \._/j/ \\\/i txl✓//1\\ ////\\\\/i/i\ ri//\\\\ ///\\\V///\�\\////\\\vi//\\\\//ii\\\\//�//�\\\//i/\\�\ .i//\��\ /i/.` ////\\\\ ///\\ \/ /��r Dio?leter � � ' \ ` �;�, ��;�\ ``\, rt. ' ' , _ �� e W ,s, -.__ `.~ o a ,. � .; / Bo/� prorne ter times 23 � > . , . * . .. . '� NOTE-4" PERFORATED PVC TO ,,. HE INSTALLED LEVEL / NOTE' 0 cted Sub de r, '- ` �/V In removing , tree bo// sho// be o 7ir7ir77ur77 of 4'in dic7rreter. . ,+---- ---- C mpo -gra ,. , LONGITUDINAL. SECTION - SEPTIC N.T. S. - " - -� . - CL_EANOUT PLUG W/ -, COUNTER SUNK HEAD ,/ TREE RELOCATION PLANTING DETAIL t / .v.r.s. - / /� . I s• FlNISHED GRADE /�, I M ' /Vona�4" ' s 'r�:% I .�:, . , - Sar•,,,o ,, •.ovc 6,&,e .35 �ic,�i.y�r_�r.� .y/y�/,, /v/f0E XGM QCS'T•P/BUT/oil/ 4" SOLID-PVC S'DR 35 PIPE \ `r .rsa ' r !..>�e.0c.. ') I ; - INLrEET TYPICAL TOPSOIL RESTORATION SECTION I - _ .*_ �'I DISTRIBUTION BOX AS MFG. `�, , / NOT TO SCALE * BY FORT MILLER OR EQUAL /� \ .,�.,,,. �-. _......� ;: - -1/8 C.I. BEND 111v I e�z' (?"' i , _ ! TEST PIT RESULTS 5/14/90 k - C.I. WASTE LINE LENGTH ► t. - ro suITE i� �. TEST PIT #1 P"T r.- � +. , „ UTLETS-FIVE 4" _ TEST s ., I: � a, r>}x . It D 0 12 TOPSOIL 1 , _1` I \ , I I 0 - 6" TOPSOIL 12 - 30 LIGHT BROWN MED. TO FINE SAND # , �•' KNOCKOUTS WITH HIGH DENSITY POLY- U _, " " I ( , ,... . ---WASTE (_INE ETHYLFNEPIPESEALS. 6" - 30" LIGHT BROWN MED. TO FINE SAND 30" - 91 " GRAY MED. TO FINE SAND LIMITS OF STONE " >V I f, _ ND NO WATER NO MOTTLING " '" 30" 103" GRAB MED TO FINE SA - 04 �j rt,y -in \ 6 x : , ; - -" ,I TOP, BOTTOM, AND SIDES t ALL 1 iy THICK NO WATER NO VISIBLE MOTTLING O , P. I :-, PERCOLATION RITE LESS THAN 15 SEC. TEST PIT #5 , ' Al - 1/H NFNO IF CI.EANOUT r i OCCURS AT FND O LINE NO.I DISTRIBUTION BOX TEST PIT #2 0 - 10" TOPSOIL I _ r - I 4�, L'XTENDEDEC AMENDED 10" - 30" LIGHT BROWN TO ORANGE MED. SAND v I '° I SOILS N TS- . ^ 30 - 84 GRAY MED. SAND . .,, ,'H, ,� 't W I r=" _� 6" -630" LpGHTIBROWN MED. TO FINE SAND 84" - 120" GRAY MED. TO FINE SAND I I L. FILE ^ _ AND NO WATER NO MOTTLING ;; . . .. .;. I OUT TO GRADE DETA 30 l04 cRF.Y MED. To FINE S 5 ' O ( I - - -_ WATER - NO OTTLING PER CATION RATE LESS THAN 15 SEC.2.5 M CO `� IV I *t ,a: Scale: N.T.S. NO , . t 1y. , a R 24" TAPER YPICOL) I� PLUG fQ 0F ', S,,- M a-sF - / I F a ,#` g4�V�FNSB TEST PIT #3 TEST PIT #6 Y1. 4. - I < M m I c n lam° °ur0mYG!!l(p/NG 0 - 10" TO?=SC IL 0 - 12" TOPSOIL ­,..6..4,I 1 y .a V ); r a? lfA,,,- 4" PERFi.RAT_L r?V. SDR 35 PIP- Cq W16) 10 @ OFP ...<..._ 4• ds cbm /hinaNT 10 - 24 LZGH_ BROWN h1ED. TO FIhE SAtiD 12" - 30" LIGHT BROWN MED SAND of` c>� s ind'J'�fS 24" - 104" GRAY MED. TO FINE SAND 30" - 120" GRAY MED. TO FINE SAND t. . A W, I A WyGgFS,6, ,e sar#?P6 NO P7ATER NO MGTTLING NO WATER - NO MOTTLING � ��. �,/ 1000 GAL. n • I O 5'-0'1 " .9�If -.I - _ ,' -4', , t.y. -. r.. - Ae 4"TOPSOIL/SEED . ";. 1,,`E .try '` - -'` I S P IC NOTESs ,fit , I L l _ - ."_;. S'-5" 3. 0 F(RESTORATiON AS NECESSARY) /-7-�-� �- I , •: 1 '' t.1° 1) AS PRIMARY SEWAGE DISF'USAi. AIZI:A(S) FAIL, TH1;Y WILL BE + x .F° s4' - APPROVED UNDER AUTHORITY OF A RESOLUTION ADOPTED N, REFORESTEDr A5 RESERVES ARE PLACED INTO SERVICE. ;, . , . dA,�iEs-aSE Lis/GN ,D�C Si¢E t � I BY THE PLANNING J 2) SEPTIC 'TANK SITE - 1000 GAI,. FUR 2 ANU 3 BEDROOMS. USE \_'•i%' aENT3ExISTIhc ,,.� n N0. 1 DI5TRIBUTIUN BOX BY I'URT MILLER CO. OR EQUAL. _ BOARD OF THE TOWN OF QUEENSBURY, NEW YORK. PA\'EM.ENT�R TURF 4 RES BY FORT MILLER CO. OR EQUAL. 4 -B. _ W #`ry g 3) ALL CONCRETE STRUCTU . ' § CHAIRMAN tt 'y; .�;c CAVQ�i N'R CK C _ ', , J ,• 1000 GAL. \ rA ,R ' 15' 1' a'-at/2' 'NAN6 SI_E PK h191 ED) 1. �. M E IE A IT U 4•-5_ i �VO 2-BEDR00 R S I L UN S/ ISPOSAL AREA _� �r Llr DI POSAL• F I LLI)r DESIGN .-lc . �` � LEACH BED PLAN - 4 BEDROOMS AT 150 GPD 600 GPD G " *.,. Sealed 10' BASBD ON A pEACOLAT]UN RAPE OF' 1-5 PtIN.lINCH = 0 GPD LIQUID K., a:K __ I+ + , : , 600 GPD X 80 WATER SAVER 48 O ACTUAL RATE LESS THAN 1 MIN. L -- �_ 0 - _ EVEL AMEND SCIILS 1'0 1-5 BIN./INCH 480 GPD .90 GPD/5F - 534 SF •+ r ' ' = 540 SF { I -1 .=' •c ar a:.t,r ,v�ty rlat.. . - • � _,: �, . s I Rlrl'E CP USE BED 15 36 �I e I ss APPLICATION = l .2 ll/SF - - S X -It x * > a�, AMENDED AREA• 25' X 46' \ HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE _ 1.2 GPD/SF X :75 FOR BEDS = .90 GPU/SF TOTAL PIPE IN BED: 108 LF \ oo» -I< "',.. ' NSIDI;RATIO S 1 CONNECTIONS SHOWN. ALL PIPE . ": "` # CO N'1 'AKEN FUR WASEK SAVER E'1XTURE5 PIPE SEALS PROVIDED AT ,$a"i` . ,. - +.,: .�.. -e--Z-yt CA -mac �" , ., ONE 3-BEDROOM RESIDENTIAL UNIT/DISPOSAL AREA T�1RFF -BED OQ RBSIDEN'r1AL UN1�'S/DISPO,�AL A E SANITARY SEWER TRENCH DETAIL I 2 -/'e's' 19-23- ,PE✓ .PaAo N4�1ES __ * 3 BEDROOMS X 150 GPD = 450 GPD / RN 1 6-/S-9,z RE✓/SED RE,QCOLAr/ON REOU/R,fM,ENTS RFA- 6-/T-gA �,' •w, 450 GPD X .80 WATER SAVER = 360 GPD NOT TO SCALE + �;, 4. ,, , ` 9 BEDROOMS AT 150 GPD = 1350 GPu 1000 GALLON SEPTIC TANK REV.: BY: DATE: NO- 4 BO`wATER SAVER = 1080 GPU 360 GPD _ .90 GPD/SF = 400 SF n SHERMAN PINES AD "`E 44 1350 GPU X USE BEDS 15 X 27 = 405 SF � C 1080 GPD = .90 GPD/SF - 1200 SF' w s ,� AMENDED AREA: 25' X 37 ' J.Nuntington USE BEDS 25 X 50 1250 SF TOTAL PIPE IN BED: 81 LF I /" . �" ' =x AMENDED AREA: 35' X 60' `• ' TOTAL PIPE IN BED: 250 LF M.A.C. As Noted ' DETAILS LtF , M RESIDENTIAL UNITS/DI5PO5AL AREA OR ONE 2-BEDROOM RESIDENTIAL UNiT/DISPOSAL AREA tD R ' ,. , �'T" � k ; '; : f _� .'. R THREE 2-BEDRao PHASE II OF 7NfS PROJECT IS APPROVED R.S. Morse 89-121 a .+. H. ,r i, y _ L I ' D P 2 BEDROOMS X 150 GPD 300 GPD UNDER THE AUTHORITY OF A RESOLUTION �► Ilo� ,,; 0'I "` r ,r 1� ° .dry`'`'' 00 GPU X .80 WATER SAVER = 240 GPD ' .-� *' � _ 90 GPD/SF = 267 SF ADOPTED y-�. ` 9S BY THE PLANNING Town of Queensbur Count of Warren-State of New York ,. 11 3 .,; 5: �� /-Pm� --_--__-� __- --_�_ �F- W• �+ Y 6 BEDROOMS AT~150 GPD 900 GPD 1 ' ' *: ,t•� . "t • ; "'' 900 GPD X .80 WATER SAVER = 720 GPU USE BEDS 15 ' X 20' = 300 sF BOARD 0 THE T OF QUEENSBU, Y, NEW ', w� " � _ ,i ,?. 720 GPD + .90 GPD/SF 800 SF 10�1�]�,1�i�4r� l , P.C. t - AMENDED AREA: 25 X 30 r b ` '� (, Il ` .x ..-a�t USE BEDS 20' X 40' TOTAL PIPE IN BED: 60 FT. - YORK. '� , CNr IR`,A4;1. LOW1R Da AVE f "� r , ~ AMENDED AREA: 30' X 50' DATE SEALED _ ell' " ;,, BED: 160 LF 3 l�. -ry►� I9*ET /o o 199 _ TOTAL PIPE Ib HLY 12»9G4 'N, F' ) { F rt' '•� :7. t fir,�e J"-x- E A ,. _.. I s g S VI4d !01, Z° N III • • • • O • II 'il �,,�, N► 6c-ror • • • • � tD1 F��S ♦ ♦ ♦000 • • ' • 03�9l Z£•N O 1 O 00 -<�♦ 6 • • a E po. ♦ AL 4 • • • J�j� as L.zsoz `oz �i I Al ���! 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