1971-11-03 ..... . MEETING OF THE ~T~ BOARD OF THE TOWN OF ~ "1iSBURY HELD AT ,~ iHi QUEENSBURY TOWN OFFICE Bt~~ING Nov~mER 3, 1971 Presiding: Kushner Present: Kirkpatrick, Norton. Monahan, Sinnott Absent: Mellon Gues t: . Liapes . , **********1drlr1.'********~"***'¡(*************"J:o.k*~\'*********,k*********************** REGULAR SESSIQN 8:35 I" 17--71 - Woodbury Sub-division.E."Ctension of Woodlawn . Park " Tabled to review changes" 2. #9-71 - Dickinson, Churchill Rpad Development" 57'xlS7', lot for swimming only in join~ ownership on Lake.!> Motion by Norton :s.econded by Sinnott and carried to grant ,preliminary approval" ' . , . . 30 IIO-27-71Banta~ Cronin Road" Existing Sea Food Business, non-conforming use, wishes to expand for Beauty Salon; ICusbnerstated that tbis is for use variance whicb is not permitted by the ordinance" 40 Mi.nutés of last meeting approved. 5" Variance 1214 -,F~ieberger, Routes 9 "and. 149 - wishes signs without proper set-back" Motion by Kirkpatrick, .ècOnd,ed by H>nahan and carried to recommend disappr,oval as no ha~dsbip i.$ shown and can be located to conform" 6" Va:r;iance #215 - Lemery, Everts Avenue has 2. 10tJJ of record under 7S'" Pontiff and Mro. & Mr8" Lemery app,eared for tÞ.is,,, . Motion by Mpnahan, secondoo by Norton and carried 1:,0 rec.ømmend approval àstbewe are lots of record.. 7. Vari~nce #216 - Ca.le-Northway Plazat Quaker Road Signo Wes Turner appeared for this... Motion by Norton. seconded. by Sinnott and" caJ:Tied to recommend. disapproval as this ~an be located 80. ,as to conf07:lli tos!ze and set-back.. 80 Special Permit #28 - Travel Park~nd.Campsite. Route 149,' - O'Leary & Bacas app~red for thi~. Motion by' Sinnott, seconded by Kirkpatrick ~~d carried to . recommend approval 0 ..~. . 9" Nest: meeting December 1, 1971" '., ~~.: Adjoumed 9:10 p.m.. J 0 Arthur Norton, Secretary . JAN/pej