1971-11-16 t-' i..... LIMr£ED PLANNING ASS ISTANCE l'"ROORAM NOVEMBER 16. ·1971 QUEENSBtJRY TœN ~ICE BUILDING 'Yi,'~. IC~~r PRES'ENT : Planning Board - Kushner #, )bnaban, N~rton, Si11DOtt Town Board ... ~st1n. Demboski, Robillard, ..80101110U Planner -M1rphy , :~. O.P.S. - O'Dell '. ; . .. . ~ . . .', " ,'. .-' . XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX~XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I. . Solomon reviewed sewage and water dts·'tric'ta. Sewage ael:terally below Farm- Tò-Market R.oad, water .eventually ."e, areas. Northern "area wor'\( ~itb takt¡!Georgè Town and Vll1a¡e ,fot' 8ewag.~ Wetat' frO. ~.ke 0. ; ,~an takè care of one ar.ea now for water but plaft for reato ' ' 241 Present zoning .~rd1Dal\Ce ,:r8nec~' ....ter nen ,,-th~ ta not good.:"ahtntld show for next 5 years as to wbat can be ~ccOllpllshec.t~, ~,~eseÌlt Public with topo. and other bacqround to aho.w plauningbehi. .ZonJ.ngo " . . .".-' . . 3. Sub-div1.sion regulations and atnet, ..tanc1ards most needed by .tØWJ\<! Should have public ~1'D1 011 fiDal sub"'4ivis1oÞ p:1o;t between,prel1aainary and f~nal approval. 0, Final approval I~~' deY.lope~ risht,)~o file w1~h County Clerk and sell l~t~~, For ~ ~b-d1vl.ionreaulatlona - .J,lanning board holds public beartna and adopt thls.CI Town lo.rd adopt ·If no argument.. 4'i Concrete curb. for drainalêto C,reate neater effectt!-. No cu;rhs, create no me~s for l,a.n«l:, at stre.~ aidea . " " . , , . S. 10 toS acres (maybe comproDdse. '~ome)for II10Úntain and s,,$;Dp ar~.. where n~c:bat}ce of water o.r sewapbein¡ 'P.rØvl4ed,t can't _,ets.ub~division reg- Ulations or road grades.. Burd.n of PtOÞf OJ! develope.r'iti que~t1onable areas that he can provide proper deveJ~pment. 6. Hèalth department reqÍ1ires20.000 s,q~, it~.:·wqere no wst.er:or sew~8e, 15,900 sq. ft.. if water or sewage (60 min," soil). They revi. wl1en 5 or more lots ort fil~., ,< ,.. . . . 7. OUr priorities - Subdivision r~gulatlcmBt, r,evise.5i landusét, revised zoning ordinancé II ... . . .... .~, 80 Key gro,,,th to sy.s,t~ pro91dedoRe'tàl1 ,in o~rbu:l.lt,~stri41.: .by airport i.a good but needs dra:l.nage along Qua~er Ro..~ and Db .t\"ep.ue. Questioned tt,-4 by ~ity surrounded by M. and C.. Districtso ' 9.. Wèst Glens Falls area may be prepared - f~r ~nc1ustry wbete ~parsely' populated.. b:u~eJ::uet Sberman, Peggy Annare&8,~· Keep golf CDuraes.&s· open spaces ¡. Keep from land by low density.. County Extension Agent., be able to bel, thrôugh Agriculture p1strict Act,_ . . , 10~ Land without house is tax a.aetø 1/3 of town assessment 'fs' COØaercial and Indu$tria1 - this is rod ratioo No water to be provided Herthof Farm-To- 'Market Roader West 0 West Mountain Road.. .. . ,:". LIMITED PLANNING ASSISTANCE PROGRAM - continued -' Page 2 - lO-continued 0 o. . . Big ·Boom - .Wi1y small R zone? . . ,,' Quaker· Rè>'ád·should be 200' lotsmf~ ~··wlth quarter set-báêkS~' Note side bas tt,.OoW ð for wideningo .. ... .' . Sub-division regulations will be drafted by O'Dell and reViewed by, MUrphy 0 Then we review 0 .' ,,'.. . . . .: . . . . " . 11. Naxt'Dieetirtg Tué8day, January· Uj~::'l972:;oTo !nv:[te Flahe~ty,', Gà~b· and Liapes 0 .,..- . . . J 0 ;Arthur Norton, . ' , , Sec$tary·. .. Pt_ming 'BOiird' "'. ,':. r.. .'- :r' '. .. ~ :. . ~~_. '~ç'~ ,..; " '..1 f(' JAN/pej