1971-12-01 MEETING OF THE pr ~'ING BOARD OF THE TaJN OfJF. ENSBtJR~ HELD AT TRE~ENSBURY TOWN OFFICE BUILDiNG Dec.... It 1971 Presiding: Kusbner Present: 'Kirkpatrick~. Norton. Monahan. $l~ott , Absent: Mellon ¡ ¡ Guest: Liap~. .> .' . , ' /'......-- - -. -..--............. - -- .....'...;... - ----., -!'--- "---"'-~".{"'-"-'-~- -..'. -.. ...._-.....:. ..;.------'. - --------... ¡ t:! ....-- ..-_ -__._ ......... .......... ........ -,.----- .---- ..-- --.-_ -.. --~--...~-..... ~-.- --..._-~- -~ tI!I'-- -,~"_,_~_,, ----- UGVLAltME!TING' 8':45 .,' ',. '. 1" Expansion of non-ccmform1ø.g 'use, #11.-2'3-7'1 Waite I> Wi.héåi'to add,20'x40' .torage barn to ex1scing 20'x20' 8torage building", ~.o~: Waite ,appeared for t,biso This will be 75' frOlll, _r.,s~n~ighbor" Needlesà~.o.pi~ if 5œ 18 of all builcif.aas U8ed _d only Qce' added to.. l-bti~Ð' Nor~. seconded by Monahan. and carried to reè~ "approval subject tØ'øptrd,oD'~f the TOtfI't Attorney as ,to this sà~1.ft'" tit" orditlanceo ,', i . ' 2 () V.z.~8Î2l7 McLaUSblin & Oa..l,.:., ltt*t:e 9L.· Cley.rdaLr~':'>'JOÞ. ~ app~rØ·'·for .tbia,'" ·Portion o·f·~ld~ U8~ a. laUD*i'a:ô~:.ed over 18 _tbs...., r..t4UraI1t-wi.b to, u,:. /1. ,:µ'quor storeo T.......,. f..18 tbf.8 ~o't'b., used for residenc._· a¡'th,.' ',l,aUndry is 24 cl\ÐurtJud.aea.a ~... Motion by~. 88Cpnde4 by S1nnotÇ. an_cåp.,ied, to rec~,"£Mpprpval as,. #l.....·,.feel·tbi. 18 not a coa.~f.a~t1.ou'o~ .. exi.dN,;~~foradDg use as ,tþfs portion bas not beeD U8~ ·w1th~ 18 ~th. _t:Q f.~ ··nøt' sufficient evid~~e' ,of bardsbip ahøwn to lrapt ~e variance.o .',. ,~;.. . , . . .' .' . ,.. , 30 V~riance #219, - We.t Ibmtain Sa,lÞa., corinth Roado Wi.b' t~"'·r8llO\f. 4 old 8 ill and i~tall letter 8ip OD bu11d1Da". ,and a 6'x6' projeet1Dg. sip from ~11ding 0 labtipft by Utkpatrit:k, ,~ed b1: Silm9tt 811cI ea'rØed, to re~ I1PPrOval as we feel 'tb~8' will f.1Ip~vetþe td;t~,o . . ~ . , .:' ", .. t '.' :." ~.: . . 4 ø Var~~ce #218. - ~orriØaton Cons b'pC,tion.', ç~y- Off Ri._, Ìt,oad,· adjacent to Town Refuse Di8posa1 Areao Mo~.8:Ad Z01i app.rElClfor t;~iso .Tbey . wisb to pro,cess a~8vel on site" ,Pur~tta"ed ProP~f:1, b.,or.; th., 1mewthe town wished ,to buy it 0 Other grav.i. sr._ in operat:ioØ .in vicinity 0 Þbtion by Jobnaban, seconded by Norton andJ?,.,.q:-jed to reè~ approval with tbe further recODIIIICIQdat1oD tbatthe ~ be given .to tbe .town with any necessary easement retained by Torrington toreac,h th,e rest 'C)f the property 0 50 Next meeting January S~ 1971 Adjourned9:4S pòr40 J ",'. Arthur Norton, Seer..,. ¡ ': j